#!@PYTHON@ # Copyright (C) 2002 # # This file is part of the email2trac utils # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # # For vi/emacs or other use tabstop=4 (vi: set ts=4) # """ email2trac.py -- Email -> TRAC tickets A MTA filter to create Trac tickets from inbound emails. first proof of concept from: Copyright 2005, Daniel Lundin Copyright 2005, Edgewall Software Authors: Bas van der Vlies Walter de Jong How to use ---------- * See https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/email2trac/ * Commandline opions: -h,--help -d, --debug -f,--file -n,--dry-run -p, --project -t, --ticket_prefix SVN Info: $Id: email2trac.py.in 563 2011-08-22 08:00:46Z bas $ """ import os import sys import string import getopt import time import email import email.Iterators import email.Header import re import urllib import unicodedata import mimetypes import traceback import logging import logging.handlers import UserDict import tempfile from datetime import timedelta, datetime from stat import * from trac import __version__ as trac_version from trac import config as trac_config ## Some global variables # m = None # This is to for the function AlwaysNotifyReporter sender_email = None class SaraDict(UserDict.UserDict): def __init__(self, dictin = None): UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self) self.name = None if dictin: if dictin.has_key('name'): self.name = dictin['name'] del dictin['name'] self.data = dictin def get_value(self, name): if self.has_key(name): return self[name] else: return None def __repr__(self): return repr(self.data) def __str__(self): return str(self.data) def __getattr__(self, name): """ override the class attribute get method. Return the value from the dictionary """ if self.data.has_key(name): return self.data[name] else: return None def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ override the class attribute set method only when the UserDict has set its class attribute """ if self.__dict__.has_key('data'): self.data[name] = value else: self.__dict__[name] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self.data.keys()) class TicketEmailParser(object): env = None comment = '> ' def __init__(self, env, parameters, logger, version): self.env = env # Database connection # self.db = None # Save parameters # self.parameters = parameters self.logger = logger # Some useful mail constants # self.email_name = None self.email_addr = None self.email_from = None self.author = None self.id = None self.STRIP_CONTENT_TYPES = list() ## fields properties via body_text # self.properties = dict() self.VERSION = version self.get_config = self.env.config.get ## init function ## # self.setup_parameters() def setup_parameters(self): if self.parameters.umask: os.umask(self.parameters.umask) if not self.parameters.spam_level: self.parameters.spam_level = 0 if not self.parameters.spam_header: self.parameters.spam_header = 'X-Spam-Score' if not self.parameters.email_quote: self.parameters.email_quote = '> ' if not self.parameters.ticket_update_by_subject_lookback: self.parameters.ticket_update_by_subject_lookback = 30 if self.parameters.verbatim_format == None: self.parameters.verbatim_format = 1 if self.parameters.reflow == None: self.parameters.reflow = 1 if self.parameters.binhex: self.STRIP_CONTENT_TYPES.append('application/mac-binhex40') if self.parameters.applesingle: self.STRIP_CONTENT_TYPES.append('application/applefile') if self.parameters.appledouble: self.STRIP_CONTENT_TYPES.append('application/applefile') if self.parameters.strip_content_types: items = self.parameters.strip_content_types.split(',') for item in items: self.STRIP_CONTENT_TYPES.append(item.strip()) if self.parameters.tmpdir: self.parameters.tmpdir = os.path.normcase(str(self.parameters['tmpdir'])) else: self.parameters.tmpdir = os.path.normcase('/tmp') if self.parameters.email_triggers_workflow == None: self.parameters.email_triggers_workflow = 1 if not self.parameters.subject_field_separator: self.parameters.subject_field_separator = '&' else: self.parameters.subject_field_separator = self.parameters.subject_field_separator.strip() self.trac_smtp_from = self.get_config('notification', 'smtp_from') self.smtp_default_domain = self.get_config('notification', 'smtp_default_domain') self.system = None ########## Email Header Functions ########################################################### def spam(self, message): """ # X-Spam-Score: *** (3.255) BAYES_50,DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL,HTML_ # Note if Spam_level then '*' are included """ spam = False if message.has_key(self.parameters.spam_header): spam_l = string.split(message[self.parameters.spam_header]) try: number = spam_l[0].count('*') except IndexError, detail: number = 0 if number >= self.parameters.spam_level: spam = True # treat virus mails as spam # elif message.has_key('X-Virus-found'): spam = True # How to handle SPAM messages # if self.parameters.drop_spam and spam: self.logger.info('Message is a SPAM. Automatic ticket insertion refused (SPAM level > %d)' %self.parameters.spam_level) return 'drop' elif spam: return 'Spam' else: return False def email_header_acl(self, keyword, header_field, default): """ This function wil check if the email address is allowed or denied to send mail to the ticket list """ self.logger.debug('function email_header_acl: %s' %keyword) try: mail_addresses = self.parameters[keyword] # Check if we have an empty string # if not mail_addresses: return default except KeyError, detail: self.logger.debug('%s not defined, all messages are allowed.' %(keyword)) return default mail_addresses = string.split(mail_addresses, ',') for entry in mail_addresses: entry = entry.strip() TO_RE = re.compile(entry, re.VERBOSE|re.IGNORECASE) result = TO_RE.search(header_field) if result: return True return False def email_header_txt(self, m): """ Display To and CC addresses in description field """ s = '' if m['To'] and len(m['To']) > 0: s = "'''To:''' %s\r\n" %(m['To']) if m['Cc'] and len(m['Cc']) > 0: s = "%s'''Cc:''' %s\r\n" % (s, m['Cc']) return self.email_to_unicode(s) def get_sender_info(self, message): """ Get the default author name and email address from the message """ self.email_to = self.email_to_unicode(message['to']) self.to_name, self.to_email_addr = email.Utils.parseaddr (self.email_to) self.email_from = self.email_to_unicode(message['from']) self.email_name, self.email_addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(self.email_from) ## Trac can not handle author's name that contains spaces # if self.email_addr.lower() == self.trac_smtp_from.lower(): if self.email_name: self.author = self.email_name else: self.author = "email2trac" else: self.author = self.email_addr if self.parameters.ignore_trac_user_settings: return # Is this a registered user, use email address as search key: # result: # u : login name # n : Name that the user has set in the settings tab # e : email address that the user has set in the settings tab # users = [ (u,n,e) for (u, n, e) in self.env.get_known_users(self.db) if ( (e and (e.lower() == self.email_addr.lower())) or (u.lower() + '@' + self.smtp_default_domain.lower() == self.email_addr.lower()) ) ] if len(users) >= 1: self.email_from = users[0][0] self.author = users[0][0] def set_reply_fields(self, ticket, message): """ Set all the right fields for a new ticket """ self.logger.debug('function set_reply_fields') ## Only use name or email adress # ticket['reporter'] = self.author # Put all CC-addresses in ticket CC field # if self.parameters.reply_all: email_cc = '' cc_addrs = email.Utils.getaddresses( message.get_all('cc', []) ) if not cc_addrs: return ## Build a list of forbidden CC addresses # #to_addrs = email.Utils.getaddresses( message.get_all('to', []) ) #to_list = list() #for n,e in to_addrs: # to_list.append(e) ## Always Remove reporter email address from cc-list # try: cc_addrs.remove((self.author, self.email_addr)) except ValueError, detail: pass for name,addr in cc_addrs: ## Prevent mail loop # if addr == self.trac_smtp_from: self.logger.debug("Skipping %s mail address for CC-field" %(addr)) continue if email_cc: email_cc = '%s, %s' %(email_cc, addr) else: email_cc = addr if email_cc: self.logger.debug('set_reply_fields: %s' %email_cc) ticket['cc'] = self.email_to_unicode(email_cc) ########## DEBUG functions ########################################################### def debug_body(self, message_body, temp_file): """ """ self.logger.debug('function debug_body:') body_file = "%s.body" %(temp_file) fx = open(body_file, 'wb') if self.parameters.dry_run: self.logger.info('DRY-RUN: not saving body to %s' %(body_file)) return self.logger.debug('writing body to %s' %(body_file)) if not message_body: message_body = '(None)' message_body = message_body.encode('utf-8') fx.write(message_body) fx.close() try: os.chmod(body_file,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) except OSError: pass def debug_attachments(self, message_parts, temp_file): """ """ self.logger.debug('function debug_attachments') n = 0 for item in message_parts: ## Skip inline text parts # if not isinstance(item, tuple): continue (original, filename, part) = item self.logger.debug('\t part%d: Content-Type: %s' % (n, part.get_content_type()) ) dummy_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) n = n + 1 part_name = 'part%d%s' %(n, ext) part_file = "%s.%s" %(temp_file, part_name) s = 'writing %s: filename: %s' %(part_file, filename) self.print_unicode(s) ## Forbidden chars, just write part files instead of names # #filename = filename.replace('\\', '_') #filename = filename.replace('/', '_') #filename = filename + '.att_email2trac' # part_file = os.path.join(self.parameters.tmpdir, filename) #part_file = util.text.unicode_quote(part_file) #self.print_unicode(part_file) if self.parameters.dry_run: self.logger.info('DRY_RUN: NOT saving attachments') continue fx = open(part_file, 'wb') text = part.get_payload(decode=1) if not text: text = '(None)' fx.write(text) fx.close() try: os.chmod(part_file,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) except OSError: pass def save_email_for_debug(self, message, project_name, create_tempfile=False): if self.parameters.dry_run: self.logger.debug('DRY_RUN: NOT saving email message') return if create_tempfile: (fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('.%s.email2trac' %project_name) fx = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') else: tmp_file = os.path.join(self.parameters.tmpdir, 'msg.%s.email2trac' %project_name) fx = open(tmp_file, 'wb') self.logger.debug('saving email to %s' %(tmp_file)) fx.write('%s' % message) fx.close() try: os.chmod(tmp_file, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) except OSError: pass message_parts = self.get_message_parts(message) message_parts = self.unique_attachment_names(message_parts) body_text = self.get_body_text(message_parts) self.debug_body(body_text, tmp_file) self.debug_attachments(message_parts, tmp_file) ########## Conversion functions ########################################################### def email_to_unicode(self, message_str): """ Email has 7 bit ASCII code, convert it to unicode with the charset that is encoded in 7-bit ASCII code and encode it as utf-8 so Trac understands it. """ self.logger.debug("function email_to_unicode") results = email.Header.decode_header(message_str) s = None for text,format in results: if format: try: temp = unicode(text, format) except UnicodeError, detail: # This always works # msg = 'ERROR: Could not find charset: %s, please install' %format self.logger.error(msg) temp = unicode(text, 'iso-8859-15') except LookupError, detail: msg = 'ERROR: Could not find charset: %s, please install' %format self.logger.error(msg) #temp = unicode(text, 'iso-8859-15') temp = message_str else: temp = string.strip(text) temp = unicode(text, 'iso-8859-15') if s: s = '%s %s' %(s, temp) else: s = '%s' %temp return s def str_to_dict(self, s): """ Transfrom a string of the form [=]+ to dict[] = """ self.logger.debug("function str_to_dict") fields = string.split(s, self.parameters.subject_field_separator) result = dict() for field in fields: try: index, value = string.split(field, '=') # We can not change the description of a ticket via the subject # line. The description is the body of the email # if index.lower() in ['description']: continue if value: result[index.lower()] = value except ValueError: pass return result def print_unicode(self,s): """ This function prints unicode strings if possible else it will quote it """ try: self.logger.debug(s) except UnicodeEncodeError, detail: self.logger.debug(util.text.unicode_quote(s)) def html_2_txt(self, data): """ Various routines to convert html syntax to valid trac wiki syntax """ self.logger.debug('function html_2_txt') ## This routine make an safe html that can be include # in trac, but no further text processing can be done # # try: # from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner # tags_rm = list() # tags_rm.append('body') # # cleaner = Cleaner(remove_tags=tags_rm ) # parsed_data = cleaner.clean_html(data) # parsed_data = '\n{{{\n#!html\n' + parsed_data + '\n}}}\n' # # return parsed_data # # except ImportError:: # pass parsed_data = None if self.parameters.html2text_cmd: (fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('email2trac.html') f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') cmd = '%s %s' %(self.parameters.html2text_cmd, tmp_file) self.logger.debug('\t html2text conversion %s'%(cmd)) if self.parameters.dry_run: self.logger.info('DRY_RUN: html2text conversion command: %s\n' %(cmd)) else: f.write(data) f.close() lines = os.popen(cmd).readlines() parsed_data = ''.join(lines) os.unlink(tmp_file) else: self.logger.debug('\t No html2text conversion tool specified in email2trac.conf') return parsed_data def check_filename_length(self, name): """ To bypass a bug in Trac check if the filename lenght is not larger then OS limit. yes : return truncated filename no : return unmodified filename """ self.logger.debug('function check_filename_length: ') if not name: return 'None' dummy_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(name) ## Trac uses this format # quote_format = util.text.unicode_quote(dummy_filename) ## Determine max filename lenght # filemax_length = os.pathconf('/', os.pathconf_names['PC_NAME_MAX']) if len(quote_format) <= filemax_length: return name else: ## Truncate file to filemax_length and reserve room for extension # We must break on a boundry # length = filemax_length - 6 for i in range(0,10): truncated = quote_format[ : (length - i)] try: unqoute_truncated = util.text.unicode_unquote(truncated) unqoute_truncated = unqoute_truncated + ext self.print_unicode('\t ' + unqoute_truncated) break except UnicodeDecodeError, detail: continue return unqoute_truncated ########## TRAC ticket functions ########################################################### def mail_workflow(self, tkt): """ """ self.logger.debug('function mail_workflow: ') req = Mock(authname=self.author, perm=MockPerm(), args={}) ticket_system = TicketSystem(self.env) try: workflow = self.parameters['workflow_%s' %tkt['status'].lower()] except KeyError: ## fallback for compability (Will be deprecated) # workflow can be none. # workflow = None if tkt['status'] in ['closed']: workflow = self.parameters.workflow if workflow: ## process all workflow implementations # tkt_module = TicketModule(self.env) field_changes, problems = tkt_module.get_ticket_changes(req, tkt, workflow) for field in field_changes.keys(): ## We have already processed these fields # if not field in ['summary', 'description']: s = 'workflow : %s, field %s : %s, by %s' \ %(workflow, field, field_changes[field]['new'],field_changes[field]['by'] ) self.logger.debug(s) tkt[field] = field_changes[field]['new'] return True else: return False def check_permission_participants(self, tkt, action): """ Check if the mailer is allowed to update the ticket """ self.logger.debug('function check_permission_participants %s') if tkt['reporter'].lower() in [self.author.lower(), self.email_addr.lower()]: self.logger.debug('ALLOW, %s is the ticket reporter' %(self.email_addr)) return True perm = PermissionSystem(self.env) if perm.check_permission(action, self.author): self.logger.debug('ALLOW, %s has trac permission to update the ticket' %(self.author)) return True # Is the updater in the CC? try: cc_list = tkt['cc'].split(',') for cc in cc_list: if self.email_addr.lower() in cc.lower.strip(): self.logger.debug('ALLOW, %s is in the CC' %(self.email_addr)) return True except KeyError: pass return False def check_permission(self, tkt, action): """ check if the reporter has the right permission for the action: - TICKET_CREATE - TICKET_MODIFY - TICKET_APPEND - TICKET_CHGPROP There are three models: - None : no checking at all - trac : check the permission via trac permission model - email2trac: .... """ self.logger.debug("function check_permission: %s" %(action)) if self.parameters.ticket_permission_system in ['trac']: perm = PermissionCache(self.env, self.author) if perm.has_permission(action): return True else: return False elif self.parameters.ticket_permission_system in ['update_restricted_to_participants']: return (self.check_permission_participants(tkt, action)) ## Default is to allow everybody ticket updates and ticket creation # else: return True def update_ticket_fields(self, ticket, user_dict, new=None): """ This will update the ticket fields. It will check if the given fields are known and if the right values are specified It will only update the ticket field value: - If the field is known - If the value supplied is valid for the ticket field. If not then there are two options: 1) Skip the value (new=None) 2) Set default value for field (new=1) """ self.logger.debug("function update_ticket_fields") ## Check only permission model on ticket updates # if not new: if self.parameters.ticket_permission_system: if not self.check_permission(ticket, 'TICKET_CHGPROP'): self.logger.info('Reporter: %s has no permission to change ticket properties' %self.author) return False ## Build a system dictionary from the ticket fields # with field as index and option as value # sys_dict = dict() for field in ticket.fields: try: sys_dict[field['name']] = field['options'] except KeyError: sys_dict[field['name']] = None pass ## Check user supplied fields an compare them with the # system one's # for field,value in user_dict.items(): s = 'user_field\t %s = %s' %(field,value) self.print_unicode(s) if not field in sys_dict.keys(): self.logger.debug('%s is not a valid field for tickets' %(field)) continue ## To prevent mail loop # if field == 'cc': cc_list = user_dict['cc'].split(',') if self.trac_smtp_from in cc_list: self.logger.debug('MAIL LOOP: %s is not allowed as CC address' %(self.trac_smtp_from)) cc_list.remove(self.trac_smtp_from) value = ','.join(cc_list) ## Check if every value is allowed for this field # if sys_dict[field]: if value in sys_dict[field]: ticket[field] = value else: ## Must we set a default if value is not allowed # if new: value = self.get_config('ticket', 'default_%s' %(field) ) else: ticket[field] = value s = 'ticket_field\t %s = %s' %(field, ticket[field]) self.print_unicode(s) def ticket_update(self, m, id, spam): """ If the current email is a reply to an existing ticket, this function will append the contents of this email to that ticket, instead of creating a new one. """ self.logger.debug("function ticket_update") if not self.parameters.ticket_update: self.logger.debug("ticket_update disabled") return False ## Must we update ticket fields # update_fields = dict() try: id, keywords = string.split(id, '?') update_fields = self.str_to_dict(keywords) ## Strip '#' # self.id = int(id[1:]) except ValueError: ## Strip '#' # self.id = int(id[1:]) self.logger.debug("ticket_update id %s" %id) ## When is the change committed # if self.VERSION < 0.11: when = int(time.time()) else: when = datetime.now(util.datefmt.utc) try: tkt = Ticket(self.env, self.id, self.db) except util.TracError, detail: ## Not a valid ticket # self.id = None return False ## Check the permission of the reporter # if self.parameters.ticket_permission_system: if not self.check_permission(tkt, 'TICKET_APPEND'): self.logger.info('Reporter: %s has no permission to add comments or attachments to tickets' %self.author) return False ## How many changes has this ticket # grouped = TicketModule(self.env).grouped_changelog_entries(tkt, self.db) cnum = sum(1 for e in grouped) + 1 ## reopen the ticket if it is was closed # We must use the ticket workflow framework # if self.parameters.email_triggers_workflow and (self.VERSION >= 0.11): if not self.mail_workflow(tkt): if tkt['status'] in ['closed']: tkt['status'] = 'reopened' tkt['resolution'] = '' ## Old pre 0.11 situation # elif self.parameters.email_triggers_workflow: self.logger.debug('email triggers workflow pre trac 0.11') if tkt['status'] in ['closed']: tkt['status'] = 'reopened' tkt['resolution'] = '' else: self.logger.debug('email triggers workflow disabled') ## Must we update some ticket fields properties via subject line # if update_fields: self.update_ticket_fields(tkt, update_fields) message_parts = self.get_message_parts(m) message_parts = self.unique_attachment_names(message_parts) ## Must we update some ticket fields properties via body_text # if self.properties: self.update_ticket_fields(tkt, self.properties) if self.parameters.email_header: message_parts.insert(0, self.email_header_txt(m)) body_text = self.get_body_text(message_parts) error_with_attachments = self.attach_attachments(message_parts) if body_text.strip() or update_fields or self.properties: if self.parameters.dry_run: s = 'DRY_RUN: tkt.save_changes(self.author, body_text, ticket_change_number) %s %s' %(self.author, cnum) self.logger.info(s) else: if error_with_attachments: body_text = '%s\\%s' %(error_with_attachments, body_text) self.logger.debug('tkt.save_changes(%s, %d)' %(self.author, cnum)) tkt.save_changes(self.author, body_text, when, None, str(cnum)) if not spam: self.notify(tkt, False, when) return True def set_ticket_fields(self, ticket): """ set the ticket fields to value specified - /etc/email2trac.conf with _ - trac default values, trac.ini """ self.logger.debug('function set_ticket_fields') user_dict = dict() for field in ticket.fields: name = field['name'] ## default trac value # if not field.get('custom'): value = self.get_config('ticket', 'default_%s' %(name) ) if (name in ['resolution']) and (value in ['fixed']): value = None else: ## Else get the default value for reporter # value = field.get('value') options = field.get('options') if value and options and (value not in options): value = options[int(value)] s = 'trac[%s] = %s' %(name, value) self.print_unicode(s) ## email2trac.conf settings # prefix = self.parameters.ticket_prefix try: value = self.parameters['%s_%s' %(prefix, name)] s = 'email2trac[%s] = %s ' %(name, value) self.print_unicode(s) except KeyError, detail: pass if value: user_dict[name] = value s = 'used %s = %s' %(name, value) self.print_unicode(s) self.update_ticket_fields(ticket, user_dict, new=1) if 'status' not in user_dict.keys(): ticket['status'] = 'new' def ticket_update_by_subject(self, subject): """ This list of Re: prefixes is probably incomplete. Taken from wikipedia. Here is how the subject is matched - Re: - Re: (:)+ So we must have the last column """ self.logger.debug('function ticket_update_by_subject') found_id = None if self.parameters.ticket_update and self.parameters.ticket_update_by_subject: SUBJECT_RE = re.compile(r'^(?:(?:RE|AW|VS|SV|FW|FWD):\s*)+(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) result = SUBJECT_RE.search(subject) if result: ## This is a reply # orig_subject = result.group(1) self.logger.debug('subject search string: %s' %(orig_subject)) cursor = self.db.cursor() summaries = [orig_subject, '%%: %s' % orig_subject] ## Time resolution is in micoseconds # search_date = datetime.now(util.datefmt.utc) - timedelta(days=self.parameters.ticket_update_by_subject_lookback) if self.VERSION < 0.12: lookback = util.datefmt.to_timestamp(search_date) else: lookback = util.datefmt.to_utimestamp(search_date) for summary in summaries: self.logger.debug('Looking for summary matching: "%s"' % summary) sql = """SELECT id, reporter FROM ticket WHERE changetime >= %s AND summary LIKE %s ORDER BY changetime DESC""" cursor.execute(sql, [lookback, summary.strip()]) for row in cursor: (matched_id, sql_reporter) = row ## Save first entry. # if not found_id: found_id = matched_id ## If subject and reporter are the same. The we certainly have found the right ticket # if sql_reporter == self.author: self.logger.debug('Found matching reporter: %s with ticket id: %d' %(sql_reporter, matched_id)) found_id = matched_id break if found_id: self.logger.debug('Found matching ticket id: %d' % found_id) found_id = '#%d' % found_id return (found_id, orig_subject) # obsolete !?? 12 Aug 2011 #subject = orig_subject return (found_id, subject) def new_ticket(self, msg, subject, spam, set_fields = None): """ Create a new ticket """ self.logger.debug('function new_ticket') tkt = Ticket(self.env) self.set_reply_fields(tkt, msg) self.set_ticket_fields(tkt) ## Check the permission of the reporter # if self.parameters.ticket_permission_system: if not self.check_permission(tkt, 'TICKET_CREATE'): self.logger.info('Reporter: %s has no permission to create tickets' %self.author) return False ## Old style setting for component, will be removed # if spam: tkt['component'] = 'Spam' elif self.parameters.has_key('component'): tkt['component'] = self.parameters['component'] if not msg['Subject']: tkt['summary'] = u'(No subject)' else: tkt['summary'] = subject if set_fields: rest, keywords = string.split(set_fields, '?') if keywords: update_fields = self.str_to_dict(keywords) self.update_ticket_fields(tkt, update_fields) message_parts = self.get_message_parts(msg) ## Must we update some ticket fields properties via body_text # if self.properties: self.update_ticket_fields(tkt, self.properties) message_parts = self.unique_attachment_names(message_parts) ## produce e-mail like header # head = '' if self.parameters.email_header: head = self.email_header_txt(msg) message_parts.insert(0, head) body_text = self.get_body_text(message_parts) tkt['description'] = body_text ## When is the change committed # if self.VERSION < 0.11: when = int(time.time()) else: when = datetime.now(util.datefmt.utc) if self.parameters.dry_run: self.logger.info('DRY_RUN: tkt.insert()') else: self.id = tkt.insert() changed = False comment = '' ## some routines in trac are dependend on ticket id # like alternate notify template # if self.parameters.alternate_notify_template: tkt['id'] = self.id changed = True ## Rewrite the description if we have mailto enabled # if self.parameters.mailto_link: changed = True comment = u'\nadded mailto line\n' mailto = self.html_mailto_link( m['Subject']) tkt['description'] = u'%s\r\n%s%s\r\n' \ %(head, mailto, body_text) ## Save the attachments to the ticket # error_with_attachments = self.attach_attachments(message_parts) if error_with_attachments: changed = True comment = '%s\n%s\n' %(comment, error_with_attachments) if self.parameters.email_triggers_workflow and (self.VERSION >= 0.11): if self.mail_workflow(tkt): changed = True if changed: if self.parameters.dry_run: s = 'DRY_RUN: tkt.save_changes(%s, comment) real reporter = %s' %( tkt['reporter'], self.author) self.logger.info(s) else: tkt.save_changes(tkt['reporter'], comment) if not spam: self.notify(tkt, True) def attach_attachments(self, message_parts, update=False): ''' save any attachments as files in the ticket's directory ''' self.logger.debug('function attach_attachments()') if self.parameters.dry_run: self.logger.debug("DRY_RUN: no attachments attached to tickets") return '' count = 0 ## Get Maxium attachment size # max_size = int(self.get_config('attachment', 'max_size')) status = None for item in message_parts: ## Skip body parts # if not isinstance(item, tuple): continue (original, filename, part) = item ## We have to determine the size so we use this temporary solution. # path, fd = util.create_unique_file(os.path.join(self.parameters.tmpdir, 'email2trac_tmp.att')) text = part.get_payload(decode=1) if not text: text = '(None)' fd.write(text) fd.close() ## get the file_size # stats = os.lstat(path) file_size = stats[ST_SIZE] ## Check if the attachment size is allowed # if (max_size != -1) and (file_size > max_size): status = '%s\nFile %s is larger then allowed attachment size (%d > %d)\n\n' \ %(status, original, file_size, max_size) os.unlink(path) continue else: count = count + 1 ## Insert the attachment # fd = open(path, 'rb') if self.system == 'discussion': att = attachment.Attachment(self.env, 'discussion', 'topic/%s' % (self.id,)) else: s = 'Attach %s to ticket %d' %(filename, self.id) self.print_unicode(s) att = attachment.Attachment(self.env, 'ticket', self.id) ## This will break the ticket_update system, the body_text is vaporized # ;-( # if not update: att.author = self.author att.description = self.email_to_unicode('Added by email2trac') try: self.logger.debug('Insert atachment') att.insert(filename, fd, file_size) except OSError, detail: self.logger.info('%s\nFilename %s could not be saved, problem: %s' %(status, filename, detail)) status = '%s\nFilename %s could not be saved, problem: %s' %(status, filename, detail) ## Remove the created temporary filename # fd.close() os.unlink(path) ## return error # return status ########## Fullblog functions ################################################# def blog(self, id): """ The blog create/update function """ ## import the modules # from tracfullblog.core import FullBlogCore from tracfullblog.model import BlogPost, BlogComment ## instantiate blog core # blog = FullBlogCore(self.env) req = Mock(authname='anonymous', perm=MockPerm(), args={}) if id: ## update blog # comment = BlogComment(self.env, id) comment.author = self.author message_parts = self.get_message_parts(m) comment.comment = self.get_body_text(message_parts) blog.create_comment(req, comment) else: ## create blog # import time post = BlogPost(self.env, 'blog_'+time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.gmtime())) #post = BlogPost(self.env, blog._get_default_postname(self.env)) post.author = self.author post.title = self.email_to_unicode(m['Subject']) message_parts = self.get_message_parts(m) post.body = self.get_body_text(message_parts) blog.create_post(req, post, self.author, u'Created by email2trac', False) ########## Discussion functions ############################################## def discussion_topic(self, content, subject): ## Import modules. # from tracdiscussion.api import DiscussionApi from trac.util.datefmt import to_timestamp, utc self.logger.debug('Creating a new topic in forum:', self.id) ## Get dissussion API component. # api = self.env[DiscussionApi] context = self._create_context(content, subject) ## Get forum for new topic. # forum = api.get_forum(context, self.id) if not forum: self.logger.error("ERROR: Replied forum doesn't exist") ## Prepare topic. # topic = {'forum' : forum['id'], 'subject' : context.subject, 'time': to_timestamp(datetime.now(utc)), 'author' : self.author, 'subscribers' : [self.email_addr], 'body' : self.get_body_text(context.content_parts)} ## Add topic to DB and commit it. # self._add_topic(api, context, topic) self.db.commit() def discussion_topic_reply(self, content, subject): ## Import modules. # from tracdiscussion.api import DiscussionApi from trac.util.datefmt import to_timestamp, utc self.logger.debug('Replying to discussion topic', self.id) ## Get dissussion API component. # api = self.env[DiscussionApi] context = self._create_context(content, subject) ## Get replied topic. # topic = api.get_topic(context, self.id) if not topic: self.logger.error("ERROR: Replied topic doesn't exist") ## Prepare message. # message = {'forum' : topic['forum'], 'topic' : topic['id'], 'replyto' : -1, 'time' : to_timestamp(datetime.now(utc)), 'author' : self.author, 'body' : self.get_body_text(context.content_parts)} ## Add message to DB and commit it. # self._add_message(api, context, message) self.db.commit() def discussion_message_reply(self, content, subject): ## Import modules. # from tracdiscussion.api import DiscussionApi from trac.util.datefmt import to_timestamp, utc self.logger.debug('Replying to discussion message', self.id) ## Get dissussion API component. # api = self.env[DiscussionApi] context = self._create_context(content, subject) ## Get replied message. # message = api.get_message(context, self.id) if not message: self.logger.error("ERROR: Replied message doesn't exist") ## Prepare message. # message = {'forum' : message['forum'], 'topic' : message['topic'], 'replyto' : message['id'], 'time' : to_timestamp(datetime.now(utc)), 'author' : self.author, 'body' : self.get_body_text(context.content_parts)} ## Add message to DB and commit it. # self._add_message(api, context, message) self.db.commit() def _create_context(self, content, subject): ## Import modules. # from trac.mimeview import Context from trac.web.api import Request from trac.perm import PermissionCache ## TODO: Read server base URL from config. # Create request object to mockup context creation. # environ = {'SERVER_PORT' : 80, 'SERVER_NAME' : 'test', 'REQUEST_METHOD' : 'POST', 'wsgi.url_scheme' : 'http', 'wsgi.input' : sys.stdin} chrome = {'links': {}, 'scripts': [], 'ctxtnav': [], 'warnings': [], 'notices': []} if self.env.base_url_for_redirect: environ['trac.base_url'] = self.env.base_url req = Request(environ, None) req.chrome = chrome req.tz = 'missing' req.authname = self.author req.perm = PermissionCache(self.env, self.author) req.locale = None ## Create and return context. # context = Context.from_request(req) context.realm = 'discussion-email2trac' context.cursor = self.db.cursor() context.content = content context.subject = subject ## Read content parts from content. # context.content_parts = self.get_message_parts(content) context.content_parts = self.unique_attachment_names( context.content_parts) return context def _add_topic(self, api, context, topic): context.req.perm.assert_permission('DISCUSSION_APPEND') ## Filter topic. # for discussion_filter in api.discussion_filters: accept, topic_or_error = discussion_filter.filter_topic( context, topic) if accept: topic = topic_or_error else: raise TracError(topic_or_error) ## Add a new topic. # api.add_topic(context, topic) ## Get inserted topic with new ID. # topic = api.get_topic_by_time(context, topic['time']) ## Attach attachments. # self.id = topic['id'] self.attach_attachments(context.content_parts, True) ## Notify change listeners. # for listener in api.topic_change_listeners: listener.topic_created(context, topic) def _add_message(self, api, context, message): context.req.perm.assert_permission('DISCUSSION_APPEND') ## Filter message. # for discussion_filter in api.discussion_filters: accept, message_or_error = discussion_filter.filter_message( context, message) if accept: message = message_or_error else: raise TracError(message_or_error) ## Add message. # api.add_message(context, message) ## Get inserted message with new ID. # message = api.get_message_by_time(context, message['time']) ## Attach attachments. # self.attach_attachments(context.content_parts, True) ## Notify change listeners. # for listener in api.message_change_listeners: listener.message_created(context, message) ########## MAIN function ###################################################### def parse(self, fp): """ """ self.logger.debug('Main function parse') global m m = email.message_from_file(fp) if not m: self.logger.debug('This is not a valid email message format') return ## Work around lack of header folding in Python; see http://bugs.python.org/issue4696 # try: m.replace_header('Subject', m['Subject'].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')) except AttributeError, detail: pass if self.parameters.debug: # save the entire e-mail message text self.save_email_for_debug(m, self.parameters.project_name, True) self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx() self.get_sender_info(m) if not self.email_header_acl('white_list', self.email_addr, True): self.logger.info('Message rejected : %s not in white list' %(self.email_addr)) return False if self.email_header_acl('black_list', self.email_addr, False): self.logger.info('Message rejected : %s in black list' %(self.email_addr)) return False if not self.email_header_acl('recipient_list', self.to_email_addr, True): self.logger.info('Message rejected : %s not in recipient list' %(self.to_email_addr)) return False ## If spam drop the message # if self.spam(m) == 'drop': return False elif self.spam(m) == 'spam': spam_msg = True else: spam_msg = False if not m['Subject']: subject = 'No Subject' else: ## Bug in python logging module <2.6 #subject = self.email_to_unicode(m['Subject']) subject = repr(m['Subject']) self.logger.info('subject: %s' %subject) ## [hic] #1529: Re: LRZ # [hic] #1529?owner=bas,priority=medium: Re: LRZ # ticket_regex = r''' (?P[#][?].*) |(?P(?P[#][\d]+)(?P\?.*)?:) ''' ## Check if FullBlogPlugin is installed # blog_enabled = None blog_regex = '' if self.get_config('components', 'tracfullblog.*') in ['enabled']: self.logger.debug('Trac BLOG support enabled') blog_enabled = True blog_regex = '''|(?Pblog:(?P\w*))''' ## Check if DiscussionPlugin is installed # discussion_enabled = None discussion_regex = '' if self.get_config('components', 'tracdiscussion.api.discussionapi') in ['enabled']: self.logger.debug('Trac Discussion support enabled') discussion_enabled = True discussion_regex = r''' |(?PForum[ ][#](?P\d+)[ ]-[ ]?) |(?PTopic[ ][#](?P\d+)[ ]-[ ]?) |(?PMessage[ ][#](?P\d+)[ ]-[ ]?) ''' regex_str = ticket_regex + blog_regex + discussion_regex SYSTEM_RE = re.compile(regex_str, re.VERBOSE) ## Find out if this is a ticket, a blog or a discussion # result = SYSTEM_RE.search(subject) if result: ## update ticket + fields # if result.group('reply'): self.system = 'ticket' ## Skip the last ':' character # if not self.ticket_update(m, result.group('reply')[:-1], spam_msg): self.new_ticket(m, subject, spam_msg) ## New ticket + fields # elif result.group('new_fields'): self.system = 'ticket' self.new_ticket(m, subject[:result.start('new_fields')], spam_msg, result.group('new_fields')) if blog_enabled: if result.group('blog'): self.system = 'blog' self.blog(result.group('blog_id')) if discussion_enabled: ## New topic. # if result.group('forum'): self.system = 'discussion' self.id = int(result.group('forum_id')) self.discussion_topic(m, subject[result.end('forum'):]) ## Reply to topic. # elif result.group('topic'): self.system = 'discussion' self.id = int(result.group('topic_id')) self.discussion_topic_reply(m, subject[result.end('topic'):]) ## Reply to topic message. # elif result.group('message'): self.system = 'discussion' self.id = int(result.group('message_id')) self.discussion_message_reply(m, subject[result.end('message'):]) else: self.system = 'ticket' (matched_id, subject) = self.ticket_update_by_subject(subject) if matched_id: if not self.ticket_update(m, matched_id, spam_msg): self.new_ticket(m, subject, spam_msg) else: ## No update by subject, so just create a new ticket # self.new_ticket(m, subject, spam_msg) ########## BODY TEXT functions ########################################################### def strip_signature(self, text): """ Strip signature from message, inspired by Mailman software """ self.logger.debug('function strip_signature') body = [] for line in text.splitlines(): if line == '-- ': break body.append(line) return ('\n'.join(body)) def reflow(self, text, delsp = 0): """ Reflow the message based on the format="flowed" specification (RFC 3676) """ flowedlines = [] quotelevel = 0 prevflowed = 0 for line in text.splitlines(): from re import match ## Figure out the quote level and the content of the current line # m = match('(>*)( ?)(.*)', line) linequotelevel = len(m.group(1)) line = m.group(3) ## Determine whether this line is flowed # if line and line != '-- ' and line[-1] == ' ': flowed = 1 else: flowed = 0 if flowed and delsp and line and line[-1] == ' ': line = line[:-1] ## If the previous line is flowed, append this line to it # if prevflowed and line != '-- ' and linequotelevel == quotelevel: flowedlines[-1] += line ## Otherwise, start a new line # else: flowedlines.append('>' * linequotelevel + line) prevflowed = flowed return '\n'.join(flowedlines) def strip_quotes(self, text): """ Strip quotes from message by Nicolas Mendoza """ self.logger.debug('function strip_quotes') body = [] for line in text.splitlines(): try: if line.startswith(self.parameters.email_quote): continue except UnicodeDecodeError: tmp_line = self.email_to_unicode(line) if tmp_line.startswith(self.parameters.email_quote): continue body.append(line) return ('\n'.join(body)) def inline_properties(self, text): """ Parse text if we use inline keywords to set ticket fields """ self.logger.debug('function inline_properties') properties = dict() body = list() INLINE_EXP = re.compile('\s*[@]\s*(\w+)\s*:(.*)$') for line in text.splitlines(): match = INLINE_EXP.match(line) if match: keyword, value = match.groups() if self.parameters.inline_properties_first_wins: if keyword in self.properties.keys(): continue self.properties[keyword] = value.strip() self.logger.debug('\tinline properties: %s : %s' %(keyword,value)) else: body.append(line) return '\n'.join(body) def wrap_text(self, text, replace_whitespace = False): """ Will break a lines longer then given length into several small lines of size given length """ import textwrap LINESEPARATOR = '\n' reformat = '' for s in text.split(LINESEPARATOR): tmp = textwrap.fill(s, self.parameters.use_textwrap) if tmp: reformat = '%s\n%s' %(reformat,tmp) else: reformat = '%s\n' %reformat return reformat # Python2.4 and higher # #return LINESEPARATOR.join(textwrap.fill(s,width) for s in str.split(LINESEPARATOR)) # ########## EMAIL attachements functions ########################################################### def inline_part(self, part): """ """ self.logger.debug('function inline_part()') return part.get_param('inline', None, 'Content-Disposition') == '' or not part.has_key('Content-Disposition') def get_message_parts(self, msg): """ parses the email message and returns a list of body parts and attachments body parts are returned as strings, attachments are returned as tuples of (filename, Message object) """ self.logger.debug('function get_message_parts()') message_parts = list() ALTERNATIVE_MULTIPART = False for part in msg.walk(): content_maintype = part.get_content_maintype() content_type = part.get_content_type() self.logger.debug('\t Message part: Main-Type: %s' % content_maintype) self.logger.debug('\t Message part: Content-Type: %s' % content_type) ## Check content type # if content_type in self.STRIP_CONTENT_TYPES: self.logger.debug("\t A %s attachment named '%s' was skipped" %(content_type, part.get_filename())) continue ## Catch some mulitpart execptions # if content_type == 'multipart/alternative': ALTERNATIVE_MULTIPART = True continue ## Skip multipart containers # if content_maintype == 'multipart': self.logger.debug("\t Skipping multipart container") continue ## Check if this is an inline part. It's inline if there is co Cont-Disp header, or if there is one and it says "inline" # inline = self.inline_part(part) ## Drop HTML message # if ALTERNATIVE_MULTIPART and self.parameters.drop_alternative_html_version: if content_type == 'text/html': self.logger.debug('\t Skipping alternative HTML message') ALTERNATIVE_MULTIPART = False continue ## Save all non plain text message as attachment # if not content_type in ['text/plain']: filename = part.get_filename() s = '\t unicode filename: %s' %(filename) self.print_unicode(s) self.logger.debug('\t raw filename: %s' %repr(filename)) # 11 Aug 2011 -> Obsolete code ## First try to use email header function to convert filename. # If this fails the use the plain filename # #name = part.get_filename() #try: # print repr(name), len(name) # filename = self.email_to_unicode(part.get_filename()) # print "Bas: ", repr(filename), len(filename) #except UnicodeEncodeError, detail: # print "Bas", repr(detail) # filename = part.get_filename() message_parts.append( (self.check_filename_length(filename), part) ) ## We van only convert html messages # if not content_type == 'text/html': self.logger.debug('\t Appending content_type = %s' %(content_type)) continue if not inline: self.logger.debug('\t Skipping %s, not an inline messsage part' %(content_type)) continue ## Try to decode message part. We have a html or plain text messafe # body_text = part.get_payload(decode=1) if not body_text: body_text = part.get_payload(decode=0) ## Try to convert html message # if content_type == 'text/html': body_text = self.html_2_txt(body_text) if not body_text: continue format = email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(part.get_param('Format', 'fixed')).lower() delsp = email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(part.get_param('DelSp', 'no')).lower() if self.parameters.reflow and not self.parameters.verbatim_format and format == 'flowed': body_text = self.reflow(body_text, delsp == 'yes') if self.parameters.strip_signature: body_text = self.strip_signature(body_text) if self.parameters.strip_quotes: body_text = self.strip_quotes(body_text) if self.parameters.inline_properties: body_text = self.inline_properties(body_text) if self.parameters.use_textwrap: body_text = self.wrap_text(body_text) ## Get contents charset (iso-8859-15 if not defined in mail headers) # charset = part.get_content_charset() if not charset: charset = 'iso-8859-15' try: ubody_text = unicode(body_text, charset) except UnicodeError, detail: ubody_text = unicode(body_text, 'iso-8859-15') except LookupError, detail: ubody_text = 'ERROR: Could not find charset: %s, please install' %(charset) if self.parameters.verbatim_format: message_parts.append('{{{\r\n%s\r\n}}}' %ubody_text) else: message_parts.append('%s' %ubody_text) return message_parts def unique_attachment_names(self, message_parts): """ Make sure we have unique names attachments: - check if it contains illegal characters - Rename "None" filenames to "untitled-part" """ self.logger.debug('function unique_attachment_names()') renamed_parts = [] attachment_names = set() for item in message_parts: ## If not an attachment, leave it alone # if not isinstance(item, tuple): renamed_parts.append(item) continue (filename, part) = item ## If filename = None, use a default one # if filename in [ 'None']: filename = 'untitled-part' self.logger.info('\t Rename filename "None" to: %s' %filename) ## Guess the extension from the content type, use non strict mode # some additional non-standard but commonly used MIME types # are also recognized # ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(part.get_content_type(), False) if not ext: ext = '.bin' filename = '%s%s' % (filename, ext) ## Discard relative paths for windows/unix in attachment names # filename = filename.replace('\\', '_') filename = filename.replace('/', '_') ## remove linefeed char # for forbidden_char in ['\r', '\n']: filename = filename.replace(forbidden_char,'') ## We try to normalize the filename to utf-8 NFC if we can. # Files uploaded from OS X might be in NFD. # Check python version and then try it # #if sys.version_info[0] > 2 or (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 3): # try: # filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode(filename, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8') # except TypeError: # pass ## Make the filename unique for this ticket # num = 0 unique_filename = filename dummy_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) while (unique_filename in attachment_names) or self.attachment_exists(unique_filename): num += 1 unique_filename = "%s-%s%s" % (dummy_filename, num, ext) s = '\t Attachment with filename %s will be saved as %s' % (filename, unique_filename) self.print_unicode(s) attachment_names.add(unique_filename) renamed_parts.append((filename, unique_filename, part)) return renamed_parts def attachment_exists(self, filename): self.logger.debug("function attachment_exists") s = '\t check if attachment already exists: Id : %s, Filename : %s' %(self.id, filename) self.print_unicode(s) ## Do we have a valid ticket id # if not self.id: return False try: if self.system == 'discussion': att = attachment.Attachment(self.env, 'discussion', 'ticket/%s' % (self.id,), filename) else: att = attachment.Attachment(self.env, 'ticket', self.id, filename) return True except attachment.ResourceNotFound: return False ########## TRAC Ticket Text ########################################################### def get_body_text(self, message_parts): """ """ self.logger.debug('function get_body_text()') body_text = [] for part in message_parts: ## Plain text part, append it # if not isinstance(part, tuple): body_text.extend(part.strip().splitlines()) body_text.append("") continue (original, filename, part) = part inline = self.inline_part(part) ## Skip generation of attachment link if html is converted to text # if part.get_content_type() == 'text/html' and self.parameters.html2text_cmd and inline: s = 'Skipping attachment link for html part: %s' %(filename) self.print_unicode(s) continue if part.get_content_maintype() == 'image' and inline: if self.system != 'discussion': s = 'wiki image link for: %s' %(filename) self.print_unicode(s) body_text.append('[[Image(%s)]]' % filename) body_text.append("") else: if self.system != 'discussion': s = 'wiki attachment link for: %s' %(filename) self.print_unicode(s) body_text.append('[attachment:"%s"]' % filename) body_text.append("") ## Convert list body_texts to string # body_text = '\r\n'.join(body_text) return body_text def html_mailto_link(self, subject): """ This function returns a HTML mailto tag with the ticket id and author email address """ self.logger.debug("function html_mailto_link") if not self.author: author = self.email_addr else: author = self.author if not self.parameters.mailto_cc: self.parameters.mailto_cc = '' ## use urllib to escape the chars # s = '%s?Subject=%s&cc=%s' %( urllib.quote(self.email_addr), urllib.quote('Re: #%s: %s' %(self.id, subject)), urllib.quote(self.parameters.mailto_cc) ) if self.VERSION in [ 0.10 ]: s = '\r\n{{{\r\n#!html\r\nReply to: %s\r\n\r\n}}}\r\n' %(s, author) else: s = '[mailto:"%s" Reply to: %s]' %(s, author) self.logger.debug("\tmailto link %s" %s) return s ########## TRAC notify section ########################################################### def notify(self, tkt, new=True, modtime=0): """ A wrapper for the TRAC notify function. So we can use templates """ self.logger.debug('function notify()') if self.parameters.notify_reporter: self.logger.debug('\t Notify reporter set') global sender_email sender_email = self.email_addr self.logger.debug('\t Using Email2TracNotification function AlwaysNotifyReporter') import trac.notification as Email2TracNotification Email2TracNotification.Notify.notify = AlwaysNotifyReporter if self.parameters.dry_run : self.logger.info('DRY_RUN: self.notify(tkt, True) reporter = %s' %tkt['reporter']) return try: #from trac.ticket.notification import TicketNotificationSystem #tn_sys = TicketNotificationSystem(self.env) #print tn_sys #print tn_sys.__dict__ #sys.exit(0) ## create false {abs_}href properties, to trick Notify() # if self.VERSION in [0.10]: self.env.abs_href = Href(self.get_config('project', 'url')) self.env.href = Href(self.get_config('project', 'url')) tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env) if self.parameters.alternate_notify_template: if self.VERSION >= 0.11: from trac.web.chrome import Chrome if self.parameters.alternate_notify_template_update and not new: tn.template_name = self.parameters.alternate_notify_template_update else: tn.template_name = self.parameters.alternate_notify_template tn.template = Chrome(tn.env).load_template(tn.template_name, method='text') else: tn.template_name = self.parameters.alternate_notify_template tn.notify(tkt, new, modtime) except Exception, e: self.logger.error('Failure sending notification on creation of ticket #%s: %s' %(self.id, e)) ########## END Class Definition ######################################################## ########## Global Notificaition Function ################################################ def AlwaysNotifyReporter(self, resid): """ Copy of def notify() to manipulate recipents to always include reporter for the notification. """ (torcpts, ccrcpts) = self.get_recipients(resid) print torcpts, ccrcpts, sender_email if not tktparser.email_header_acl('notify_reporter_black_list', sender_email, False): ## additionally append sender (regardeless of settings in trac.ini) # if not sender_email in torcpts: torcpts.append(sender_email) self.begin_send() self.send(torcpts, ccrcpts) self.finish_send() ########## Parse Config File ########################################################### def ReadConfig(file, name): """ Parse the config file """ if not os.path.isfile(file): print 'File %s does not exist' %file sys.exit(1) config = trac_config.Configuration(file) parentdir = config.get('DEFAULT', 'parentdir') sections = config.sections() ## use some trac internals to get the defaults # tmp = config.parser.defaults() project = SaraDict() for option, value in tmp.items(): try: project[option] = int(value) except ValueError: project[option] = value if name: if name in sections: project = SaraDict() for option, value in config.options(name): try: project[option] = int(value) except ValueError: project[option] = value elif not parentdir: print "Not a valid project name: %s, valid names are: %s" %(name, sections) print "or set parentdir in the [DEFAULT] section" sys.exit(1) ## If parentdir then set project dir to parentdir + name # if not project.has_key('project'): if not parentdir: print "You must set project or parentdir in your configuration file" sys.exit(1) elif not name: print "You must configure a project section in your configuration file" else: project['project'] = os.path.join(parentdir, name) ## # Save the project name # project['project_name'] = os.path.basename(project['project']) return project ########## Setup Logging ############################################################### def setup_log(parameters, project_name, interactive=None): """ Setup logging Note for log format the usage of `$(...)s` instead of `%(...)s` as the latter form would be interpreted by the ConfigParser itself. """ logger = logging.getLogger('email2trac %s' %project_name) if interactive: parameters.log_type = 'stderr' if not parameters.log_type: if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']: parameters.log_type = 'eventlog' else: parameters.log_type = 'syslog' if parameters.log_type == 'file': if not parameters.log_file: parameters.log_file = 'email2trac.log' if not os.path.isabs(parameters.log_file): parameters.log_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), parameters.log_file) log_handler = logging.FileHandler(parameters.log_file) elif parameters.log_type in ('winlog', 'eventlog', 'nteventlog'): ## Requires win32 extensions # logid = "email2trac" log_handler = logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler(logid, logtype='Application') elif parameters.log_type in ('syslog', 'unix'): log_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler('/dev/log') elif parameters.log_type in ('stderr'): log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) else: log_handler = logging.handlers.BufferingHandler(0) if parameters.log_format: parameters.log_format = parameters.log_format.replace('$(', '%(') else: parameters.log_format = '%(name)s: %(message)s' if parameters.log_type in ('file', 'stderr'): parameters.log_format = '%(asctime)s ' + parameters.log_format log_formatter = logging.Formatter(parameters.log_format) log_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) logger.addHandler(log_handler) if (parameters.log_level in ['DEBUG', 'ALL']) or (parameters.debug > 0): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) parameters.debug = 1 elif parameters.log_level in ['INFO'] or parameters.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif parameters.log_level in ['WARNING']: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif parameters.log_level in ['ERROR']: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif parameters.log_level in ['CRITICAL']: logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) return logger if __name__ == '__main__': ## Default config file # configfile = '@email2trac_conf@' project = '' component = '' ticket_prefix = 'default' dry_run = None verbose = None debug_interactive = None SHORT_OPT = 'cdhf:np:t:v' LONG_OPT = ['component=', 'debug', 'dry-run', 'help', 'file=', 'project=', 'ticket_prefix=', 'verbose'] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], SHORT_OPT, LONG_OPT) except getopt.error,detail: print __doc__ print detail sys.exit(1) project_name = None for opt,value in opts: if opt in [ '-h', '--help']: print __doc__ sys.exit(0) elif opt in ['-c', '--component']: component = value elif opt in ['-d', '--debug']: debug_interactive = 1 elif opt in ['-f', '--file']: configfile = value elif opt in ['-n', '--dry-run']: dry_run = True elif opt in ['-p', '--project']: project_name = value elif opt in ['-t', '--ticket_prefix']: ticket_prefix = value elif opt in ['-v', '--verbose']: verbose = True settings = ReadConfig(configfile, project_name) ## The default prefix for ticket values in email2trac.conf # settings.ticket_prefix = ticket_prefix settings.dry_run = dry_run settings.verbose = verbose if not settings.debug and debug_interactive: settings.debug = debug_interactive if not settings.project: print __doc__ print 'No Trac project is defined in the email2trac config file.' sys.exit(1) logger = setup_log(settings, os.path.basename(settings.project), debug_interactive) if component: settings['component'] = component ## Determine major trac version used to be in email2trac.conf # Quick hack for 0.12 # version = '0.%s' %(trac_version.split('.')[1]) if version.startswith('0.12'): version = '0.12' elif version.startswith('0.13'): version = '0.13' logger.debug("Found trac version: %s" %(version)) try: if version == '0.10': from trac import attachment from trac.env import Environment from trac.ticket import Ticket from trac.web.href import Href from trac import util from trac.ticket.web_ui import TicketModule # # return util.text.to_unicode(str) # # see http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/changeset/2799 from trac.ticket.notification import TicketNotifyEmail from trac import config as trac_config from trac.core import TracError elif version in ['0.11', '0.12', '0.13']: from trac import attachment from trac import config as trac_config from trac import util from trac.core import TracError from trac.env import Environment from trac.perm import PermissionSystem from trac.perm import PermissionCache from trac.test import Mock, MockPerm from trac.ticket import Ticket from trac.ticket.api import TicketSystem from trac.ticket.web_ui import TicketModule from trac.web.href import Href # # return util.text.to_unicode(str) # # see http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/changeset/2799 from trac.ticket.notification import TicketNotifyEmail else: logger.error('TRAC version %s is not supported' %version) sys.exit(0) ## Must be set before environment is created # if settings.has_key('python_egg_cache'): python_egg_cache = str(settings['python_egg_cache']) os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = python_egg_cache if settings.debug > 0: logger.debug('Loading environment %s', settings.project) try: env = Environment(settings['project'], create=0) except IOError, detail: logger.error("trac error: %s" %detail) sys.exit(0) tktparser = TicketEmailParser(env, settings, logger, float(version)) tktparser.parse(sys.stdin) ## Catch all errors and use the logging module # except Exception, error: etype, evalue, etb = sys.exc_info() for e in traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb): logger.critical(e) if m: tktparser.save_email_for_debug(m, settings.project_name, True) sys.exit(1) # EOB