/* * Ext JS Library 2.2.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.data.Field *

This class encpasulates the field definition information specified in the field definition objects * passed to {@link Ext.data.Record#create}.


Developers do not need to instantiate this class. Instances are created by {@link Ext.data.Record.create} * and cached in the {@link Ext.data.Record#fields fields} property of the created Record constructor's prototype.

*/ Ext.data.Field = function(config){ if(typeof config == "string"){ config = {name: config}; } Ext.apply(this, config); if(!this.type){ this.type = "auto"; } var st = Ext.data.SortTypes; // named sortTypes are supported, here we look them up if(typeof this.sortType == "string"){ this.sortType = st[this.sortType]; } // set default sortType for strings and dates if(!this.sortType){ switch(this.type){ case "string": this.sortType = st.asUCString; break; case "date": this.sortType = st.asDate; break; default: this.sortType = st.none; } } // define once var stripRe = /[\$,%]/g; // prebuilt conversion function for this field, instead of // switching every time we're reading a value if(!this.convert){ var cv, dateFormat = this.dateFormat; switch(this.type){ case "": case "auto": case undefined: cv = function(v){ return v; }; break; case "string": cv = function(v){ return (v === undefined || v === null) ? '' : String(v); }; break; case "int": cv = function(v){ return v !== undefined && v !== null && v !== '' ? parseInt(String(v).replace(stripRe, ""), 10) : ''; }; break; case "float": cv = function(v){ return v !== undefined && v !== null && v !== '' ? parseFloat(String(v).replace(stripRe, ""), 10) : ''; }; break; case "bool": case "boolean": cv = function(v){ return v === true || v === "true" || v == 1; }; break; case "date": cv = function(v){ if(!v){ return ''; } if(Ext.isDate(v)){ return v; } if(dateFormat){ if(dateFormat == "timestamp"){ return new Date(v*1000); } if(dateFormat == "time"){ return new Date(parseInt(v, 10)); } return Date.parseDate(v, dateFormat); } var parsed = Date.parse(v); return parsed ? new Date(parsed) : null; }; break; } this.convert = cv; } }; Ext.data.Field.prototype = { /** * @cfg {String} name * The name by which the field is referenced within the Record. This is referenced by, * for example, the dataIndex property in column definition objects passed to {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel} */ /** * @cfg {String} type * (Optional) The data type for conversion to displayable value. Possible values are * */ /** * @cfg {Function} convert * (Optional) A function which converts the value provided by the Reader into an object that will be stored * in the Record. It is passed the following parameters: */ /** * @cfg {String} dateFormat * (Optional) A format string for the {@link Date#parseDate Date.parseDate} function, or "timestamp" if the * value provided by the Reader is a UNIX timestamp, or "time" if the value provided by the Reader is a * javascript millisecond timestamp. */ dateFormat: null, /** * @cfg {Mixed} defaultValue * (Optional) The default value used when a Record is being created by a * {@link Ext.data.Reader Reader} when the item referenced by the mapping does not exist in the data object * (i.e. undefined). (defaults to "") */ defaultValue: "", /** * @cfg {String} mapping * (Optional) A path specification for use by the {@link Ext.data.Reader} implementation * that is creating the Record to access the data value from the data object. If an {@link Ext.data.JsonReader} * is being used, then this is a string containing the javascript expression to reference the data relative to * the Record item's root. If an {@link Ext.data.XmlReader} is being used, this is an {@link Ext.DomQuery} path * to the data item relative to the Record element. If the mapping expression is the same as the field name, * this may be omitted. */ mapping: null, /** * @cfg {Function} sortType * (Optional) A function which converts a Field's value to a comparable value in order to ensure correct * sort ordering. Predefined functions are provided in {@link Ext.data.SortTypes} */ sortType : null, /** * @cfg {String} sortDir * (Optional) Initial direction to sort. "ASC" or "DESC" */ sortDir : "ASC" };