Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#194 Better way of stripping outlook-style top-post replies assigned bas major strip signature/quotes email2trac
#297 Add support for ticket-specific email addresses via wildcards assigned bas major email2trac
#307 Bold and Italics to use trac WikiFormatting assigned bas major email2trac
#331 Update to work with Apache Bloodhound assigned bas major email2trac
#339 Patch Integration GLPI with Email2Trac. assigned bas major email2trac
#344 Allow use of inline-properties to identify the source of a ticket comment assigned bas major email2trac
#446 How to fix: email2trac test: ImportError: cannot import name TicketNotifyEmail assigned bas major email2trac
#318 honoration of Reply-to: field in email assigned bas minor email2trac
#367 attachment as raw-attachment? assigned bas minor email2trac
#376 Not a problem just something that might help others assigned bas minor email2trac
#378 Mitigating autorespond loops by implementing RFC 3834 assigned bas minor email2trac
#414 Last Milestone version assigned bas minor email2trac
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.