200X-XX-XX * applied patch to support RFC 3676 (format=flowed), closes #94, #99 This patch adds a new option: reflow (default: False/0) Author: ben at fetchsoftworks dot com Applied by : Bas van der Vlies * Fixed a bug in reply_all option, closes #95 Reported by: gmcgrath at princeton dot edu Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Applied a patch for default values for custom ticket fields, closes #101 Author: ben at fetchsoftworks dot com Applied by: Bas van der Vlies 2008-10-13 * Fixed a bug in email_header formating. When an email2trac ticket was updated via the web interface it would trigger a description field update. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Reopen closed ticket if an update is received via email, closes #70 Requested by: Garrett McGrath gmcgrath add princeton dot edu Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * The [DEFAULT] section did not work any more due to change to internal trac parser, closes ticket #73 Reported by: email2trac at bulk dot squeakyblue dot com Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * black_list paramter must be comma-separated as mentioned in the documentation (#75) and removed the default value "MAILER-DAEMON@" (#74) Reported by: email2trac at bulk dot squeakyblue dot com Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * If a blank email is sent with just an attachment, a blank comment is appended to the comments. fixed closes #89 Reported/Fixed by: ??? Applied by: Bas van der Vlies * added white_list parameter. If set then only mail is accepted if sender matches. Author: Bas van der Vlies, jon dot wbstr at gmail dot com * added recipient_list parameter. If set then only mail is accepted if to-field matches. This only uses when people use a drop box to accept email for several email addresses, (closes #77) Author: Bas van der Vlies, jon dot wbstr at gmail dot com * alternate notify template did not work for trac version 0.11 (#90). Reported/Fixed by: hju at jochenkuhl dot de Applied by : Bas van der Vlies * added 'alternate_notify_template_update'. When set this notify template name will be used for ticket updates (#90). Author: Bas van der Vlies, hju at jochenkuhl dot de 2008-05-30 * Fixed debian control file. Package can be build on any platform and not only on i386 platforms: Author: Christian Iversen ci add sikkerhed dot org Applied by: Bas van der Vlies * We now use the trac configuration parser routine Author: andrei2102 add gmail dot com Applied by: Bas van der Vlies * Added new command line option -n/--dry-run. This option only show what commands will be executed. Author: Bas van der Vlies * the default values for tickets can now also be set in 'email2trac.conf'. So you can use different values when an email is converted to a ticket. The ticket value is set to this rules - email2trac.conf - trac.ini email2trac.conf use same format as trac.ini, eg email2trac.conf: [project] default_component : test closes request #55, for more info see: - https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/email2trac/wiki/Email2tracConfiguration Requested by: greg dot deakyne at etapestry dot com Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * Fixed a bug in ticket_update. It failed when project did not have ticket component field, closes bug #62 Reported by: gernot dot hillier add siemens dot com Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * run_email2trac.c: - can no longer segfault after a failed malloc. - after set*id failure, you'll get a diagnostic (or at least nonzero exit status) and it won't attempt the exec. Author: Jim Meyering jim add meyering dot net Applied by: Bas van der Vlies * Made some approvements to spam function: - If the he X-Spam-Score header is present, but has no value email2trac will crash, closes #63 - Added config option which header field we must check for determing if mail is Spam, eg: - spam_header : X-Spam-Level (default: X-Spam-Score) Author: email2trac at bulk dot squeakyblue dot com Applied by: Bas van der Vlies * black_list is now a configuration option and is used to deny email addesses, default value is: MAILER-DAEMON@ Can specifiy more then one email adress seperated by ',', eg: black_list : basv@sara.nl, walter@sara.nl closes #39, #56 Author: Bas van der Vlies * if mailto_link + german umlaut problem is fixed, closes #60 Reported by: alex at pirsig dot net Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies 2008-02-04 * Added version check and exit if we do not support the trac version closes bug #23 Reported By: Marc Zahnlecker m.zahnlecker at lxbyte dot de Fixed By: Bas van der Vlies * Added check if syslog module is available. If it is not available disable the syslog functionality. Author: michael.th add gmx dot net Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * Added strip_quotes function, default settings: strip_quotes: (default: 0) mail_quote: (default: "> ") Author: nicolasm @ opera dot com Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * Added patch to make notify email work with trac 0.11 dev. Author: tbaschak add ktc dot mb dot ca Author: andrei2102 add gmail dot com Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * greedy matching in Subject line, We must stop after the first ':' else we get wrong values for ticket fields when we update a ticket via mail, closes ticket #37 Reported by: dmaziuk at bmrb dot wisc dot edu Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * added IGNORECASE flag to regular expression for black list. This is a quick fix, still want to implement this as configuration option, closed bug #39 Reported By: jodok at lovelysystems dot com Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * When a known user mails a ticket. We will set the Reporter to its login name, closes bug #33, #41 Also add configuration option: ignore_trac_user_settings : 0 (default value) This option will skip the email address to trac user login name mapping. Reported by: anonymous Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * SPAM detection was only for new mails not for ticket updates, closed ticket #44 Reported by: Bas van der Vlies Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies 2007-07-18 * Implemented python_egg_cache environment variable. Some trac installations may depend on it, closes ticket #10, eg: python_egg_cache : /var/cache/eggcache Reported By: Anonymous Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * Implemented update ticket fields via email subject line, eg: Re: [email2trac] #7?owner=bas,priority=minor: Error in parsing - Sets the owner of the ticket to: bas - Sets the priority of the ticket to: minor For some ticket fields there are only a limited number of allowed values. The supplied value will be checked against this list. If it is not vaild value the field update will be ignored. Requested by : trac at yadan dotnet, Jan Parchmann, see ticket #7 Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * Dropped support for version trac version 0.8. Removed all 0.8 specific code. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Added a new config parameter: tmpdir: /var/tmp, default is '/tmp' All functions now use this new parameter and use OS independent path functions. Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * fixed and a creating directory problem email2trac.spec file Fixed by: artrus at netzero dot net * set_owner function is obsolete. When component is set the trac code will set the owner to the component owner. Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * Also show email headers in a ticket update. Requested by: Ramon Bastiaans Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * A date patch so it works with trac version 0.11 for ticket updates. Also applied for other trac versions. Thanks to: tbaschak at ktc dot mb dot ca 2007-04-27 * Added check to catch an error when attachment size is too large, bug #1153 Author: Bas van der Vlies * Wrap long line into user given length, use_textwrap: 72. Wraps lines greater then 72 chars, #1123 Author: Bas van der Vlies & Rainer Sokoll (r.sokoll at intershop dot de) * Fixed a dutch spelling, #1295 Author: Rainer Sokoll (r.sokoll at intershop dot de) * email2trac.py : blacklist (don't create ticket) mail from MAILER-DAEMON to avoid loops Author: Michel Jouvin * msg.bad.txt : add an example of message from MAILER-DAEMON Author: Michel Jouvin 2006-12-08 * email2trac.py: - Added verbatim_format option default is: 1 Added by : Bas van der Vlies - Added strip_signature option default is: 0 Added by : Bas van der Vlies - Fixed some unicode errors, thanks to japanes SPAM. If we can not unicode email message then display which charset must be installed in ticket description. Else we trac crashed with unicode errors ;-( Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies - Fixed statements: str + unicode, raises an exception if non-ascii value in unicode object. - Forgot to unicode the author. So we got an error if we use the mailto_link option in email2trac.conf. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * delete_spam.py: - Now works for version 0.10 with new API-functions Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Makefile.in - Added install-conf. Install email2trac.conf if there is none installed. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies 2006-10-27 * run_email2trac.c. - Setgid() must be called before setuid(). Reported by: Anonymous Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * email2trac.py, - Fixed an error in Ticket Update. When ticket does not exists, proceed as if it is a new ticket Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies - Fixed a strang bug in 0.9 version, if ticket update is enabled and email has attachment(s). We are not allowed to set the description and author field of the attachment else the comment text is lost ;-( Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies - Fixed an error if enable_syslog and drop_spam is set. We get an exception in the syslog if we use sys.exit(0), replaced by return. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * delete_spam.py. - Trac version 0.10 made it easier to delete tickets. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies 2006-10-10 * Fixed race conditions in delete_spam.py and added some debug code. Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * Added author and description field when attachment is added to ticket. This is for trac version greater than 0.8. Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies Thanks to Matthew Good for the hint * Added drop_spam option, default = 0. If set then mail marked as Spam is not accepted. Added by : Bas van der Vlies * Do not send notification if message is marked as Spam and drop_spam is not set. Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies 2006-10-02 * Fixes possible segmentation faults in run_email2trac.c Reported by: bcornec Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * Can set DEBUG level while configuring package, eg: DEBUG=1 ./configure ( default : 0) Reported by: syd at plug dot ca Fixed By : Bas van der Vlies * delete_spam.py did not delete everything from the SQL tables Reported by: brent at rcfile dot org Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies * Do not send notification when message is marked as Spam Fixed by : Bas van der Vlies 2006-08-28 * fixes an error in the 'reply_all' setting Thanks to and Patch by: ncarlson@ibsys.com * Added RPM spec file Thanks to: Jon Topper 2006-07-14 * Use X11R5 install-sh to install email2trac components to hide native install program differences. Author: Michel Jouvin * Fixed an error in saving attachments for new tickets for trac versions greater then 0.9. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * When something went wrong save the offending email for debug purposes. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * delete_spam.py - did not clean up the attachment table. So we got nasty new mails with fake attachments. - It works now for versions higher then 0.8 * Finally understand the unicode/encode functions and hopefully fixed the errors. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Remove the temporarly created attachment files. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies 2006-07-06 * Fixed an error in already added attachments. Do not close the database connection. Fixed by: Walter de Jong en Bas van der Vlies * Added enable_syslog option. If enabled log errors to syslog instead of stderr. If enabled no errors are send back to the user. Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies * Fixed an error with updating tickets with attachments for trac versions 0.9 and 0.10. Field "id" is not known when a existing ticket is fetched (Error = KeyError: 'id') Fixed By: See tickets #258 and #449 on trac-hacks * Fixed and spell error, self.mail_addr must be self.email_addr Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Catch a LookupError in unicode/encode conversion in function get_body_text() Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Description field was always changed when updating the ticket via the web. Asked the mailing list for a solution and got one ;-) Patch/Suggestion by: Christian Boos Applied by: Bas van der Vlies * Fixed an encoding problem when email_header is set to 1 Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Fixed a bug in to_unicode() function. Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Fixed an unicodedata.normalize TypeError bug for filenames in the attachment function Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies 2006-06-02 * Added ticketing merging. To enable it there are two options for both options enable 'ticket_update' in email2trac.conf 1 - Configure trac notification, eg: * (ticket address: ticket@test.nl) [notification] smtp_enabled = true smtp_always_cc = test@test.nl smtp_server = localhost smtp_from = ticket@test.nl always_notify_reporter = true 2 - Use the mailto_cc in email2trac.conf if you want to sent an email to the user and the trac ticket email address. With both options you get the right format of the subject line. * Use the short options for the install command. So it works for MacOSx Reported by: Nathaniel Irons. * Updated inline documentation by Nathaniel Irons. 2006-05-16 * Fixed a bug when there was no plain text body. Reported by: Greg Deakyne * Fixed a small bug if default component owner is unknown. Just fill in some bogus info. * Use the short options for the install command. So it works for MacOSx Reported by: Nathaniel Irons * Messages that has X-Virus-found in header are marked as SPAM Implemented by: Walter de Jong * Some modules are changed for version 0.10, Added and made some minor changes: Patch supplied by: Markus Tacker * Ported delete_spam.py to version 0.9 and higher: Reported by: Nathaniel Irons 2006-03-08 - Fixed an bug for 0.9, there was a space in front of the ' ticket' directory. removed it. Reported by: mi-trachacks@moensolutions.com Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * Fixed an exception error in delete_spam.py when shutil has not enough priveledges to remove the attachments it is reported Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies * email2trac.py: When you include the body tag, some mailers (like Thunderbird) will leave out the signature. Therefore this version leaves out the body tag. Fixed by: Walter de Jong * Added msg.txt for testing Fixed by: Bas van der Vlies 2006-02-01 Bas van der Vlies : * Added Tikcet notification, send email when there is a new ticket. Depends on notification setting in trac.ini. Implemented by: Kilian Cavalotti * Can use different template for ticket notification, eg: alternate_notify_template: "a_tkt.css" Implemented by: Kilian Cavalotti * Added reply_all config parameter. If set put all CC-addresses from orginal mail in ticket CC-field. Suggested by: Kilian Cavalotti * Text in ticket description is also properly UTF-8 encoded Implemented by: Kilian Cavalotti * Removed reply_address from config file. Is not necessary anymore. See Ticket notification. * Added support for known users. If email address is known then use the trac known username instead of the email-address (only for trac version > 0.9) Implemented by: Kilian Cavalotti * Fixed an error in saving attachments for version < 0.9. Sometimes we got bogus attachments. Fixed by: Walter de Jong * Added support to make an debian package Implemented by: Bas van der Vlies 2006-01-21 Bas van der Vlies : * Fixed run_email2trac.c, did not work * Added TRAC_SCRIPT_NAME to Makefile.in to solve run_email2trac problem Both errors reported by: kilian.cavalotti@lip6.fr 2006-01-20 Bas van der Vlies : * A warning error is fixed by kilian.cavalotti@lip6.fr * Several errors in make install ;-(, reported by tacker 2006-01-15 Bas van der Vlies : * Added configure script. 2006-01-10 Bas van der Vlies : * Removed project_root from source and config file * Adjust code so we can use mulitple stanza's in config file, eg: [bas] project: /data/trac/bas spam_level: 3 use option "-p|--project bas" to select the stanza 2006-01-04 Bas van der Vlies : * Fixed getopt for -f option * Added suppport for different TRAC versions (0.8 and 0.9) 2006-01-03 Michel Jouvin * email2trac.py (ReadConfig) : allow project name relative to project root in configuration file * email2trac.py (TicketEmailParser.parse): save entire email for debugging only if debug >= 2 * run_email2trac.c: pass wrapper arguments to Python script, filtering out --file * email2trac.py (TicketEmailParser.debug_attachments): set tmp file created for debugging writable by anybody (to avoid problem if the script is run with a different uid during tests) * email2trac.py (TicketEmailParser.parse): set tmp file created for debugging writable by anybody (to avoid problem if the script is run with a different uid during tests) 2005-12-22 Michel Jouvin * Makefile: add a Makefile to build and install email2trac * email2trac.py: migrate to Trac 0.9 API 2005-12-21 Michel Jouvin * run_email2trac.c: add error messages if DEBUG macro defined * run_email2trac.c: add error testing and specific return values for each error * run_email2trac.c: Move site specific paramaters to run_email2trac.h * run_email2trac.h: include file to define site specific paramaters 0.2.4 01/11/2005 Added email_header option if set then show TO/CC fields in description of the ticket. Fixed an error in the mailto URL. This was an old error that supposed to be fixed but reoccured in this version. 0.2.3 31/10/2005 Fixed a bug with base64 encoded attachments/emails Fixed by: Walter de Jong 0.2.2 10/10/2005 according to RFC 2368 (titled "the mailto URL scheme") the mailto URL can only work with short &body messages. It fails with long messages and the link won't work. Therefore the mail body is no longer copied into the mail reply. 0.2.1 10/07/2005 body of reply email looks better 0.2 10/07/2005 mailto is replaced by a html mailto to line. If you reply to the ticket via this link then an email client is started with some default values: To: Subject: Re: Body: email_comment email2trac.conf: email_comment: # (default: >)