DESCRIPTION =========== Job Monarch is a set of tools to monitor and optionally archive (batch)job information. It is a addon for the Ganglia monitoring system and plugs in to a existing Ganglia setup. To view a operational setup with Job Monarch, have a look here: Job Monarch stands for 'Job Monitoring and Archiving' tool and consists of three (3) components: * jobmond The Job Monitoring Daemon. Gathers PBS/Torque batch statistics on jobs/nodes and submits them into Ganglia's XML stream. Through this daemon, users are able to view the PBS/Torque batch system and the jobs/nodes that are in it (be it either running or queued). * jobarchived The Job Archiving Daemon (optionally). Listens to Ganglia's XML stream and archives the job and node statistics. It stores the job statistics in a Postgres SQL database and the node statistics in RRD files. Through this daemon, users are able to lookup a old/finished job and view all it's statistics. Optionally: You can either choose to use this daemon if your users have use for it. As it can be a heavy application to run - even though optimized (staged/buffered writes and multi threaded) - and not everyone may have a need for it. * web The Job Monarch web interface. This interfaces with the jobmond data and (optionally) the jobarchived and presents the data and graphs. It does this in a similar layout/setup as Ganglia itself, so the navigation and usage is intuitive. REQUIREMENTS ============ all: - Python 2.3 or higher jobmond: - pbs_python v2.8.1 or higher - gmond v3.0.1 or higher jobarchived: - Postgres SQL v7.xx - rrdtool v1.xx - python-pgsql v4.x.x - gmetad v3.x.x web: - PHP v4.1 or higher - php-pgsql v4.x.x (should come with Postgres) - GD v2.x - Ganglia web frontend v3.x.x INSTALLATION ============ Prior to installing the software make sure you meet the necessary requirements as mentioned above. NOTE: You can choose to install to other path/directories if your setup is different. * jobmond 1. Copy > cp jobmond/ /usr/local/sbin/ 2. Copy jobmond.conf: > cp jobmond/jobmond.conf /etc/jobmond.conf * jobarchived 1. Create a Postgres SQL database for jobarchived: > createdb jobarchive 2. Setup jobarchived's tables: > psql -f jobarchived/job_dbase.sql jobarchive 3. Copy jobarchived/jobarchived.conf: > cp jobarchived/jobarchived.conf /etc/jobarchived.conf 4. Copy and > cp jobarchived/ /usr/local/sbin/ > cp jobarchived/ /usr/local/sbin/ * web 1. Copy the Job Monarch Template to your Ganglia installation > cp -a web/templates/job_monarch /var/www/ganglia/templates 2. Copy the web interface files to the addon directory in Ganglia > cp -a web/addons/job_monarch /var/www/ganglia/addons CONFIGURATION ============= After installation each component requires additional configuration. * jobmond 1. Edit Jobmond's config to reflect your settings: - In /etc/jobmond.conf ( see config comments for syntax and explanation ) * jobarchived 1. Edit Jobarchived's config to reflect your settings: - In /etc/jobarchived.conf ( see config comments for syntax and explanation ) * web 1. Change your Ganglia's web template to Job Monarch - In /var/www/ganglia/conf.php: > $template_name = "job_monarch"; 2. Change Job Monarch's config to reflect your settings: - In /var/www/ganglia/addons/job_monarch/conf.php ( see config comments for syntax and explanation ) START ===== * jobmond The Job Monitor has to be run on a machine that is allowed to query the PBS/Torque server. Make sure that if you have 'acl_hosts' enabled on your PBS/Torque server that jobmond's machine is in it. 1. Start the Job Monitor: > /usr/local/sbin/ -c /etc/jobmond.conf * jobarchived 1. Start the Job Archiver: > /usr/local/sbin/ -c /etc/jobarchived.conf * web Doesn't require you to (re)start anything. ( make sure the Postgres database is running though ) CONTACT ======= To contact the author for anything from bugfixes to flame/hate mail: * Ramon Bastiaans