/* * Ext JS Library 2.2.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ /* * ================ TabPanel with nested layouts ======================= */ // fake grid data used below in the tabsNestedLayouts config var myData = [ ['3m Co',71.72,0.02,0.03,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Alcoa Inc',29.01,0.42,1.47,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Altria Group Inc',83.81,0.28,0.34,'9/1 12:00am'], ['American Express Company',52.55,0.01,0.02,'9/1 12:00am'], ['American International Group, Inc.',64.13,0.31,0.49,'9/1 12:00am'], ['AT&T Inc.',31.61,-0.48,-1.54,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Boeing Co.',75.43,0.53,0.71,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Caterpillar Inc.',67.27,0.92,1.39,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Citigroup, Inc.',49.37,0.02,0.04,'9/1 12:00am'], ['E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company',40.48,0.51,1.28,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Exxon Mobil Corp',68.1,-0.43,-0.64,'9/1 12:00am'], ['General Electric Company',34.14,-0.08,-0.23,'9/1 12:00am'], ['General Motors Corporation',30.27,1.09,3.74,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Hewlett-Packard Co.',36.53,-0.03,-0.08,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Honeywell Intl Inc',38.77,0.05,0.13,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Intel Corporation',19.88,0.31,1.58,'9/1 12:00am'], ['International Business Machines',81.41,0.44,0.54,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Johnson & Johnson',64.72,0.06,0.09,'9/1 12:00am'], ['JP Morgan & Chase & Co',45.73,0.07,0.15,'9/1 12:00am'], ['McDonald\'s Corporation',36.76,0.86,2.40,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Merck & Co., Inc.',40.96,0.41,1.01,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Microsoft Corporation',25.84,0.14,0.54,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Pfizer Inc',27.96,0.4,1.45,'9/1 12:00am'], ['The Coca-Cola Company',45.07,0.26,0.58,'9/1 12:00am'], ['The Home Depot, Inc.',34.64,0.35,1.02,'9/1 12:00am'], ['The Procter & Gamble Company',61.91,0.01,0.02,'9/1 12:00am'], ['United Technologies Corporation',63.26,0.55,0.88,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Verizon Communications',35.57,0.39,1.11,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.',45.45,0.73,1.63,'9/1 12:00am'] ]; var tabsNestedLayouts = { xtype: 'tabpanel', id: 'tabs-nested-layouts-panel', title: 'TabPanel with Nested Layouts', activeTab: 0, items:[{ title: 'Foo', layout: 'border', items: [{ region: 'north', title: 'North', height: 75, maxSize: 150, margins: '5 5 0 5', bodyStyle: 'padding:10px;', split: true, html: 'Some content' },{ xtype: 'tabpanel', plain: true, region: 'center', margins: '0 5 5 5', activeTab: 0, items: [{ title: 'Inner Tab 1', bodyStyle: 'padding:10px;', html: 'See Inner Tab 2 for another nested BorderLayout.' },{ title: 'Inner Tab 2', cls: 'inner-tab-custom', // custom styles in layout-browser.css layout: 'border', // Make sure IE can still calculate dimensions after a resize when the tab is not active. // With display mode, if the tab is rendered but hidden, IE will mess up the layout on show: hideMode: Ext.isIE ? 'offsets' : 'display', items: [{ title: 'West', region: 'west', collapsible: true, width: 150, minSize: 100, maxSize: 350, margins: '5 0 5 5', cmargins: '5 5 5 5', html: 'Hello', bodyStyle:'padding:10px;', split: true },{ xtype: 'tabpanel', region: 'center', margins: '5 5 5 0', tabPosition: 'bottom', activeTab: 0, items: [{ // Panels that are used as tabs do not have title bars since the tab // itself is the title container. If you want to have a full title // bar within a tab, you can easily nest another panel within the tab // with layout:'fit' to acheive that: title: 'Bottom Tab', layout: 'fit', items: { title: 'Interior Content', bodyStyle:'padding:10px;', border: false, html: 'See the next tab for a nested grid. The grid is not rendered until its tab is first accessed.' } },{ // A common mistake when adding grids to a layout is creating a panel first, // then adding the grid to it. GridPanel (xtype:'grid') is a Panel subclass, // so you can add it directly as an item into a container. Typically you will // want to specify layout:'fit' on GridPanels so that they'll size along with // their container and take up the available space. title: 'Nested Grid', xtype: 'grid', layout: 'fit', store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ fields: [ {name: 'company'}, {name: 'price', type: 'float'}, {name: 'change', type: 'float'}, {name: 'pctChange', type: 'float'}, {name: 'lastChange', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'n/j h:ia'} ] }), columns: [ {id:'company',header: "Company", width: 160, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'company'}, {header: "Price", width: 75, sortable: true, renderer: 'usMoney', dataIndex: 'price'}, {header: "Change", width: 75, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'change'}, {header: "% Change", width: 75, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'pctChange'}, {header: "Last Updated", width: 85, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'} ], stripeRows: true, autoExpandColumn: 'company', // Add a listener to load the data only after the grid is rendered: listeners: { render: function(){ this.store.loadData(myData); } } }] }] }] }] },{ title: 'Bar', bodyStyle: 'padding:10px;', html: 'Nothing to see here.' }] }; /* * ================ Absolute Layout Form ======================= */ var absform = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ baseCls: 'x-plain', layout:'absolute', url:'save-form.php', border: true, defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ x: 0, y: 5, xtype: 'label', text: 'From:' },{ x: 55, y: 0, name: 'from', anchor:'100%' // anchor width by % },{ x: 0, y: 32, xtype: 'label', text: 'To:' },{ // The button is not a Field subclass, so it must be // wrapped in a panel for proper positioning to work xtype: 'panel', x: 55, y: 27, items: { xtype: 'button', text: 'Contacts...' } },{ x: 135, y: 27, name: 'to', anchor: '100%' // anchor width by % },{ x: 0, y: 59, xtype: 'label', text: 'Subject:' },{ x: 55, y: 54, name: 'subject', anchor: '100%' // anchor width by % },{ x:0, y: 81, xtype: 'textarea', name: 'msg', anchor: '100% 100%' // anchor width and height }] }); var absoluteForm = { title: 'Absolute Layout Form', id: 'abs-form-panel', layout: 'fit', bodyStyle: 'padding:15px;', items: { title: 'New Email', cls: 'email-form', layout: 'fit', frame: true, bodyStyle: 'padding:10px 5px 5px;', items: absform, tbar: [{ text: 'Send', iconCls: 'icon-send' },'-',{ text: 'Save', iconCls: 'icon-save' },{ text: 'Check Spelling', iconCls: 'icon-spell' },'-',{ text: 'Print', iconCls: 'icon-print' },'->',{ text: 'Attach a File', iconCls: 'icon-attach' }] } };