Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Email2tracParse

01/16/09 15:51:40 (15 years ago)



  • Email2tracParse

    v1 v1  
     3= How an email is being parsed =
     5An email has a header and a body. The email header fields are used to set the ticket fields and the body is used for the description and attachments. See section below how the header and body are parsed.
     7== Header ==
     9Must be written
     11== Body ==
     13If a message's body is broken up into several pieces (by attachments in the middle of the message), the ticket's description is set to the entire body, not just the first part
     15For example, from an email like this:
     18some text
     19<some binary>
     20more text
     23the ticket that is created will have "some text" and "more text" in its description
     25=== Links to attachments inside the ticket description ===
     27![attachment:filename] links are automatically placed inside the ticket description, so that message text can clearly refer to them.
     29For example, an email like
     32I opened this file in your app:
     33<my file>
     34and I got the following error dialog:
     38will generate a ticket like this:
     41I opened this file in your app:
     43[attachment:"my file"]
     45and I got the following error dialog:
     50=== Inline image attachments ===
     52If an attachment is of type image/* and its Content-Disposition is inline, then a Trac Image macro is placed inside the ticket description in the appropriate place, so that the resulting ticket has the image inline where it belongs in the text.
     54The same email as in the previous example, if the image is inline, will result in:
     57I opened this file in your app
     59[attachment:"my file"]
     61and I got the following error dialog: