/* * Ext JS Library 2.2.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.Toolbar * @extends Ext.BoxComponent * Basic Toolbar class. Toolbar elements can be created explicitly via their constructors, or implicitly * via their xtypes. Some items also have shortcut strings for creation. * @constructor * Creates a new Toolbar * @param {Object/Array} config A config object or an array of buttons to add */ Ext.Toolbar = function(config){ if(Ext.isArray(config)){ config = {buttons:config}; } Ext.Toolbar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; (function(){ var T = Ext.Toolbar; Ext.extend(T, Ext.BoxComponent, { trackMenus : true, // private initComponent : function(){ T.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if(this.items){ this.buttons = this.items; } /** * A MixedCollection of this Toolbar's items * @property items * @type Ext.util.MixedCollection */ this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(o){ return o.itemId || o.id || Ext.id(); }); }, // private autoCreate: { cls:'x-toolbar x-small-editor', html:'
' }, // private onRender : function(ct, position){ this.el = ct.createChild(Ext.apply({ id: this.id },this.autoCreate), position); this.tr = this.el.child("tr", true); }, // private afterRender : function(){ T.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if(this.buttons){ this.add.apply(this, this.buttons); delete this.buttons; } }, /** * Adds element(s) to the toolbar -- this function takes a variable number of * arguments of mixed type and adds them to the toolbar. * @param {Mixed} arg1 The following types of arguments are all valid:
* * @param {Mixed} arg2 * @param {Mixed} etc. */ add : function(){ var a = arguments, l = a.length; for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){ var el = a[i]; if(el.isFormField){ // some kind of form field this.addField(el); }else if(el.render){ // some kind of Toolbar.Item this.addItem(el); }else if(typeof el == "string"){ // string if(el == "separator" || el == "-"){ this.addSeparator(); }else if(el == " "){ this.addSpacer(); }else if(el == "->"){ this.addFill(); }else{ this.addText(el); } }else if(el.tagName){ // element this.addElement(el); }else if(typeof el == "object"){ // must be button config? if(el.xtype){ this.addField(Ext.ComponentMgr.create(el, 'button')); }else{ this.addButton(el); } } } }, /** * Adds a separator * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Item} The separator item */ addSeparator : function(){ return this.addItem(new T.Separator()); }, /** * Adds a spacer element * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Spacer} The spacer item */ addSpacer : function(){ return this.addItem(new T.Spacer()); }, /** * Adds a fill element that forces subsequent additions to the right side of the toolbar * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Fill} The fill item */ addFill : function(){ return this.addItem(new T.Fill()); }, /** * Adds any standard HTML element to the toolbar * @param {Mixed} el The element or id of the element to add * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Item} The element's item */ addElement : function(el){ return this.addItem(new T.Item(el)); }, /** * Adds any Toolbar.Item or subclass * @param {Ext.Toolbar.Item} item * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Item} The item */ addItem : function(item){ var td = this.nextBlock(); this.initMenuTracking(item); item.render(td); this.items.add(item); return item; }, /** * Adds a button (or buttons). See {@link Ext.Toolbar.Button} for more info on the config. * @param {Object/Array} config A button config or array of configs * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array} */ addButton : function(config){ if(Ext.isArray(config)){ var buttons = []; for(var i = 0, len = config.length; i < len; i++) { buttons.push(this.addButton(config[i])); } return buttons; } var b = config; if(!(config instanceof T.Button)){ b = config.split ? new T.SplitButton(config) : new T.Button(config); } var td = this.nextBlock(); this.initMenuTracking(b); b.render(td); this.items.add(b); return b; }, // private initMenuTracking : function(item){ if(this.trackMenus && item.menu){ item.on({ 'menutriggerover' : this.onButtonTriggerOver, 'menushow' : this.onButtonMenuShow, 'menuhide' : this.onButtonMenuHide, scope: this }) } }, /** * Adds text to the toolbar * @param {String} text The text to add * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Item} The element's item */ addText : function(text){ return this.addItem(new T.TextItem(text)); }, /** * Inserts any {@link Ext.Toolbar.Item}/{@link Ext.Toolbar.Button} at the specified index. * @param {Number} index The index where the item is to be inserted * @param {Object/Ext.Toolbar.Item/Ext.Toolbar.Button/Array} item The button, or button config object to be * inserted, or an array of buttons/configs. * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Button/Item} */ insertButton : function(index, item){ if(Ext.isArray(item)){ var buttons = []; for(var i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++) { buttons.push(this.insertButton(index + i, item[i])); } return buttons; } if (!(item instanceof T.Button)){ item = new T.Button(item); } var td = document.createElement("td"); this.tr.insertBefore(td, this.tr.childNodes[index]); this.initMenuTracking(item); item.render(td); this.items.insert(index, item); return item; }, /** * Adds a new element to the toolbar from the passed {@link Ext.DomHelper} config * @param {Object} config * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Item} The element's item */ addDom : function(config, returnEl){ var td = this.nextBlock(); Ext.DomHelper.overwrite(td, config); var ti = new T.Item(td.firstChild); ti.render(td); this.items.add(ti); return ti; }, /** * Adds a dynamically rendered Ext.form field (TextField, ComboBox, etc). Note: the field should not have * been rendered yet. For a field that has already been rendered, use {@link #addElement}. * @param {Ext.form.Field} field * @return {Ext.Toolbar.Item} */ addField : function(field){ var td = this.nextBlock(); field.render(td); var ti = new T.Item(td.firstChild); ti.render(td); this.items.add(field); return ti; }, // private nextBlock : function(){ var td = document.createElement("td"); this.tr.appendChild(td); return td; }, // private onDestroy : function(){ Ext.Toolbar.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if(this.rendered){ if(this.items){ // rendered? Ext.destroy.apply(Ext, this.items.items); } Ext.Element.uncache(this.tr); } }, // private onDisable : function(){ this.items.each(function(item){ if(item.disable){ item.disable(); } }); }, // private onEnable : function(){ this.items.each(function(item){ if(item.enable){ item.enable(); } }); }, // private onButtonTriggerOver : function(btn){ if(this.activeMenuBtn && this.activeMenuBtn != btn){ this.activeMenuBtn.hideMenu(); btn.showMenu(); this.activeMenuBtn = btn; } }, // private onButtonMenuShow : function(btn){ this.activeMenuBtn = btn; }, // private onButtonMenuHide : function(btn){ delete this.activeMenuBtn; } /** * @cfg {String} autoEl @hide */ }); Ext.reg('toolbar', Ext.Toolbar); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.Item * The base class that other classes should extend in order to get some basic common toolbar item functionality. * @constructor * Creates a new Item * @param {HTMLElement} el */ T.Item = function(el){ this.el = Ext.getDom(el); this.id = Ext.id(this.el); this.hidden = false; }; T.Item.prototype = { /** * Get this item's HTML Element * @return {HTMLElement} */ getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, // private render : function(td){ this.td = td; td.appendChild(this.el); }, /** * Removes and destroys this item. */ destroy : function(){ if(this.el){ var el = Ext.get(this.el); Ext.destroy(el); } Ext.removeNode(this.td); }, /** * Shows this item. */ show: function(){ this.hidden = false; this.td.style.display = ""; }, /** * Hides this item. */ hide: function(){ this.hidden = true; this.td.style.display = "none"; }, /** * Convenience function for boolean show/hide. * @param {Boolean} visible true to show/false to hide */ setVisible: function(visible){ if(visible) { this.show(); }else{ this.hide(); } }, /** * Try to focus this item */ focus : function(){ Ext.fly(this.el).focus(); }, /** * Disables this item. */ disable : function(){ Ext.fly(this.td).addClass("x-item-disabled"); this.disabled = true; this.el.disabled = true; }, /** * Enables this item. */ enable : function(){ Ext.fly(this.td).removeClass("x-item-disabled"); this.disabled = false; this.el.disabled = false; } }; Ext.reg('tbitem', T.Item); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.Separator * @extends Ext.Toolbar.Item * A simple class that adds a vertical separator bar between toolbar items. Example usage: *

new Ext.Panel({
	tbar : [
		'Item 1',
		{xtype: 'tbseparator'}, // or '-'
		'Item 2'
* @constructor * Creates a new Separator */ T.Separator = function(){ var s = document.createElement("span"); s.className = "ytb-sep"; T.Separator.superclass.constructor.call(this, s); }; Ext.extend(T.Separator, T.Item, { enable:Ext.emptyFn, disable:Ext.emptyFn, focus:Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg('tbseparator', T.Separator); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.Spacer * @extends Ext.Toolbar.Item * A simple element that adds extra horizontal space between items in a toolbar. *

new Ext.Panel({
	tbar : [
		'Item 1',
		{xtype: 'tbspacer'}, // or ' '
		'Item 2'
* @constructor * Creates a new Spacer */ T.Spacer = function(){ var s = document.createElement("div"); s.className = "ytb-spacer"; T.Spacer.superclass.constructor.call(this, s); }; Ext.extend(T.Spacer, T.Item, { enable:Ext.emptyFn, disable:Ext.emptyFn, focus:Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg('tbspacer', T.Spacer); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.Fill * @extends Ext.Toolbar.Spacer * A simple element that adds a greedy (100% width) horizontal space between items in a toolbar. *

new Ext.Panel({
	tbar : [
		'Item 1',
		{xtype: 'tbfill'}, // or '->'
		'Item 2'
* @constructor * Creates a new Spacer */ T.Fill = Ext.extend(T.Spacer, { // private render : function(td){ td.style.width = '100%'; T.Fill.superclass.render.call(this, td); } }); Ext.reg('tbfill', T.Fill); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.TextItem * @extends Ext.Toolbar.Item * A simple class that renders text directly into a toolbar. *

new Ext.Panel({
	tbar : [
		{xtype: 'tbtext', text: 'Item 1'} // or simply 'Item 1'
* @constructor * Creates a new TextItem * @param {String/Object} text A text string, or a config object containing a text property */ T.TextItem = function(t){ var s = document.createElement("span"); s.className = "ytb-text"; s.innerHTML = t.text ? t.text : t; T.TextItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, s); }; Ext.extend(T.TextItem, T.Item, { enable:Ext.emptyFn, disable:Ext.emptyFn, focus:Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg('tbtext', T.TextItem); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.Button * @extends Ext.Button * A button that renders into a toolbar. Use the handler config to specify a callback function * to handle the button's click event. *

new Ext.Panel({
	tbar : [
		{text: 'OK', handler: okHandler} // tbbutton is the default xtype if not specified
* @constructor * Creates a new Button * @param {Object} config A standard {@link Ext.Button} config object */ T.Button = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, { hideParent : true, onDestroy : function(){ T.Button.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if(this.container){ this.container.remove(); } } }); Ext.reg('tbbutton', T.Button); /** * @class Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton * @extends Ext.SplitButton * A split button that renders into a toolbar. *

new Ext.Panel({
	tbar : [
			xtype: 'tbsplit',
		   	text: 'Options',
		   	handler: optionsHandler, // handle a click on the button itself
		   	menu: new Ext.menu.Menu({
		        items: [
		        	// These items will display in a dropdown menu when the split arrow is clicked
			        {text: 'Item 1', handler: item1Handler},
			        {text: 'Item 2', handler: item2Handler}
* @constructor * Creates a new SplitButton * @param {Object} config A standard {@link Ext.SplitButton} config object */ T.SplitButton = Ext.extend(Ext.SplitButton, { hideParent : true, onDestroy : function(){ T.SplitButton.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if(this.container){ this.container.remove(); } } }); Ext.reg('tbsplit', T.SplitButton); // backwards compat T.MenuButton = T.SplitButton; })();