getRrdDirs( $period_start, $period_stop ); } if($graph == "cpu_report") { $style = "CPU"; $upper_limit = "--upper-limit 100 --rigid"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label Percent "; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { $series .= "DEF:'cpu_user${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_user.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_nice${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_nice.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_system${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_system.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_idle${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_idle.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_wio${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_wio.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE "; if( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $series .= "CDEF:cpu_user${def_nr}_nonans=cpu_user${def_nr},UN,0,cpu_user${def_nr},IF "; $series .= "CDEF:cpu_nice${def_nr}_nonans=cpu_nice${def_nr},UN,0,cpu_nice${def_nr},IF "; $series .= "CDEF:cpu_system${def_nr}_nonans=cpu_system${def_nr},UN,0,cpu_system${def_nr},IF "; $series .= "CDEF:cpu_wio${def_nr}_nonans=cpu_wio${def_nr},UN,0,cpu_wio${def_nr},IF "; $series .= "CDEF:cpu_idle${def_nr}_nonans=cpu_idle${def_nr},UN,0,cpu_idle${def_nr},IF "; } $def_nr++; } if( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $s_last = $def_nr - 1; $user_sum = "CDEF:cpu_user=cpu_user0_nonans"; $nice_sum = "CDEF:cpu_nice=cpu_nice0_nonans"; $system_sum = "CDEF:cpu_system=cpu_system0_nonans"; $wio_sum = "CDEF:cpu_wio=cpu_wio0_nonans"; $idle_sum = "CDEF:cpu_idle=cpu_idle0_nonans"; if( $s_last > 1 ) { foreach (range(1, ($s_last)) as $print_nr ) { $user_sum .= ",cpu_user{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; $nice_sum .= ",cpu_nice{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; $system_sum .= ",cpu_system{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; $wio_sum .= ",cpu_wio{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; $idle_sum .= ",cpu_idle{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; } } $user_sum .= " "; $nice_sum .= " "; $system_sum .= " "; $wio_sum .= " "; $idle_sum .= " "; $series .= $user_sum . $nice_sum . $system_sum . $wio_sum . $idle_sum; $report_names = array( "user", "nice", "system", "wio", "idle" ); $r_count = 0; foreach( $report_names as $r ) { if( $r_count == 0 ) { $graph_str = "AREA"; $legend_str = ucfirst( $r ); } else { $graph_str = "STACK"; } foreach (range(0, ($s_last)) as $print_nr ) { $series .= "${graph_str}:'cpu_${r}${print_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_'.${r}.'_color'].":'${legend_str}\g' "; } $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_last'=cpu_${r},LAST "; $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_min'=cpu_${r},MINIMUM "; $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_avg'=cpu_${r},AVERAGE "; $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_max'=cpu_${r},MAXIMUM "; $spacefill = ''; $spacesize = 6-strlen($r); foreach ( range( 0, $spacesize ) as $whatever ) { $spacefill .= ' '; } $series .= "GPRINT:'${r}_last':'${spacefill}Now\:%6.1lf%s' " . "GPRINT:'${r}_min':'${space1}Min\:%6.1lf%s${eol1}' " . "GPRINT:'${r}_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%6.1lf%s' " . "GPRINT:'${r}_max':'${space1}Max\:%6.1lf%s\\l' "; } } else { $series .= "AREA:'cpu_user${def_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_user_color']."${user_str} " ."STACK:'cpu_nice${def_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_nice_color']."${nice_str} " ."STACK:'cpu_system${def_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_system_color']."${system_str} " ."STACK:'cpu_wio${def_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_wio_color']."${wio_str} " ."STACK:'cpu_idle${def_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_idle_color']."${idle_str} "; } } else if ($graph == "job_report") { $style = "Jobs"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label Jobs"; $def_nr = 0; $rrd_dir = $conf['rrds'] . "/$clustername/$hostname/"; $rj_rrd = $rrd_dir . "zplugin_monarch_rj.rrd"; $qj_rrd = $rrd_dir . "zplugin_monarch_qj.rrd"; $sorted_hosts = array(); $sorted_hosts[] = $rjqj_host; $rj_str = ":'Running Jobs'"; $qj_str = ":'Queued Jobs'"; $series .= "DEF:'running_jobs'='${rj_rrd}':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'queued_jobs'='${qj_rrd}':'sum':AVERAGE "; $series .= "LINE3:'running_jobs'#ff0000${rj_str} "; if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $series .= "CDEF:running_pos=running_jobs,0,INF,LIMIT " . "VDEF:running_last=running_pos,LAST " . "VDEF:running_min=running_pos,MINIMUM " . "VDEF:running_avg=running_pos,AVERAGE " . "VDEF:running_max=running_pos,MAXIMUM " . "GPRINT:'running_last':' ${space1}Now\:%5.0lf' " . "GPRINT:'running_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.0lf${eol1}' " . "GPRINT:'running_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.0lf' " . "GPRINT:'running_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.0lf\\l' "; } $series .= "LINE3:'queued_jobs'#999999${qj_str} "; if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $series .= "CDEF:queued_pos=queued_jobs,0,INF,LIMIT " . "VDEF:queued_last=queued_pos,LAST " . "VDEF:queued_min=queued_pos,MINIMUM " . "VDEF:queued_avg=queued_pos,AVERAGE " . "VDEF:queued_max=queued_pos,MAXIMUM " . "GPRINT:'queued_last':' ${space1}Now\:%5.0lf' " . "GPRINT:'queued_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.0lf${eol1}' " . "GPRINT:'queued_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.0lf' " . "GPRINT:'queued_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.0lf\\l' "; } } else if ($graph == "mem_report") { $style = "Memory"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $extras .= "--base 1024"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label Bytes"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $memuse_str = ":'Memory Used'"; $memshared_str = ":'Memory Shared'"; $memcached_str = ":'Memory Cached'"; $membuff_str = ":'Memory Buffered'"; $memswap_str = ":'Memory Swapped'"; $total_str = ":'Total In-Core Memory'"; } else { $memuse_str = ""; $memshared_str = ""; $memcached_str = ""; $membuff_str = ""; $memswap_str = ""; $total_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'mem_total${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_total.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_total${def_nr}'=mem_total${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_shared${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_shared.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_shared${def_nr}'=mem_shared${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_free${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_free.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_free${def_nr}'=mem_free${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_cached${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_cached.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_cached${def_nr}'=mem_cached${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_buffer${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_buffers.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_buffer${def_nr}'=mem_buffer${def_nr},1024,* " ."CDEF:'bmem_used${def_nr}'='bmem_total${def_nr}','bmem_shared${def_nr}',-,'bmem_free${def_nr}',-,'bmem_cached${def_nr}',-,'bmem_buffer${def_nr}',- " ."DEF:'swap_total${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/swap_total.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'swap_free${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/swap_free.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_swap${def_nr}'='swap_total${def_nr}','swap_free${def_nr}',-,1024,* "; $report_names = array( "used", "shared", "cached", "buffer", "swap", "total" ); if( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { foreach( $report_names as $r ) { $series .= "CDEF:bmem_${r}${def_nr}_nonans=bmem_${r}${def_nr},UN,0,bmem_${r}${def_nr},IF "; } } $def_nr++; } if( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $s_last = $def_nr - 1; foreach( $report_names as $r ) { $cdef_sum = "CDEF:bmem_${r}=bmem_${r}0_nonans"; if( $s_last > 1 ) { foreach (range(1, ($s_last)) as $print_nr ) { $user_sum .= ",bmem_${r}{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; } } $cdef_sum .= " "; $series .= $cdef_sum; } $r_count = 0; $conf['mem_buffer_color'] = $conf['mem_buffered_color']; $conf['mem_swap_color'] = $conf['mem_swapped_color']; $conf['mem_total_color'] = $conf['cpu_num_color']; foreach( $report_names as $r ) { $legend_str = ''; if( $r == "total" ) { $graph_str = "LINE2"; } else if( $r_count == 0 ) { $graph_str = "AREA"; } else { $graph_str = "STACK"; } foreach (range(0, ($s_last)) as $print_nr ) { if( $print_nr == 0 ) { $legend_str = ucfirst( $r ); } $series .= "${graph_str}:'bmem_${r}${print_nr}'#".$conf['mem_'.${r}.'_color'].":'${legend_str}\g' "; } $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_last'=bmem_${r},LAST "; $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_min'=bmem_${r},MINIMUM "; $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_avg'=bmem_${r},AVERAGE "; $series .= "VDEF:'${r}_max'=bmem_${r},MAXIMUM "; $spacefill = ''; $spacesize = 6-strlen($r); // max length 'swapped' = 7 foreach ( range( 0, $spacesize ) as $whatever ) { $spacefill .= ' '; } $series .= "GPRINT:'${r}_last':'${spacefill}Now\:%6.1lf%s' " . "GPRINT:'${r}_min':'${space1}Min\:%6.1lf%s${eol1}' " . "GPRINT:'${r}_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%6.1lf%s' " . "GPRINT:'${r}_max':'${space1}Max\:%6.1lf%s\\l' "; } } $r_count = $r_count + 1; } else if ($graph == "load_report") { $style = "Load"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label 'Load/Procs'"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $load_str = ":'1-min Load'"; $cpu_str = ":'CPUs'"; $run_str = ":'Running Processes'"; } else { $load_str = ""; $cpu_str = ""; $run_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'load_one${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/load_one.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'proc_run${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/proc_run.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_num${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_num.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE "; $series .="AREA:'load_one${def_nr}'#".$conf['load_one_color']."${load_str} "; $series .="LINE2:'cpu_num${def_nr}'#".$conf['cpu_num_color']."${cpu_str} "; $series .="LINE2:'proc_run${def_nr}'#".$conf['proc_run_color']."${run_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else if ($graph == "network_report") { $style = "Network"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $extras .= "--base 1024"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label 'Bytes/sec'"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $in_str = ":'In'"; $out_str = ":'Out'"; } else { $in_str = ""; $out_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'bytes_in${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/bytes_in.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'bytes_out${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/bytes_out.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."LINE2:'bytes_in${def_nr}'#".$conf['mem_cached_color']."${in_str} " ."LINE2:'bytes_out${def_nr}'#".$conf['mem_used_color']."${out_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else if ($graph == "packet_report") { $style = "Packets"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $extras .= "--base 1024"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label 'Packets/sec'"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $in_str = ":'In'"; $out_str = ":'Out'"; } else { $in_str = ""; $out_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'bytes_in${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/pkts_in.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'bytes_out${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/pkts_out.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."LINE2:'bytes_in${def_nr}'#".$conf['mem_cached_color']."${in_str} " ."LINE2:'bytes_out${def_nr}'#".$conf['mem_used_color']."${out_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else { /* Custom graph */ $style = ""; $subtitle = $metricname; if($context == "host") { if ($size == "small") $prefix = $metricname; else $prefix = $hostname; $value = $value>1000 ? number_format($value) : number_format($value, 2); } if (is_numeric($max)) $upper_limit = "--upper-limit '$max' "; if (is_numeric($min)) $lower_limit ="--lower-limit '$min' "; if ($vlabel) { $vertical_label = "--vertical-label '$vlabel'"; } else { if ($upper_limit or $lower_limit) { $max = $max>1000 ? number_format($max) : number_format($max, 2); $min = $min>0 ? number_format($min,2) : $min; $vertical_label ="--vertical-label '$min - $max' "; } } $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $title_str = ":'${subtitle}'"; } else { $title_str = ""; } $rrd_file = "$rrd_dir/$metricname.rrd"; $series .= "DEF:'sum${def_nr}'='$rrd_file':'sum':AVERAGE " ."AREA:'sum${def_nr}'#".$conf['default_metric_color']."${title_str} "; if( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $series .= "CDEF:sum${def_nr}_nonans=sum${def_nr},UN,0,sum${def_nr},IF "; } $def_nr++; } if( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) { $s_last = $def_nr - 1; $series_sum = "CDEF:sum=sum0_nonans"; if( $def_nr > 1 ) { foreach (range(1, ($s_last)) as $print_nr ) { $series_sum .= ",sum{$print_nr}_nonans,+"; } } $series_sum .= " "; $series_last = "VDEF:'sum_last'=sum,LAST "; $series_minimum = "VDEF:'sum_min'=sum,MINIMUM "; $series_average = "VDEF:'sum_avg'=sum,AVERAGE "; $series_maximum = "VDEF:'sum_max'=sum,MAXIMUM "; $series .= $series_sum . $series_last . $series_minimum . $series_average . $series_maximum; $series .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $series .= "GPRINT:'sum_last':'${space1}Now\:%6.1lf%s' " . "GPRINT:'sum_min':'${space1}Min\:%6.1lf%s${eol1}' " . "GPRINT:'sum_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%6.1lf%s' " . "GPRINT:'sum_max':'${space1}Max\:%6.1lf%s\\l' "; } } } if( $series != '' ) { if ($job_start) { $series .= "VRULE:${job_start}#${jobstart_color}:'job start':dashes=4,2 "; } if ($job_stop) { $series .= "VRULE:${job_stop}#${jobstop_color}:'job stop':dashes=4,2 "; } } if($graph == "job_report") { if($range == 'job' ) { $title = "Last: $j_title"; } else { $title = "Last: $range"; } } else { $title = "$hostname"; } function determineXGrid( $p_start, $p_stop ) { $period = intval( $p_stop - $p_start ); // Syntax: :::: // // Where each <*time_declr*> = : //$my_lines1 = intval( $period / 3.0 ); //$my_lines2 = intval( $period / 6.0 ); //$my_grid = "SECOND:$my_lines2:SECOND:$my_lines1:SECOND:$my_lines1:0:%R"; //return "--x-grid $my_grid"; // Less than 1 minute if( $period < 60 ) { $tm_formt = "%X"; $my_grid = "SECOND:15:SECOND:30:SECOND:30:0:$tm_formt"; // Less than 10 minutes } else if( $period < 600 ) { $tm_formt = "%R"; $my_grid = "MINUTE:1:MINUTE:3:MINUTE:3:0:$tm_formt"; // Less than 1 hour } else if( $period < 3600 ) { $tm_formt = "%R"; $my_grid = "MINUTE:5:MINUTE:15:MINUTE:15:0:$tm_formt"; // Less than 15 hour } else if( $period < 3600 ) { $tm_formt = "%R"; $my_grid = "HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:$tm_formt"; // Less than 1 day // } else if( $period < 86400 ) { $tm_formt = "%R"; $my_grid = "HOUR:2:HOUR:5:HOUR:5:0:$tm_formt"; // Less than 15 days // } else if( $period < 1296000 ) { $tm_formt = "%e-%m"; $my_grid = "HOUR:1:DAY:3:DAY:3:0:'$tm_formt'"; // Less than 30 days (a month) // } else if( $period < 2592000 ) { $tm_formt = "%e-%m"; $my_grid = "DAY:5:DAY:10:DAY:10:0:'$tm_formt'"; } if( isset( $my_grid ) ) { $ret_str = "--x-grid $my_grid"; return array($ret_str,$tm_formt); } else { return array( "", "" ); } } $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0"; if( !isset( $load_color ) or ( $load_color == '') ) { $load_color = 'FFFFFF'; } # Calculate time range. if ( isset($sourcetime) ) { $end = $sourcetime; # Get_context makes start negative. $start = $sourcetime + $start; # Fix from Phil Radden, but step is not always 15 anymore. if ($range=="month") { $end = floor($end / 672) * 672; } $command = $conf['rrdtool']. " graph - --start $start --end $end ". "--width $width --height $height $lower_limit ". "--title '$title' $extras $background ". $series; } else { $command = $conf['rrdtool'] . " graph - --start $period_start --end $period_stop ". "--width $width --height $height $lower_limit --color BACK#$load_color ". "--title '$title' $extras $background ". $series; } $debug=0; # Did we generate a command? Run it. if($command) { /*Make sure the image is not cached*/ header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 if ($debug) { header ("Content-type: text/html"); print "$command\n\n\n\n\n"; } else { header ("Content-type: image/gif"); passthru($command); } } ?>