Custom Query (332 matches)


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Results (322 - 324 of 332)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#447 fixed Installation / Setup issue with Ubuntu 20.04 / Trac 1.2.5 / Fetchmail bas anonymous


I have problems installing email2trac with fetchmail and I hope you can help me. We are running a Trac 1.2.5 environment on Apache on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine and I would like to use email2trac on it.

So first, I downloaded the latest version of email2trac from here, extracted it and installed/compiled with the following command:

./configure --with-mta_user=fetchmail --with-trac_user=www-data --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
make install

So I have both "email2trac" and "run_email2trac" in /usr/bin

My /etc/email2trac.conf looks like this:

project: /var/lib/trac/testproject
debug: 0
black_list: MAILER-DAEMON@
drop_spam : 1
drop_alternative_html_version: 1
email_quote: >
ignore_trac_user_settings: 0
inline_properties: 1
reply_all : 0
spam_level: 5
strip_quotes: 0
strip_signature: 0
ticket_update: 1
ticket_update_by_subject: 1
umask: 022
verbatim_format: 1

project: /var/lib/trac/testproject
spam_level: 1

Afterwards, I installed fetchmail to grab the emails from our server and "move" them to Trac. I did "chmod 600 /etc/fetchmailrc" and "chown fetchmail /etc/fetchmailrc"

My /etc/fetchmailrc looks like this:

set daemon      30
poll  with proto IMAP
user '' there with password 'password' is 'www-data' here ssl
mda "/usr/bin/run_email2trac"

In Syslog, I can see the following log - sorry it's in German, but it's basically saying:

  • It found 5 messages (4 of them already seen)
  • run_email2trac[6279]: initgroups failed
  • Error while writing the message text
  • MDA error when fetching date from address@…
  • Query status=6 (IOERR)
Feb 15 14:27:54 andreas-VirtualBox fetchmail[6180]: 5 Nachrichten (4 gesehene) für bei
Feb 15 14:27:54 andreas-VirtualBox run_email2trac[6279]: initgroups failed
Feb 15 14:27:54 andreas-VirtualBox fetchmail[6180]: Nachricht von 5 wird gelesen (9570 Bytes im Nachrichtenkopf) (10140 Bytes im Nachrichtenkörper) (Log-Meldung unvollständig)
Feb 15 14:27:54 andreas-VirtualBox fetchmail[6180]: Fehler beim Schreiben des Nachrichtentextes
Feb 15 14:27:54 andreas-VirtualBox fetchmail[6180]: MDA-Fehler beim Abholen von
Feb 15 14:27:54 andreas-VirtualBox fetchmail[6180]: Abfragestatus=6 (IOERR)

Did I miss something during installation / configuration progress? Does anyone have an idea of what could be wrong? I'm thankful for every hint!

Thank you!

Best regards, Andreas

#35 fixed In trac 0.11 email2trac fails in notify and in ticket_update methods bas andrei2102@…

I started to port this script for trac 0.11 and I founded two errors.

The first is in the notify method and it is described in the #34 ticket. The solution, for me, was to remove the hack.

# create false {abs_}href properties, to trick Notify()
self.env.abs_href = Href(self.get_config('project', 'url'))
self.env.href = Href(self.get_config('project', 'url'))

The env members(abs_href and href) don't need to be overwritten.

The second problem was that in ticket_modify method. When saving the modifications made on a ticket it was passed an integer as the modification time.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/andrei/workspace/etf/trunk/share/bin/", line 1062, in ?
    tktparser.parse(file('/tmp/tests/tm.eml', 'r'))
  File "/home/andrei/workspace/etf/trunk/share/bin/", line 663, in parse
    if self.ticket_update(m):
  File "/home/andrei/workspace/etf/trunk/share/bin/", line 542, in ticket_update
    tkt.save_changes(, body_text, when)
  File "/home/andrei/workspace/etf/trunk/vendor/trac-0.11dev/trac/ticket/", line 207, in save_changes
    when_ts = to_timestamp(when)
  File "/home/andrei/workspace/etf/trunk/vendor/trac-0.11dev/trac/util/", line 55, in to_timestamp
    diff = dt - _epoc
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'datetime.datetime'

In trac 0.11 if the modification time is None then is assumed. So the solution is to send a None.

A patch is attached.

#36 fixed read the configuration file with trac Configuration class bas andrei2102@…

I'm implementing email2trac for a trac installation and I integrated the configuration file of the email2trac with the one of the trac it self. Using the trac configuration reader makes more sense to me and it can be united with all other configurations.

The ticket has a diff attached with the modifications. It works for trac 0.11. I didn't tested for older versions.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.