Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of WikiStart_old

01/16/13 16:09:43 (11 years ago)



  • WikiStart_old

    v22 v23  
    9090We are working with 4 kinds of branches:
    9191* master branch, called `master`.
    92 * stable branches, called `stable/<version>` (where versions are like `1.0`, `2.0`, etc.), and (as for `stable/1.0`) tagged as `stable/<version>.<release>` where the release is an integer that increments for each (couple of) merged bugfix(es). Stable branches are branched from master, and merged back to master whenever there is a new (set of) bugfix(es) to release.
    93 * bugfix branches, in which we have a branch for each bugfix, branched from a stable branch. These branches can be locally. The branches are called `<stable-branch>/bugfix/#>` where the hash-symbol is a number referring to the ticket of the bug-report.
     92* stable branches, called `stable/<version>` (where versions consist of 2 digits like `1.0`, `1.1`, `2.0`, etc.). Those stable branches are tagged whenever bugfixes are done for a bugfix-release. Those bugfix-releases (for example as for `stable/1.0`) are tagged as `stable/<version>.<patchlevel>`, where the patchlevel is an integer that increments for each (couple of) merged bugfix(es). Stable branches are branched from master, and merged back to master whenever it's tagged as a new bugfix-release.
     93* bugfix branches, in which we have a branch for each bugfix to patch, branched from a stable branch. These branches can be locally. The branches are called `<stable-branch>/bugfix/#>` where the hash-symbol is a number referring to the ticket of the bug-report.
    9494* feature branches, in which we have a branch for each new feature, branched from master. These branches can be locally, however can be public for collaboration-purposes as well. As a naming-convention we'll call these branches `master/feature/#`, where the hash-symbol is a number referring to the ticket for the feature.
     96So, we're using 2 or 3 numbers for versions, like `x.y[.z]`:
     97* `x` - major version number, only incremented when changes have been introduced that aren't compatible with earlier versions.
     98* `y` - minor version number, incremented when changes have been done for new features that are compatible with earlier versions.
     99* `z` - patchlevel, introduced when the first bugfix has been done on a stable branch, and incremented at each new bugfix-release.