{3} All Tickets by Milestone (22 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Release (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#328 Better handling of invalid inline properties email2trac 2.7.0 defect bas assigned 08/24/13
#332 email2trac without updating updater email2trac 2.7.0 defect bas assigned 11/22/13
#297 Add support for ticket-specific email addresses via wildcards email2trac enhancement bas assigned 05/19/12
#307 Bold and Italics to use trac WikiFormatting email2trac 2.6.2 enhancement bas assigned 11/17/12
#331 Update to work with Apache Bloodhound email2trac 2.7.0 enhancement bas assigned 11/12/13
#339 Patch Integration GLPI with Email2Trac. email2trac 2.7.0 enhancement bas assigned 04/01/14
#344 Allow use of inline-properties to identify the source of a ticket comment email2trac 2.8.4 enhancement bas assigned 10/08/14
#349 Unable to configure email2trac email2trac 2.8.4 setup bas new 12/30/14
#318 honoration of Reply-to: field in email email2trac 2.6.2 enhancement bas assigned 05/23/13
#367 attachment as raw-attachment? email2trac 2.8.4 enhancement bas assigned 05/28/15

strip signature/quotes Release (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#194 Better way of stripping outlook-style top-post replies email2trac 1.3.2 enhancement bas assigned 04/09/10
#153 Trac notification dividers not stripped from Outlook replies email2trac 1.0.0 setup anonymous new 10/05/09
#448 check out these promo codes Spam 1.2.0 task new 01/23/24

(empty) (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#321 How to avoid duplicate tickets? email2trac 2.7.0 defect bas assigned 07/02/13
#445 Trac 1.4 not supported by email2trac email2trac 2.8.4 defect bas assigned 09/21/19
#446 How to fix: email2trac test: ImportError: cannot import name TicketNotifyEmail email2trac trunk enhancement bas assigned 02/19/20
#380 reply creates new ticket email2trac 2.4.7 setup bas assigned 02/26/16
#418 Email doesn't create tickets email2trac 2.11.0 setup bas assigned 08/03/17
#376 Not a problem just something that might help others email2trac 2.8.4 enhancement bas assigned 12/08/15
#378 Mitigating autorespond loops by implementing RFC 3834 email2trac 2.9.0 enhancement bas assigned 02/20/16
#414 Last Milestone version email2trac 2.9.0 enhancement bas assigned 04/28/17
#402 Register for https://oss.trac.surfsara.nl/email2trac/ email2trac 2.8.4 task bas assigned 11/10/16
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