#!/usr/bin/env python # Specify debugging level here; # # 10 = gemtric cmd's DEBUG_LEVEL = 0 # Wether or not to run as a daemon in background # DAEMONIZE = 1 # Which Torque server to monitor # TORQUE_SERVER = 'localhost' # How many seconds interval for polling of jobs # # this will effect directly how accurate the # end time of a job can be determined # TORQUE_POLL_INTERVAL = 10 # Alternate location of gmond.conf # # Default: /etc/gmond.conf # #GMOND_CONF = '/etc/gmond.conf' # Wether or not to detect differences in # time from Torque server and local time. # # Ideally both machines (if not the same) # should have the same time (via ntp or whatever) # DETECT_TIME_DIFFS = 1 from PBSQuery import PBSQuery import sys import time import os import socket import string class DataProcessor: """Class for processing of data""" binary = '/usr/bin/gmetric' def __init__( self, binary=None ): """Remember alternate binary location if supplied""" if binary: self.binary = binary # Timeout for XML # # From ganglia's documentation: # # 'A metric will be deleted DMAX seconds after it is received, and # DMAX=0 means eternal life.' self.dmax = str( int( TORQUE_POLL_INTERVAL ) ) try: gmond_file = GMOND_CONF except NameError: gmond_file = '/etc/gmond.conf' if not os.path.exists( gmond_file ): debug_msg( 0, gmond_file + ' does not exist' ) sys.exit( 1 ) incompatible = self.checkGmetricVersion() if incompatible: debug_msg( 0, 'Gmetric version not compatible, pls upgrade to at least 3.0.1' ) sys.exit( 1 ) def checkGmetricVersion( self ): """ Check version of gmetric is at least 3.0.1 for the syntax we use """ for line in os.popen( self.binary + ' --version' ).readlines(): line = line.split( ' ' ) if len( line ) == 2 and str(line).find( 'gmetric' ) != -1: gmetric_version = line[1].split( '\n' )[0] version_major = int( gmetric_version.split( '.' )[0] ) version_minor = int( gmetric_version.split( '.' )[1] ) version_patch = int( gmetric_version.split( '.' )[2] ) incompatible = 0 if version_major < 3: incompatible = 1 elif version_major == 3: if version_minor == 0: if version_patch < 1: incompatible = 1 return incompatible def multicastGmetric( self, metricname, metricval, valtype='string' ): """Call gmetric binary and multicast""" cmd = self.binary try: cmd = cmd + ' -c' + GMOND_CONF except NameError: debug_msg( 10, 'Assuming /etc/gmond.conf for gmetric cmd (ommitting)' ) cmd = cmd + ' -n' + str( metricname )+ ' -v"' + str( metricval )+ '" -t' + str( valtype ) + ' -d' + str( self.dmax ) debug_msg( 10, printTime() + ' ' + cmd ) os.system( cmd ) class DataGatherer: jobs = { } def __init__( self ): """Setup appropriate variables""" self.jobs = { } self.timeoffset = 0 self.dp = DataProcessor() self.initPbsQuery() def initPbsQuery( self ): self.pq = None if( TORQUE_SERVER ): self.pq = PBSQuery( TORQUE_SERVER ) else: self.pq = PBSQuery() def getAttr( self, attrs, name ): """Return certain attribute from dictionary, if exists""" if attrs.has_key( name ): return attrs[name] else: return '' def jobDataChanged( self, jobs, job_id, attrs ): """Check if job with attrs and job_id in jobs has changed""" if jobs.has_key( job_id ): oldData = jobs[ job_id ] else: return 1 for name, val in attrs.items(): if oldData.has_key( name ): if oldData[ name ] != attrs[ name ]: return 1 else: return 1 return 0 def getJobData( self, known_jobs ): """Gather all data on current jobs in Torque""" if len( known_jobs ) > 0: jobs = known_jobs else: jobs = { } #self.initPbsQuery() #print self.pq.getnodes() joblist = self.pq.getjobs() self.cur_time = time.time() jobs_processed = [ ] #self.printJobs( joblist ) for name, attrs in joblist.items(): job_id = name.split( '.' )[0] jobs_processed.append( job_id ) name = self.getAttr( attrs, 'Job_Name' ) queue = self.getAttr( attrs, 'queue' ) owner = self.getAttr( attrs, 'Job_Owner' ).split( '@' )[0] requested_time = self.getAttr( attrs, 'Resource_List.walltime' ) requested_memory = self.getAttr( attrs, 'Resource_List.mem' ) mynoderequest = self.getAttr( attrs, 'Resource_List.nodes' ) if mynoderequest.find( ':' ) != -1 and mynoderequest.find( 'ppn' ) != -1: ppn = mynoderequest.split( ':' )[1].split( 'ppn=' )[1] else: ppn = '' status = self.getAttr( attrs, 'job_state' ) if status == 'R': start_timestamp = self.getAttr( attrs, 'mtime' ) nodes = self.getAttr( attrs, 'exec_host' ).split( '+' ) nodeslist = [ ] for node in nodes: host = node.split( '/' )[0] if nodeslist.count( host ) == 0: nodeslist.append( host ) if DETECT_TIME_DIFFS: # If a job start if later than our current date, # that must mean the Torque server's time is later # than our local time. if int(start_timestamp) > int( int(self.cur_time) + int(self.timeoffset) ): self.timeoffset = int( int(start_timestamp) - int(self.cur_time) ) elif status == 'Q': start_timestamp = '' count_mynodes = 0 numeric_node = 1 for node in mynoderequest.split( '+' ): nodepart = node.split( ':' )[0] for letter in nodepart: if letter not in string.digits: numeric_node = 0 if not numeric_node: count_mynodes = count_mynodes + 1 else: count_mynodes = count_mynodes + int( nodepart ) nodeslist = count_mynodes else: start_timestamp = '' nodeslist = '' myAttrs = { } myAttrs['name'] = name myAttrs['queue'] = queue myAttrs['owner'] = owner myAttrs['requested_time'] = requested_time myAttrs['requested_memory'] = requested_memory myAttrs['ppn'] = ppn myAttrs['status'] = status myAttrs['start_timestamp'] = start_timestamp myAttrs['reported'] = str( int( int( self.cur_time ) + int( self.timeoffset ) ) ) myAttrs['nodes'] = nodeslist myAttrs['domain'] = string.join( socket.getfqdn().split( '.' )[1:], '.' ) myAttrs['poll_interval'] = TORQUE_POLL_INTERVAL if self.jobDataChanged( jobs, job_id, myAttrs ) and myAttrs['status'] in [ 'R', 'Q' ]: jobs[ job_id ] = myAttrs #debug_msg( 10, printTime() + ' job %s state changed' %(job_id) ) for id, attrs in jobs.items(): if id not in jobs_processed: # This one isn't there anymore; toedeledoki! # del jobs[ id ] return jobs def submitJobData( self, jobs ): """Submit job info list""" self.dp.multicastGmetric( 'TOGA-HEARTBEAT', str( int( int( self.cur_time ) + int( self.timeoffset ) ) ) ) # Now let's spread the knowledge # for jobid, jobattrs in jobs.items(): gmetric_val = self.compileGmetricVal( jobid, jobattrs ) for val in gmetric_val: self.dp.multicastGmetric( 'TOGA-JOB-' + jobid, val ) def makeNodeString( self, nodelist ): """Make one big string of all hosts""" node_str = None for node in nodelist: if not node_str: node_str = node else: node_str = node_str + ';' + node return node_str def compileGmetricVal( self, jobid, jobattrs ): """Create a val string for gmetric of jobinfo""" appendList = [ ] appendList.append( 'name=' + jobattrs['name'] ) appendList.append( 'queue=' + jobattrs['queue'] ) appendList.append( 'owner=' + jobattrs['owner'] ) appendList.append( 'requested_time=' + jobattrs['requested_time'] ) if jobattrs['requested_memory'] != '': appendList.append( 'requested_memory=' + jobattrs['requested_memory'] ) if jobattrs['ppn'] != '': appendList.append( 'ppn=' + jobattrs['ppn'] ) appendList.append( 'status=' + jobattrs['status'] ) if jobattrs['start_timestamp'] != '': appendList.append( 'start_timestamp=' + jobattrs['start_timestamp'] ) appendList.append( 'reported=' + jobattrs['reported'] ) appendList.append( 'poll_interval=' + str( jobattrs['poll_interval'] ) ) appendList.append( 'domain=' + jobattrs['domain'] ) if jobattrs['status'] == 'R': if len( jobattrs['nodes'] ) > 0: appendList.append( 'nodes=' + self.makeNodeString( jobattrs['nodes'] ) ) elif jobattrs['status'] == 'Q': appendList.append( 'nodes=' + str(jobattrs['nodes']) ) return self.makeAppendLists( appendList ) def makeAppendLists( self, append_list ): """ Divide all values from append_list over strings with a maximum size of 1400 """ app_lists = [ ] mystr = None for val in append_list: if not mystr: mystr = val else: if not self.checkValAppendMaxSize( mystr, val ): mystr = mystr + ' ' + val else: # Too big, new appenlist app_lists.append( mystr ) mystr = val app_lists.append( mystr ) return app_lists def checkValAppendMaxSize( self, val, text ): """Check if val + text size is not above 1400 (max msg size)""" # Max frame size of a udp datagram is 1500 bytes # removing misc header and gmetric stuff leaves about 1400 bytes # if len( val + text ) > 1400: return 1 else: return 0 def printJobs( self, jobs ): """Print a jobinfo overview""" for name, attrs in self.jobs.items(): print 'job %s' %(name) for name, val in attrs.items(): print '\t%s = %s' %( name, val ) def printJob( self, jobs, job_id ): """Print job with job_id from jobs""" print 'job %s' %(job_id) for name, val in jobs[ job_id ].items(): print '\t%s = %s' %( name, val ) def daemon( self ): """Run as daemon forever""" # Fork the first child # pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) # end parrent # creates a session and sets the process group ID # os.setsid() # Fork the second child # pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) # end parrent # Go to the root directory and set the umask # os.chdir('/') os.umask(0) sys.stdin.close() sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() os.open('/dev/null', 0) os.dup(0) os.dup(0) self.run() def run( self ): """Main thread""" while ( 1 ): self.jobs = self.getJobData( self.jobs ) self.submitJobData( self.jobs ) time.sleep( TORQUE_POLL_INTERVAL ) def printTime( ): """Print current time/date in human readable format for log/debug""" return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") def debug_msg( level, msg ): """Print msg if at or above current debug level""" if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= level): sys.stderr.write( msg + '\n' ) def main(): """Application start""" gather = DataGatherer() if DAEMONIZE: gather.daemon() else: gather.run() # w00t someone started me # if __name__ == '__main__': main()