#!/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin set -e case "$1" in configure) # Only on install (not during upgrade) echo "Generating random password and updating apropriate files" # Generate a 8 char password for the database: export DB_PASSWD=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_< /dev/urandom |head -c 8 | xargs) # Set the password in the SQL script sed -i -e '/^.*modify me:.*$/d' -e 's/^-- CREATE/CREATE/g' -e "s/'';/'$DB_PASSWD';/g" %{_datadir}/jobarchived/job_dbase.sql # Set the password in the jobarchived config. sed -i -e "s/^#JOB_SQL_PASSWORD.*$/JOB_SQL_PASSWORD\t\t: $DB_PASSWD/g" %{_sysconfdir}/jobarchived.conf # Set the password in the ganglia conf.php sed -i -e "s|^//\$JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_PASSWORD.*|\$JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_PASSWORD = \"$DB_PASSWD\"|g" %{gangliaaddonsdir}/job_monarch/conf.php ;; *) ;; esac exit 0