restvars = array(); $this->clustername = isset( $httpvars["c"] ) ? $httpvars["c"] : $getvars["c"]; $this->metricname = isset( $httpvars["m"] ) ? $httpvars["m"] : $getvars["m"]; if( count( $httpvars ) > 0 ) { foreach( $httpvars as $httpvar => $httpval ) { if( $httpval ) { $this->restvars[$httpvar] = $httpval; } } } if( count( $getvars ) > 0 ) { foreach( $getvars as $getvar => $getval ) { if( $getval ) { $this->restvars[$getvar] = $getval; } } } } function getClusterName() { return $this->clustername; } function getMetricName() { return $this->metricname; } function getHttpVar( $var ) { if( isset( $this->restvars[$var] ) ) { return $this->restvars[$var]; } else { return null; } } } $CLUSTER_CONFS = array(); //ini_set("memory_limit","1G"); set_time_limit(0); // Monarch's conf // include_once "./conf.php"; include_once "./version.php"; global $GANGLIA_PATH; global $RRDTOOL; global $JOB_ARCHIVE_DIR; global $JOB_ARCHIVE_DBASE; global $JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_USER; global $JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_PASSWORD; global $skan_str; global $x_first, $y_first; global $CLUSTER_CONFS; $my_dir = getcwd(); // Load Ganglia's PHP chdir( $GANGLIA_PATH ); include_once "./eval_conf.php"; include_once "./functions.php"; include_once "./get_context.php"; global $GLOBALS, $conf, $metrics, $version, $rrdtool_version, $context; // ganglia start $metrics = array(); $version = array(); $version["webfrontend"] = $GLOBALS["ganglia_version"]; # Get rrdtool version $rrdtool_version = array(); exec($conf['rrdtool'], $rrdtool_version); $rrdtool_version = explode(" ", $rrdtool_version[0]); $rrdtool_version = $rrdtool_version[1]; $version["rrdtool"] = "$rrdtool_version"; // ganglia end $context = 'cluster'; // Back to our PHP chdir( $my_dir ); global $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_MAXWIDTH, $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH, $DATA_SOURCE, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $_GET; $httpvars = new HTTPVariables( $HTTP_GET_VARS, $_GET ); // Set cluster context so that Ganglia will // provide us with the correct metrics array // global $context, $clustername, $reports; global $default_metric; // Ganglia's array of host metrics // global $hosts_up; global $start; global $DATETIME_FORMAT; function makeDate( $time ) { global $DATETIME_FORMAT; return strftime( $DATETIME_FORMAT, $time ); } class TarchDbase { var $ip, $dbase, $conn; function TarchDbase( $ip = null, $dbase = null, $user =null, $password=null ) { global $CLUSTER_CONFS, $clustername; global $JOB_ARCHIVE_DBASE; // Import cluster specific settings // foreach( $CLUSTER_CONFS as $confcluster => $conffile ) { if( strtolower( trim($this->clustername) ) == strtolower(trim($confcluster)) ) { include_once $conffile; } } $db_fields = explode( '/', $JOB_ARCHIVE_DBASE ); $this->ip = $db_fields[0]; $this->dbase = $db_fields[1]; $this->conn = null; } function connect() { global $JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_USER, $JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_PASSWORD; $connect_args =''; if( $this->ip == null ) { $connect_args .= "dbname=".$this->dbase; } else { $connect_args .= "host=".$this->ip." dbname=".$this->dbase; } if( isset($JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_USER) ) { $connect_args .= " user=".$JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_USER; } if( isset($JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_PASSWORD) ) { $connect_args .= " password=".$JOB_ARCHIVE_SQL_PASSWORD; } $this->conn = pg_connect( $connect_args ); } function searchDbase( $id = null, $queue = null, $owner = null, $name = null, $start_from_time = null, $start_to_time = null, $end_from_time = null, $end_to_time = null ) { global $SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT; if( $id ) { $select_query = "SELECT job_id FROM jobs WHERE job_id = '$id' AND job_status = 'F'"; $this->resultcount = 1; } else { $query_args = array(); if( $queue ) { $query_args[] = "job_queue ='$queue'"; } if( $owner ) { $query_args[] = "job_owner ='$owner'"; } if( $name ) { $query_args[] = "job_name = '$name'"; } if( $start_from_time ) { $query_args[] = "CAST(job_start_timestamp as INT) >= $start_from_time"; } if( $start_to_time ) { $query_args[] = "CAST(job_start_timestamp as INT) <= $start_to_time"; } if( $end_from_time ) { $query_args[] = "CAST(job_stop_timestamp as INT) >= $end_from_time"; } if( $end_to_time ) { $query_args[] = "CAST(job_stop_timestamp as INT) <= $end_to_time"; } $query = "FROM jobs WHERE job_status = 'F' AND "; $extra_query_args = ''; foreach( $query_args as $myquery ) { if( $extra_query_args == '' ) { $extra_query_args = $myquery; } else { $extra_query_args .= " AND ".$myquery; } } $query .= $extra_query_args; $count_result_idname = "COUNT(job_id)"; $select_result_idname = "job_id"; $count_query = "SELECT " . $count_result_idname . " " . $query; $count_result = $this->queryDbase( $count_query ); $this->resultcount = (int) $count_result[0]['count']; $select_query = "SELECT " . $select_result_idname . " " . $query . " ORDER BY job_id DESC LIMIT " . $SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT; } $ids = $this->queryDbase( $select_query ); //print_r( $ids ); $ret = array(); foreach( $ids as $crow) { $ret[] = $crow['job_id']; } return $ret; } function getNodesForJob( $jobid ) { $result = $this->queryDbase( "SELECT node_id FROM job_nodes WHERE job_id = '$jobid'" ); $nodes = array(); foreach( $result as $result_row ) { $nodes[] = $this->getNodeArray( $result_row['node_id'] ); } return $nodes; } function getJobsForNode( $nodeid ) { $result = $this->queryDbase( "SELECT job_id FROM job_nodes WHERE node_id = '$nodeid'" ); $jobs = array(); foreach( $result as $result_row ) { $jobs[] = $this->getJobArray( $result_row['job_id'] ); } return $jobs; } function getJobArray( $id ) { $result = $this->queryDbase( "SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE job_id = '$id'" ); return ( $this->makeArray( $result[0] ) ); } function getNodeArray( $id ) { $result = $this->queryDbase( "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE node_id = '$id'" ); return ( $this->makeArray( $result[0] ) ); } function makeArray( $result_row ) { $myar = array(); foreach( $result_row as $mykey => $myval ) { $map_key = explode( '_', $mykey ); $rmap_key = array_reverse( $map_key ); array_pop( $rmap_key ); $map_key = array_reverse( $rmap_key ); $newkey = implode( '_', $map_key ); $myar[$newkey] = $result_row[$mykey]; } return $myar; } function queryDbase( $query ) { $result_rows = array(); if( $this->conn == null ) { $this->connect(); } if( $this->conn == null ) { printf(" no connection!\n"); } $result = pg_query( $this->conn, $query ); while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) { //print_r( $row ); $result_rows[] = $row; } return $result_rows; } } class TarchRrdGraph { var $rrdbin, $rrdvalues, $clustername, $hostname, $tempdir, $tarchdir, $metrics; function TarchRrdGraph( $clustername, $hostname ) { global $conf; global $JOB_ARCHIVE_DIR; $this->rrdbin = $conf['rrdtool']; $this->rrdvalues = array(); $this->tarchdir = $JOB_ARCHIVE_DIR; $this->clustername = $clustername; $this->hostname = $hostname; } function doCmd( $command ) { $pipe = popen( $command . ' 2>&1', 'r' ); if (!$pipe) { print "pipe failed."; return ""; } $output = ''; while(!feof($pipe)) { $output .= fread($pipe, 1024); } pclose($pipe); $output = explode( "\n", $output ); return $output; } function dirList( $dir ) { $dirlist = array(); if ($handle = opendir( $dir )) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $dirlist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } return $dirlist; } function getTimePeriods( $start, $end ) { $times = array(); $dirlist = $this->dirList( $this->tarchdir . '/' . $this->clustername . '/' . $this->hostname ); $first = 0; $last = 9999999999999; foreach( $dirlist as $dir ) { if( $dir > $first and $dir <= $start ) { $first = $dir; } if( $dir < $last and $dir >= $end ) { $last = $dir; } } foreach( $dirlist as $dir ) { if( $dir >= $first and $dir <= $last and !array_key_exists( $dir, $times ) ) { $times[] = $dir; } } sort( $times ); return $times; } function getRrdDirs( $start, $stop ) { $timess = $this->getTimePeriods( $start, $stop ); $rrd_files = array(); foreach( $timess as $time ) { $rrd_files[] = $this->tarchdir . '/' . $this->clustername . '/' . $this->hostname. '/'.$time; } return $rrd_files; } function getRrdFiles( $metric, $start, $stop ) { $times = $this->getTimePeriods( $start, $stop ); $rrd_files = array(); foreach( $times as $time ) { $rrd_files[] = $this->tarchdir . '/' . $this->clustername . '/' . $this->hostname . '/' .$time. '/' . $metric. '.rrd'; } return $rrd_files; } } class DataSource { var $data, $ip, $port; function DataSource() { global $DATA_SOURCE, $clustername; $ds_fields = explode( ':', $DATA_SOURCE ); $ds_ip = $ds_fields[0]; $ds_port = $ds_fields[1]; $this->ip = $ds_ip; $this->port = $ds_port; $this->clustername = $clustername; } function getData() { $errstr = ''; $errno = 0; $timeout = 3; $fp = fsockopen( $this->ip, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout ); if( !$fp ) { echo 'Unable to connect to '.$this->ip.':'.$this->port; return; } if( $this->port == '8652' ) { $request = "/" . $this->clustername . "\n"; $rc = fputs($fp, $request); if (!$rc) { $error = "Could not sent request to gmetad: $errstr"; if ($debug) print "
DEBUG: $error\n"; return FALSE; } } stream_set_timeout( $fp, 30 ); while ( !feof( $fp ) ) { $data .= fread( $fp, 16384 ); } fclose( $fp ); return $data; } } class DataGatherer { var $xmlhandler, $data, $httpvars; function DataGatherer( $cluster ) { $this->cluster = $cluster; $this->httpvars = $httpvars; } function parseXML( $data ) { $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); $this->xmlhandler = new TorqueXMLHandler( $this->cluster ); xml_parser_set_option( $this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0 ); xml_set_element_handler( $this->parser, array( &$this->xmlhandler, 'startElement' ), array( &$this->xmlhandler, 'stopElement' ) ); if ( !xml_parse( $this->parser, $data ) ) { $error = sprintf( 'XML error: %s at %d', xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $this->parser ) ), xml_get_current_line_number( $this->parser ) ); } $handler = &$this->xmlhandler; $handler->finishUp(); } function printInfo() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; $handler->printInfo(); } function getUsingFQDN() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getUsingFQDN(); } function getMetrics() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getMetrics(); } function getNodes() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getNodes(); } function getNode( $node ) { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getNode( $node ); } function getCpus() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getCpus(); } function getJobs() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getJobs(); } function getJob( $job ) { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getJob( $job ); } function getHeartbeat() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->getHeartbeat(); } function isJobmonRunning() { $handler = $this->xmlhandler; return $handler->isJobmonRunning(); } } class TorqueXMLHandler { var $clusters, $heartbeat, $nodes, $jobs, $clustername, $proc_cluster; function TorqueXMLHandler( $clustername ) { $this->jobs = array(); $this->clusters = array(); $this->nodes = array(); $this->metrics = array(); $this->heartbeat = array(); $this->down_nodes = array(); $this->offline_nodes = array(); $this->clustername = $clustername; $this->proc_cluster = null; $this->proc_hostname = null; $this->fqdn = 1; } function getUsingFQDN() { return $this->fqdn; } function getCpus() { $cpus = 0; if( isset( $this->jobs ) && count( $this->jobs ) > 0 ) { foreach( $this->jobs as $jobid=>$jobattrs ) { $nodes = count( $jobattrs['nodes'] ); $ppn = (int) $jobattrs['ppn'] ? $jobattrs['ppn'] : 1; $mycpus = $nodes * $ppn; $cpus = $cpus + $mycpus; } } } function isJobmonRunning() { if (isset( $this->heartbeat['time'] )) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function makeHostname( $thostname, $tdomain=null ) { // Should hostname be FQDN or short w/o domain // $nodes = &$this->nodes; $fqdn = 1; //$tdomain = explode( '.', $thostname ); // // TODO?: extract domain from hostname or something? if( $tdomain ) { $domain_len = 0 - strlen( $tdomain ); // Let's see if Ganglia use's FQDN or short hostnames // foreach( $nodes as $hostname => $nimage ) { if( strpos( $hostname, $tomdain ) !== false ) { $fqdn = 0; } } } else { $fqdn = 0; } if( $tdomain && $fqdn ) { if( strpos( $thostname, $tdomain ) !== false ) { $thostname = $thostname . '.'.$tdomain; } else { $thostname = $thostname; } } return $thostname; } function startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs ) { global $cluster, $metrics, $self, $grid; $jobid = null; if( $name == 'GRID' ) { $self = $attrs['NAME']; $grid = $attrs; return null; } if( $name == 'CLUSTER' ) { // ganglia start $cluster = $attrs; // ganglia end $this->proc_cluster = $attrs['NAME']; //printf("set proc cluster to %s\n", $attrs['NAME'] ); return null; } if( $this->proc_cluster != $this->clustername ) { //printf("cluster does not match: %s\n", $this->clustername ); return null; } if( $name == 'HOST' ) { // ganglia start $hostname = $attrs['NAME']; $this->proc_hostname = $hostname; # Pseudo metrics - add useful HOST attributes like gmond_started & last_reported to the metrics list: $metrics[$hostname]['gmond_started']['NAME'] = "GMOND_STARTED"; $metrics[$hostname]['gmond_started']['VAL'] = $attrs['GMOND_STARTED']; $metrics[$hostname]['gmond_started']['TYPE'] = "timestamp"; $metrics[$hostname]['last_reported']['NAME'] = "REPORTED"; $metrics[$hostname]['last_reported']['VAL'] = $attrs['REPORTED']; $metrics[$hostname]['last_reported']['TYPE'] = "string"; $metrics[$hostname]['ip_address']['NAME'] = "IP"; $metrics[$hostname]['ip_address']['VAL'] = $attrs['IP']; $metrics[$hostname]['ip_address']['TYPE'] = "string"; $metrics[$hostname]['location']['NAME'] = "LOCATION"; $metrics[$hostname]['location']['VAL'] = $attrs['LOCATION']; $metrics[$hostname]['location']['TYPE'] = "string"; // ganglia end //printf( "host %s\n", $hostname ); //$location = $attrs['LOCATION']; if( !isset( $this->nodes[$hostname] ) ) { $this->nodes[$hostname] = new NodeImage( $this->proc_cluster, $hostname ); } return null; } if( $name == 'METRIC' ) { $hostname = $this->proc_hostname; // ganglia start $metricname = rawurlencode($attrs['NAME']); $metrics[$hostname][$metricname] = $attrs; // ganglia end if ( strpos( $attrs['NAME'], 'zplugin_monarch' ) === false ) { return null; } if( strpos( $attrs['NAME'], 'zplugin_monarch_heartbeat' ) !== false ) { $this->heartbeat['time'] = $attrs['VAL']; return; } else if( strpos( $attrs['NAME'], 'zplugin_monarch_down' ) !== false ) { $fields = explode( ' ', $attrs['VAL'] ); $nodes_down = array(); $down_domain = null; foreach( $fields as $f ) { $togavalues = explode( '=', $f ); $toganame = $togavalues[0]; $togavalue = $togavalues[1]; if( $toganame == 'nodes' ) { $mynodes = explode( ';', $togavalue ); foreach( $mynodes as $node ) { $nodes_down[] = $node; } } else if( $toganame == 'domain' ) { $down_domain = $togavalue; } else if( $toganame == 'reported' ) { if( !isset( $this->down_nodes['heartbeat'] ) ) { $this->down_nodes[$togavalue] = array( $nodes_down, $down_domain ); } } } return; } else if( strpos( $attrs['NAME'], 'zplugin_monarch_offline' ) !== false ) { $fields = explode( ' ', $attrs['VAL'] ); $nodes_offline = array(); $offline_domain = null; foreach( $fields as $f ) { $togavalues = explode( '=', $f ); $toganame = $togavalues[0]; $togavalue = $togavalues[1]; if( $toganame == 'nodes' ) { $mynodes = explode( ';', $togavalue ); foreach( $mynodes as $node ) { $nodes_offline[] = $node; } } else if( $toganame == 'domain' ) { $offline_domain = $togavalue; } else if( $toganame == 'reported' ) { if( !isset( $this->offline_nodes['heartbeat'] ) ) { $this->offline_nodes[$togavalue] = array( $nodes_offline, $offline_domain ); } } } return; } else if( strpos( $attrs['NAME'], 'zplugin_monarch_job' ) !== false ) { sscanf( $attrs['NAME'], 'zplugin_monarch_job_%d_%s$', $monincr, $jobid ); if( !isset( $this->jobs[$jobid] ) ) { $this->jobs[$jobid] = array(); } $fields = explode( ' ', $attrs['VAL'] ); foreach( $fields as $f ) { $togavalues = explode( '=', $f ); $toganame = $togavalues[0]; $togavalue = $togavalues[1]; if( $toganame == 'nodes' ) { if( $this->jobs[$jobid]['status'] == 'R' ) { if( !isset( $this->jobs[$jobid][$toganame] ) ) { $this->jobs[$jobid][$toganame] = array(); } $mynodes = explode( ';', $togavalue ); foreach( $mynodes as $node ) { if( !in_array( $node, $this->jobs[$jobid][$toganame] ) ) { array_push( $this->jobs[$jobid][$toganame], $node ); } } } else if( $this->jobs[$jobid]['status'] == 'Q' ) { $this->jobs[$jobid][$toganame] = $togavalue; } } else { $this->jobs[$jobid][$toganame] = $togavalue; } } if( isset( $this->jobs[$jobid]['nodes'] ) ) { $nr_nodes = count( $this->jobs[$jobid]['nodes'] ); if( $this->jobs[$jobid]['status'] == 'R' ) { if( isset( $this->jobs[$jobid]['domain'] ) ) { $domain = $this->jobs[$jobid]['domain']; $domain_len = 0 - strlen( $domain ); $first_host = key( array_slice($this->nodes, 0, 1, true) ); // Let's see if Ganglia use's FQDN or short hostnames // if( strpos( $first_host, $domain ) === false ) { $this->fqdn = 0; } } else { $this->fqdn = 0; } foreach( $this->jobs[$jobid]['nodes'] as $node ) { // Only add domain name to the hostname if Ganglia is doing that too // if( $this->fqdn && isset( $this->jobs[$jobid]['domain'] ) ) { if( strpos( $node, $domain ) === false ) { $host = $node. '.'.$domain; } else { $host = $node; } } else { $host = $node; } if( !isset( $this->nodes[$host] ) ) { $my_node = new NodeImage( $this->proc_cluster, $host ); } else { $my_node = $this->nodes[$host]; } if( !$my_node->hasJob( $jobid ) ) { if( isset( $jobs[$jobid]['ppn'] ) ) { $my_node->addJob( $jobid, ((int) $jobs[$jobid]['ppn']) ); } else { $my_node->addJob( $jobid, 1 ); } } $this->nodes[$host] = $my_node; } } } } return; } } function finishUp( ) { $nodes = $this->nodes; if( sizeof( $this->down_nodes ) > 0 ) { foreach( $this->down_nodes as $reported => $dnodes ) { if( $reported == $this->heartbeat['time'] ) { $domain = $dnodes[1]; foreach( $dnodes[0] as $downhost ) { $downhost = $this->makeHostname( $downhost, $domain ); if( isset( $nodes[$downhost] ) ) { // OMG PHP4 is fking stupid! // $nodes[$downhost]->setDown( 1 ) won't work here.. // $mynode = $nodes[$downhost]; $mynode->setDown( 1 ); $nodes[$downhost] = $mynode; } } } } } if( sizeof( $this->offline_nodes ) > 0 ) { foreach( $this->offline_nodes as $reported => $onodes ) { if( $reported == $this->heartbeat['time'] ) { $domain = $onodes[1]; foreach( $onodes[0] as $offlinehost ) { $offlinehost = $this->makeHostname( $offlinehost, $domain ); if( isset( $nodes[$offlinehost] ) ) { // OMG PHP4 is fking stupid! // $nodes[$offlinehost]->setDown( 1 ) won't work here.. // $mynode = $nodes[$offlinehost]; $mynode->setOffline( 1 ); $nodes[$offlinehost] = $mynode; } } } } } $this->nodes = $nodes; } function stopElement( $parser, $name ) { } function printInfo() { $jobs = &$this->jobs; printf( "---jobs---\n" ); foreach( $jobs as $jobid => $job ) { printf( "job %s\n", $jobid ); if( isset( $job['nodes'] ) ) { foreach( $job['nodes'] as $node ) { $mynode = $this->nodes[$node]; $hostname = $mynode->getHostname(); $location = $mynode->getLocation(); printf( "\t- node %s\tlocation %s\n", $hostname, $location ); } } } printf( "---nodes---\n" ); $nodes = &$this->nodes; foreach( $nodes as $node ) { $hostname = $node->getHostname(); $location = $node->getLocation(); $jobs = implode( ' ', $node->getJobs() ); printf( "* node %s\tlocation %s\tjobs %s\n", $hostname, $location, $jobs ); } } function getNodes() { return $this->nodes; } function getNode( $node ) { $nodes = &$this->nodes; if( isset( $nodes[$node] ) ) { return $nodes[$node]; } else { return NULL; } } function getJobs() { return $this->jobs; } function getJob( $job ) { $jobs = &$this->jobs; if( isset( $jobs[$job] ) ) { return $jobs[$job]; } else { return NULL; } } function getHeartbeat() { return $this->heartbeat['time']; } } class NodeImage { var $image, $x, $y, $hostname, $jobs, $tasks, $showinfo; function NodeImage( $cluster, $hostname ) { global $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; $this->jobs = array(); $this->tasks = 0; $this->hostname = $hostname; $this->clustername = $cluster; $this->showinfo = 1; $this->size = $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; $this->down = 0; $this->offline = 0; } function addJob( $jobid, $cpus ) { $jobs = &$this->jobs; $jobs[] = $jobid; $this->jobs = $jobs; $this->addTask( $cpus ); } function hasJob( $jobid ) { $jobfound = 0; if( count( $this->jobs ) > 0 ) { foreach( $this->jobs as $job ) { if( $job == $jobid ) { $jobfound = 1; } } } return $jobfound; } function addTask( $cpus ) { $this->tasks = $this->tasks + $cpus; } function setDown( $down ) { $this->down = $down; } function isDown() { return $this->down; } function setOffline( $offline ) { $this->offline = $offline; } function isOffline() { return $this->offline; } function setImage( $image ) { $this->image = $image; } function setCoords( $x, $y ) { $this->x = $x; $this->y = $y; } function getX() { return $this->x; } function getY() { return $this->y; } function getImagemapArea() { $area_topleft = $this->x . "," . $this->y; $area_bottomright = ($this->x + $this->size) . "," . ($this->y + $this->size); $area_coords = $area_topleft . "," . $area_bottomright; $area_href = "./?c=" . $this->clustername . "&h=" . $this->hostname; $area_tooltip = $this->hostname; if( $this->down) { $area_tooltip = $area_tooltip . ": DOWN"; } else if( $this->offline ) { $area_tooltip = $area_tooltip . ": OFFLINE"; } $area_tooltip = $area_tooltip . ": " . implode( " ", $this->jobs ); $tag_href = "HREF=\"" . $area_href . "\""; $tag_coords = "COORDS=\"" . $area_coords . "\""; $tag_tooltip1 = "ALT=\"" . $area_tooltip . "\""; $tag_tooltip2 = "TITLE=\"" . $area_tooltip . "\""; return (""); } function colorHex( $color ) { $my_color = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, hexdec( substr( $color, 0, 2 )), hexdec( substr( $color, 2, 2 )), hexdec( substr( $color, 4, 2 )) ); return $my_color; } function setLoad( $load ) { $this->load = $load; } function setHostname( $hostname ) { $this->hostname = $hostname; } function getHostname() { return $this->hostname; } function getJobs() { return $this->jobs; } function setShowinfo( $showinfo ) { $this->showinfo = $showinfo; } function drawSmall() { global $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; $this->size = $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; $this->draw(); } function drawBig() { global $BIG_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; $this->size = $BIG_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; $this->drawShadow(); $this->draw(); } function drawShadow() { // offset of drop shadow from top left // $ds_offset = 5; // number of steps from black to background color // $ds_steps = 15; // distance between steps // $ds_spread = 1; // define the background color // $background = array("r" => 255, "g" => 255, "b" => 255); // create a new canvas. New canvas dimensions should be larger than the original's // $width = $this->size + $ds_offset; $height = $this->size + $ds_offset; // determine the offset between colors // $step_offset = array("r" => ($background['r'] / $ds_steps), "g" => ($background['g'] / $ds_steps), "b" => ($background['b'] / $ds_steps)); // calculate and allocate the needed colors // $current_color = $background; for ($i = 0; $i <= $ds_steps ; $i++) { $colors[$i] = imagecolorallocate($this->image, round($current_color['r']), round($current_color['g']), round($current_color['b'])); $current_color['r'] -= $step_offset['r']; $current_color['g'] -= $step_offset['g']; $current_color['b'] -= $step_offset['b']; } // draw overlapping rectangles to create a drop shadow effect // for ($i = 3; $i < count($colors); $i++) { imagefilledrectangle( $this->image, ($this->x + $ds_offset), ($this->y + $ds_offset), ($this->x + $width), ($this->y + $height), $colors[$i] ); $width -= $ds_spread; $height -= $ds_spread; } } function draw() { global $JOB_NODE_MARKING, $NODE_DOWN_MARKING, $NODE_OFFLINE_MARKING; $black_color = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, 0, 0, 0 ); $size = $this->size; imageFilledRectangle( $this->image, $this->x, $this->y, $this->x+($size), $this->y+($size), $black_color ); if( $this->showinfo) { $this->load = $this->determineLoad(); if( !isset( $this->image ) or !isset( $this->x ) or !isset( $this->y ) ) { printf( "aborting\n" ); printf( "x %d y %d load %f\n", $this->x, $this->y, $load ); return; } // Convert Ganglias Hexadecimal load color to a Decimal one // $load = $this->determineLoad(); $usecolor = $this->colorHex( load_color($load) ); imageFilledRectangle( $this->image, $this->x+1, $this->y+1, $this->x+($size-1), $this->y+($size-1), $usecolor ); if( $this->down ) { imageString( $this->image, 1, $this->x+(($size/2)-1), $this->y+(($size/2)-4), $NODE_DOWN_MARKING, $black_color ); } else if( $this->offline ) { imageString( $this->image, 1, $this->x+(($size/2)-1), $this->y+(($size/2)-4), $NODE_OFFLINE_MARKING, $black_color ); } else if( count( $this->jobs ) > 0 ) { imageString( $this->image, 1, $this->x+(($size/2)-1), $this->y+(($size/2)-4), $JOB_NODE_MARKING, $black_color ); } } else { // White $usecolor = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, 255, 255, 255 ); imageFilledRectangle( $this->image, $this->x+1, $this->y+1, $this->x+($size-1), $this->y+($size-1), $usecolor ); } } function determineLoad() { global $metrics; $cpus = $metrics[$this->hostname]['cpu_num']['VAL']; if (!$cpus) { $cpus=1; } $load_one = $metrics[$this->hostname]['load_one']['VAL']; $load = ((float) $load_one)/$cpus; return $load; } } class ClusterImage { var $dataget, $image, $clustername; var $filtername, $filters; function ClusterImage( $data, $clustername ) { $this->dataget = new DataGatherer( $clustername ); $this->data = $data; $this->clustername = $clustername; $this->filters = array(); $this->size = 's'; $this->width = 0; $this->height = 0; $this->output = 1; $this->jobs = null; $this->nodes = null; $this->parsed = false; } function getWidth() { return $this->width; } function getHeight() { return $this->height; } function setSmall() { $this->size = 's'; } function setBig() { $this->size = 'b'; } function setNoimage() { $this->output = 0; } function checkParse() { if( $this->parsed == false ) { $this->dataget->parseXML( $this->data ); $this->parsed = true; } } function getJobs() { if( $this->jobs == null ) { $this->checkParse(); $mydatag = $this->dataget; $this->jobs = $mydatag->getJobs(); } return $this->jobs; } function setJobs($jobs) { $this->jobs = &$jobs; } function getNodes() { if( $this->nodes== null ) { $this->checkParse(); $mydatag = $this->dataget; $this->nodes = $mydatag->getNodes(); } return $this->nodes; } function setNodes($nodes) { $this->nodes = &$nodes; } function isSmall() { return ($this->size == 's'); } function isBig() { return ($this->size == 'b'); } function setFilter( $filtername, $filtervalue ) { $this->filters[$filtername] = $filtervalue; } function filterNodes( $jobs, $nodes ) { $filtered_nodes = array(); //print_r( $nodes ); foreach( $nodes as $node ) { $hostname = $node->getHostname(); $addhost = 1; if( count( $this->filters ) > 0 ) { $mynjobs = $node->getJobs(); if( count( $mynjobs ) > 0 ) { foreach( $mynjobs as $myjob ) { foreach( $this->filters as $filtername => $filtervalue ) { if( $filtername!=null && $filtername!='' ) { if( $filtername == 'jobid' && !$node->hasJob( $filtervalue) ) { $addhost = 0; } else if( $filtername != 'jobid' ) { if( $jobs[$myjob][$filtername] != $filtervalue ) { $addhost = 0; } } } } } } else { $addhost = 0; } } if( $addhost ) { $filtered_nodes[] = $hostname; } } return $filtered_nodes; } function draw() { global $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_MAXWIDTH, $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; global $BIG_CLUSTERIMAGE_MAXWIDTH, $BIG_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; global $CLUSTER_CONFS, $confcluster, $SHOW_EMPTY_COLUMN, $SHOW_EMPTY_ROW; global $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, $SORT_ORDER, $skan_str; global $x_first, $y_first; foreach( $CLUSTER_CONFS as $confcluster => $conffile ) { if( strtolower( trim($this->clustername) ) == strtolower(trim($confcluster)) ) { include_once $conffile; } } if( $this->isSmall() ) { $max_width = $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_MAXWIDTH; $node_width = $SMALL_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; } else if( $this->isBig() ) { $max_width = $BIG_CLUSTERIMAGE_MAXWIDTH; $node_width = $BIG_CLUSTERIMAGE_NODEWIDTH; } $nodes = $this->getNodes(); $nodes_hosts = array_keys( $nodes ); $nodes_nr = count( $nodes ); $nodes_size = $nodes_nr*$node_width; $node_rows = 0; if( $nodes_size > $max_width ) { $nodes_per_row = ( (int) ($max_width/$node_width) ); } else { $nodes_per_row = $nodes_size; $node_rows = 1; } if( $nodes_per_row < $nodes_nr ) { $node_rows = ( (int) ($nodes_nr/$nodes_per_row) ); $node_rest = fmod( $nodes_nr, $nodes_per_row ); if( $node_rest > 0 ) { $node_rows++; } } $y_offset = 0; $font = 2; $fontwidth = ImageFontWidth( $font ); $fontheight = ImageFontHeight( $font ); $fontspaceing = 2; $y_offset = $fontheight + (2 * $fontspaceing); $this->width = $max_width; $this->height = ($y_offset + (($node_rows*$node_width)+1) ); $jobs = $this->getJobs(); $filtered_nodes = $this->filterNodes( $jobs, $nodes ); if( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME != "" ) { $sorted = array(); $x_first = 0; $y_first = 0; $skan_str = $SORTBY_HOSTNAME; global $x_present, $y_present; $x_present = false; $y_present = false; // Should we scan by X, Y or both // if(strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, "{x}" ) != false ) { $x_str = "{x}"; $x_present = true; } else if(strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, "{X}" ) != false ) { $x_str = "{X}"; $x_present = true; } if(strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, "{y}" ) != false ) { $y_str = "{y}"; $y_present = true; } else if(strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, "{Y}" ) != false ) { $y_str = "{Y}"; $y_present = true; } // If we should scan for both X and Y: see which one is first // if(( strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, $x_str ) < strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, $y_str ) ) && ( $x_present && $y_present )) { $x_first = 1; } else if(( strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, $x_str ) > strpos( $SORTBY_HOSTNAME, $y_str ) ) && ( $x_present && $y_present )) { $y_first = 1; } else if( $x_present ) { $x_first = 1; } else if( $y_present ) { $y_first = 1; } // Now replace our {x} and {y} with %d for sscanf parsing // if(( $x_first ) && ( $x_present && $y_present ) ) { $skan_str = str_replace( $x_str, "%d", $skan_str ); $skan_str = str_replace( $y_str, "%d", $skan_str ); } else if( $x_present) { $skan_str = str_replace( $x_str, "%d", $skan_str ); } else if( $y_present) { $skan_str = str_replace( $y_str, "%d", $skan_str ); } $x_min = null; $x_max = null; $y_min = null; $y_max = null; $x_columns = array(); $y_rows = array(); // Now let's walk through all our nodes and see which one are valid for our scan pattern // foreach( $nodes as $hostname => $node ) { $x = null; $y = null; if( $x_present && $y_present ) { if( $x_first ) { $n = sscanf( $hostname, $skan_str, $x, $y ); } else if( $y_first ) { $n = sscanf( $hostname, $skan_str, $y, $x ); } // Remove nodes that don't match // if( $n < 2 ) { // This node hostname has no match for: {x} and {y} // unset( $nodes[$hostname] ); } } else if( $x_present && !$y_present ) { $n = sscanf( $hostname, $skan_str, $x ); // Remove nodes that don't match // if( $n < 1 ) { // This node hostname has no match for: {x} // unset( $nodes[$hostname] ); } $y = 1; } else if( $y_present && !$x_present ) { $n = sscanf( $hostname, $skan_str, $y ); // Remove nodes that don't match // if( $n < 1 ) { // This node hostname has no match for: {y} // unset( $nodes[$hostname] ); } $x = 1; } // Determine the lowest value of {x} that exists in all node hostnames // if( !$x_min && $x != null ) { $x_min = $x; } else if( $x < $x_min && $x != null ) { $x_min = $x; } // Determine the highest value of {x} that exists in all node hostnames // if( !$x_max && $x != null ) { $x_max = $x; } else if( $x > $x_max && $x != null ) { $x_max = $x; } // Determine the lowest value of {y} that exists in all node hostnames // if( !$y_min && $y != null ) { $y_min = $y; } else if( $y < $y_min && $y != null ) { $y_min = $y; } // Determine the highest value of {y} that exists in all node hostnames // if( !$y_max && $y != null ) { $y_max = $y; } else if( $y > $y_max && $y != null ) { $y_max = $y; } // Store which non-empty columns and rows we found // if( !in_array( $x, $x_columns ) ) { $x_columns[] = $x; } if( !in_array( $y, $y_rows ) ) { $y_rows[] = $y; } } // Sort all the nodes (alpha and numerically) // 1: gb-r1n1, 2: gb-r1n2, 3: gb-r2n1, etc // $sorted_nodes = usort( $nodes, "cmp" ); //print_r( $x_columns ) ; $cur_node = 0; $x_offset = 0; $y_offset = 0; $font = 2; $fontwidth = ImageFontWidth( $font ); $fontheight = ImageFontHeight( $font ); $fontspaceing = 2; if( $this->isSmall() ) { $y_offset = $y_offset + (2 * $fontspaceing) + $fontheight; } if( $this->isBig() ) { $y_offset = ($fontheight * (1 + strlen( $x_max) ) ) + ((2 + strlen( $x_max)) * $fontspaceing); $x_offset = ($fontwidth * (1 + strlen( $y_max) ) ) + ((2 + strlen( $y_max)) * $fontspaceing); } $image_width = $x_offset + ($node_width * ($x_max-$x_min+2)); if( $this->isSmall() ) { $image_width = $max_width; } else if( $this->isBig() ) { $image_width = ($image_width < $max_width) ? $image_width : $max_width; } $image_height = $y_offset + ($node_width * ($y_max-$y_min+2)); $this->width = $image_width; $this->heigth = $image_heigth; $image = imageCreateTrueColor( $image_width, $image_height ); $colorwhite = imageColorAllocate( $image, 255, 255, 255 ); imageFill( $image, 0, 0, $colorwhite ); if( $this->isSmall() ) { // Draw a fancy little header text to explain what it is // $colorblue = imageColorAllocate( $image, 0, 0, 255 ); imageString( $image, $font, 2, 2, "Job Monarch: ".count($jobs)." jobs", $colorblue ); } if( $this->isBig() && ( isset( $SORT_XLABEL ) || isset( $SORT_YLABEL ) ) ) { $colorblue = imageColorAllocate( $image, 0, 0, 255 ); if( isset( $SORT_XLABEL ) ) { // Print the {x} label: rack // imageString( $image, $font, $x_offset, $fontspaceing, $SORT_XLABEL, $colorblue ); } if( isset( $SORT_YLABEL ) ) { // Stupid php without imageStringDown function... we'll make one ourself // // Print the {y} label: node // imageStringDown( $image, $font, $fontspaceing, $y_offset, $SORT_YLABEL, $colorblue ); } } $previous_n = 0; $previous_m = 0; $x_empty_count = 0; $y_empty_count = 0; // Let's start assigning x,y coordinates now // for( $n = $x_min; $n <= $x_max; $n++ ) { for( $m = $y_min; $m <= $y_max; $m++ ) { if( $x_min > 0 ) { $x = $x_offset + ( ($n-$x_min) * $node_width ) - ($x_empty_count * $node_width); } if( $y_min > 0 ) { $y = $y_offset + ( ($m-$y_min) * $node_width ) - ($y_empty_count * $node_width); } // Don't show empty rows/columns if option enabled // if( !in_array( $n, $x_columns ) && !$SHOW_EMPTY_COLUMN ) { // Skip to next iteration: we don't want a empty column // if( $n > $previous_n ) { $previous_n = $n; $x_empty_count++; } continue; } if( !in_array( $m, $y_rows ) && !$SHOW_EMPTY_ROW ) { // Skip to next iteration: we don't want a empty column // if( $m > $previous_m ) { $previous_m = $m; $y_empty_count++; } continue; } if( $this->isBig() ) { // Draw y(node) column number header // if(( $n == $x_min ) && ( isset($SORT_YLABEL) ) ) { $mfontspacing = 1; $ylabel_x = $x - ( $fontwidth * strlen( $y_max ) ) - $mfontspacing; $ylabel_y = $y; imageString( $image, $font, $ylabel_x, $ylabel_y, strval( $m ), $colorblue ); $xmin_hit[$n] = true; } // Draw x(rack) column number header // if(( $m == $y_min ) && ( isset($SORT_XLABEL) ) ) { $mfontspacing = 2; $xlabel_y = $y - ( $fontheight * strlen( $x_max ) ); $xlabel_x = $x + $mfontspacing; imageStringDown( $image, $font, $xlabel_x, $xlabel_y, strval( $n ), $colorblue ); } } if( isset( $nodes[$cur_node] ) ) { $host = $nodes[$cur_node]->getHostname(); if( $x_present && $y_present ) { if( $x_first ) { $nn = sscanf( $host, $skan_str, $rx, $ry ); } else if( $y_first ) { $nn = sscanf( $host, $skan_str, $ry, $rx ); } if ( $nn < 2 ) { //printf( "skipping node %s - y present & x present + <2 x,y matchs\n", $host); continue; } if( intval( $rx ) > $n ) { // If x(rack) is higher than current x, skip to next x(rack) // $m = $y_max + 1; continue; } if( intval( $ry ) > $m ) { // If y(node) is higher than current y, skip to next y(node) // continue; } } else if( $x_present ) { $nn = sscanf( $host, $skan_str, $rx ); } else if( $y_present ) { $nn = sscanf( $host, $skan_str, $ry ); } if( !in_array( $host, $filtered_nodes ) ) { // This node has been filtered out: we only want to see certain nodes // $nodes[$cur_node]->setShowinfo( 0 ); } $nodes[$cur_node]->setCoords( $x, $y ); $nodes[$cur_node]->setImage( $image ); if( $this->isSmall() ) { $nodes[$cur_node]->drawSmall(); } else if( $this->isBig() ) { $nodes[$cur_node]->drawBig(); } $cur_node++; } } } } else { if( $this->isSmall() ) { $image = imageCreateTrueColor( $max_width, ($y_offset + (($node_rows*$node_width)+1) ) ); } else if( $this->isBig() ) { $image_width = ($node_width * $nodes_nr) + 2; $image_width = ($image_width < $max_width) ? $image_width : $max_width; $image = imageCreateTrueColor( $image_width, ($y_offset + (($node_rows*$node_width)+1) ) ); } $colorwhite = imageColorAllocate( $image, 255, 255, 255 ); imageFill( $image, 0, 0, $colorwhite ); if( $this->isSmall() ) { $colorblue = imageColorAllocate( $image, 0, 0, 255 ); imageString( $image, $font, 2, 2, "Job Monarch: ".count( $jobs)." jobs", $colorblue ); } for( $n = 0; $n < $node_rows; $n++ ) { for( $m = 0; $m < $nodes_per_row; $m++ ) { $x = ($m * $node_width); $y = $y_offset + ($n * $node_width); $cur_node = ($n * $nodes_per_row) + ($m); $host = isset( $nodes_hosts[$cur_node] ) ? $nodes_hosts[$cur_node] : ''; if( isset( $nodes[$host] ) ) { $nodes[$host]->setCoords( $x, $y ); $nodes[$host]->setImage( $image ); if( !in_array( $host, $filtered_nodes ) ) { $nodes[$host]->setShowinfo( 0 ); } if( $this->isSmall() ) { $nodes[$host]->drawSmall(); } else if( $this->isBig() ) { $nodes[$host]->drawBig(); } } } } } $this->nodes = &$nodes; if ($this->output) { header( 'Content-type: image/png' ); imagePNG( $image ); imageDestroy( $image ); } } function getImagemapArea() { $clusterimage_map = ""; $nodes = &$this->getNodes(); foreach( $nodes as $node ) { $node_map = $node->getImagemapArea(); $clusterimage_map .= $node_map; } return $clusterimage_map; } } class EmptyImage { function draw() { $image = imageCreateTrueColor( 1, 1 ); $colorwhite = imageColorAllocate( $image, 255, 255, 255 ); imageFill( $image, 0, 0, $colorwhite ); header( 'Content-type: image/png' ); imagePNG( $image ); imageDestroy( $image ); } } class HostImage { var $data_gather, $cluster, $host, $node, $image; var $headerstrlen; function HostImage( $data_gather, $cluster, $host ) { $this->data_gather = $data_gather; $this->cluster = $cluster; $this->host = $host; $this->y_offset = 0; $this->font = 2; $this->fontspaceing = 2; $this->headerstrlen = array(); $this->fontheight = ImageFontHeight( $this->font ); $this->fontwidth = ImageFontWidth( $this->font ); $dg = &$this->data_gather; $this->node = &$dg->getNode( $this->host ); $n = &$this->node; $this->njobs = $n->getJobs(); } function drawJobs() { $dg = &$this->data_gather; $colorblack = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, 0, 0, 0 ); for( $n = 0; $n < count( $this->njobs ); $n++ ) { $jobid = $this->njobs[$n]; $jobinfo = $dg->getJob( $jobid ); $xoffset = 5; imageString( $this->image, $this->font, $xoffset, $this->y_offset, strval( $jobid ), $colorblack ); foreach( $this->headerstrlen as $headername => $headerlen ) { if( $headername == 'nodes' ) { $attrval = strval( count( $jobinfo['nodes'] ) ); } else if( $headername == 'cpus' ) { if( !isset( $jobinfo['ppn'] ) ) { $jobinfo['ppn'] = 1; } $attrval = strval( count( $jobinfo['nodes'] ) * intval( $jobinfo['ppn'] ) ); } else if( $headername == 'runningtime' ) { $attrval = makeTime( intval( $jobinfo['reported'] ) - intval( $jobinfo['start_timestamp'] ) ); } else { $attrval = strval( $jobinfo[$headername] ); } imageString( $this->image, $this->font, $xoffset, $this->y_offset, $attrval, $colorblack ); $xoffset = $xoffset + ($this->fontwidth * ( $headerlen + 1 ) ); } $this->newLineOffset(); } } function drawHeader() { $dg = &$this->data_gather; for( $n = 0; $n < count( $this->njobs ); $n++ ) { $jobid = $this->njobs[$n]; $jobinfo = $dg->getJob( $jobid ); if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['id'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['id'] = strlen( strval( $jobid ) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $jobid ) ) > $this->headerstrlen['id'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['id'] = strlen( strval( $jobid ) ); } if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['owner'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['owner'] = strlen( strval( $jobinfo['owner'] ) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $jobinfo['owner'] ) ) > $this->headerstrlen['owner'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['owner'] = strlen( strval( $jobinfo['owner'] ) ); } if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['queue'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['queue'] = strlen( strval( $jobinfo['queue'] ) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $jobinfo['queue'] ) ) > $this->headerstrlen['queue'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['queue'] = strlen( strval( $jobinfo['queue'] ) ); } if( !isset( $jobinfo['ppn'] ) ) { $jobinfo['ppn'] = 1; } $cpus = count( $jobinfo['nodes'] ) * intval( $jobinfo['ppn'] ); if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['cpus'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['cpus'] = strlen( strval( $cpus ) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $cpus ) ) > $this->headerstrlen['cpus'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['cpus'] = strlen( strval( $cpus ) ); } $nodes = count( $jobinfo['nodes'] ); if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['nodes'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['nodes'] = strlen( strval( $nodes ) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $nodes) ) > $this->headerstrlen['nodes'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['nodes'] = strlen( strval( $nodes ) ); } $runningtime = makeTime( intval( $jobinfo[reported] ) - intval( $jobinfo['start_timestamp'] ) ); if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['runningtime'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['runningtime'] = strlen( strval( $runningtime) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $runningtime) ) > $this->headerstrlen['runningtime'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['runningtime'] = strlen( strval( $runningtime) ); } if( !isset( $this->headerstrlen['name'] ) ) { $this->headerstrlen['name'] = strlen( strval( $jobinfo['name'] ) ); } else if( strlen( strval( $jobinfo['name'] ) ) > $this->headerstrlen['name'] ) { $this->headerstrlen['name'] = strlen( strval( $jobinfo['name'] ) ); } } $xoffset = 5; foreach( $this->headerstrlen as $headername => $headerlen ) { $colorgreen = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, 0, 200, 0 ); if( $headerlen < strlen( $headername ) ) { $this->headerstrlen[$headername] = strlen( $headername ); } imageString( $this->image, $this->font, $xoffset, $this->y_offset, ucfirst( $headername ), $colorgreen ); $xoffset = $xoffset + ($this->fontwidth * ( $this->headerstrlen[$headername] + 1 ) ); } $this->newLineOffset(); } function newLineOffset() { $this->y_offset = $this->y_offset + $this->fontheight + $this->fontspaceing; } function draw() { $xlen = 450; $ylen = ( count( $this->njobs ) * ( $this->fontheight + $this->fontspaceing ) ) + (3 * $this->fontheight); $this->image = imageCreateTrueColor( $xlen, $ylen ); $colorwhite = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, 255, 255, 255 ); imageFill( $this->image, 0, 0, $colorwhite ); $colorblue = imageColorAllocate( $this->image, 0, 0, 255 ); imageString( $this->image, $this->font, 1, $this->y_offset, "Monarch Joblist - host: ".$this->host, $colorblue ); $this->newLineOffset(); $this->drawHeader(); $this->drawJobs(); header( 'Content-type: image/png' ); imagePNG( $this->image ); imageDestroy( $this->image ); } } function imageStringDown( &$image, $font, $x, $y, &$s, &$col ) { $fw = imagefontwidth( $font); $fh = imagefontheight( $font); $fontspacing = 0; $fx = $x; $fy = $y; for( $n=0; $ngetHostname(); $b = $b_node->getHostname(); if( $a == $b ) return 0; $a_x = 0; $b_x = 0; $a_y = 0; $b_y = 0; if( $x_present && $y_present ) { if( $x_first ) { $n = sscanf( $a, $skan_str, $a_x, $a_y ); $n = sscanf( $b, $skan_str, $b_x, $b_y ); } else if( $y_first ) { $n = sscanf( $a, $skan_str, $a_y, $a_x ); $n = sscanf( $b, $skan_str, $b_y, $b_x ); } } else if( $x_present && !$y_present ) { $n = sscanf( $a, $skan_str, $a_x ); $n = sscanf( $b, $skan_str, $b_x ); } else if( $y_present && !$x_present ) { $n = sscanf( $a, $skan_str, $a_y ); $n = sscanf( $b, $skan_str, $b_y ); } if ( $SORT_ORDER=="desc" ) { if( $x_present && $y_present ) { // 1 = a < b // -1 = a > b // if ($a_x == $b_x) { if ($a_y < $b_y) { return 1; } else if ($a_y > $b_y) { return -1; } } else if ($a_x < $b_x) { return 1; } else if ($a_x > $b_x) { return -1; } } else if( $x_present && !$y_present ) { if ($a_x < $b_x) { return 1; } else if ($a_x > $b_x) { return -1; } } else if( $y_present && !$x_present ) { if ($a_y < $b_y) { return 1; } else if ($a_y > $b_y) { return -1; } } } else if ( $SORT_ORDER == "asc" ) { if( $x_present && $y_present ) { // 1 = a > b // -1 = a < b // if ($a_x == $b_x) { if ($a_y > $b_y) { return 1; } else if ($a_y < $b_y) { return -1; } } else if ($a_x > $b_x) { return 1; } else if ($a_x < $b_x) { return -1; } } else if( $x_present && !$y_present ) { if ($a_x > $b_x) { return 1; } else if ($a_x < $b_x) { return -1; } } else if( $y_present && !$x_present ) { if ($a_y > $b_y) { return 1; } else if ($a_y < $b_y) { return -1; } } } } function makeTime( $time ) { $days = intval( $time / 86400 ); $time = ($days>0) ? $time % ($days * 86400) : $time; $date_str = ''; $day_str = ''; if( $days > 0 ) { if( $days > 1 ) { $day_str .= $days . ' days'; } else { $day_str .= $days . ' day'; } } $hours = intval( $time / 3600 ); $time = $hours ? $time % ($hours * 3600) : $time; if( $hours > 0 ) { $date_str .= $hours . ':'; $date_unit = 'hours'; } $minutes = intval( $time / 60 ); $seconds = $minutes ? $time % ($minutes * 60) : $time; if( $minutes > 0 ) { if( $minutes >= 10 ) { $date_str .= $minutes . ':'; } else { $date_str .= '0' . $minutes . ':'; } $date_unit = (!isset($date_unit)) ? 'minutes' : $date_unit; } else { if($hours > 0 ) { $date_str .= '00:'; $date_unit = (!isset($date_unit)) ? 'minutes' : $date_unit; } } $date_unit = (!isset($date_unit)) ? 'seconds' : $date_unit; if( $seconds > 0 ) { if( $seconds >= 10 ) { $date_str .= $seconds . ' ' . $date_unit; } else { $date_str .= '0' . $seconds . ' ' . $date_unit; } } else if ( $hours > 0 or $minutes > 0 ) { $date_str .= '00 ' . $date_unit; } if( $days > 0) { if( $hours > 0 or $minutes > 0 or $seconds > 0 ) { $date_str = $day_str . ' - ' . $date_str; } else { $date_str = $day_str; } } return $date_str; } ?>