getRrdFiles( $metricname, $start, $stop ); //print_r( $rrd_files ); $graph = $metricname; if (isset($graph)) { $rrd_dirs = $trd->getRrdDirs( $period_start, $period_stop ); $series = ''; if($graph == "cpu_report") { $style = "CPU"; //printf("ik doe die shit!\n"); $upper_limit = "--upper-limit 100 --rigid"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label Percent "; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $user_str = ":'User CPU'"; $nice_str = ":'Nice CPU'"; $system_str = ":'System CPU'"; $wio_str = ":'WAIT CPU'"; $idle_str = ":'Idle CPU'"; } else { $user_str = ""; $nice_str = ""; $system_str = ""; $wio_str = ""; $idle_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'cpu_user${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_user.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_nice${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_nice.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_system${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_system.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_idle${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_idle.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."AREA:'cpu_user${def_nr}'#${cpu_user_color}${user_str} " ."STACK:'cpu_nice${def_nr}'#${cpu_nice_color}${nice_str} " ."STACK:'cpu_system${def_nr}'#${cpu_system_color}${system_str} "; if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_wio.rrd")) { $series .= "DEF:'cpu_wio${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_wio.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."STACK:'cpu_wio${def_nr}'#${cpu_wio_color}${wio_str} "; } $series .= "STACK:'cpu_idle${def_nr}'#${cpu_idle_color}${idle_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else if ($graph == "mem_report") { $style = "Memory"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $extras = "--base 1024"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label Bytes"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $memuse_str = ":'Memory Used'"; $memshared_str = ":'Memory Shared'"; $memcached_str = ":'Memory Cached'"; $membuff_str = ":'Memory Buffered'"; $memswap_str = ":'Memory Swapped'"; $total_str = ":'Total In-Core Memory'"; } else { $memuse_str = ""; $memshared_str = ""; $memcached_str = ""; $membuff_str = ""; $memswap_str = ""; $total_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'mem_total${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_total.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_total${def_nr}'=mem_total${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_shared${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_shared.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_shared${def_nr}'=mem_shared${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_free${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_free.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_free${def_nr}'=mem_free${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_cached${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_cached.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_cached${def_nr}'=mem_cached${def_nr},1024,* " ."DEF:'mem_buffers${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/mem_buffers.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_buffers${def_nr}'=mem_buffers${def_nr},1024,* " ."CDEF:'bmem_used${def_nr}'='bmem_total${def_nr}','bmem_shared${def_nr}',-,'bmem_free${def_nr}',-,'bmem_cached${def_nr}',-,'bmem_buffers${def_nr}',- " ."AREA:'bmem_used${def_nr}'#${mem_used_color}${memuse_str} " ."STACK:'bmem_shared${def_nr}'#${mem_shared_color}${memshared_str} " ."STACK:'bmem_cached${def_nr}'#${mem_cached_color}${memcached_str} " ."STACK:'bmem_buffers${def_nr}'#${mem_buffered_color}${membuff_str} "; if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/swap_total.rrd")) { $series .= "DEF:'swap_total${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/swap_total.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'swap_free${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/swap_free.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."CDEF:'bmem_swapped${def_nr}'='swap_total${def_nr}','swap_free${def_nr}',-,1024,* " ."STACK:'bmem_swapped${def_nr}'#${mem_swapped_color}${memswap_str} "; } $series .= "LINE2:'bmem_total${def_nr}'#${cpu_num_color}${total_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else if ($graph == "load_report") { $style = "Load"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label 'Load/Procs'"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $load_str = ":'1-min Load'"; $cpu_str = ":'CPUs'"; $run_str = ":'Running Processes'"; } else { } $series .= "DEF:'load_one${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/load_one.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'proc_run${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/proc_run.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'cpu_num${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_num.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE "; $series .="AREA:'load_one${def_nr}'#${load_one_color}${load_str} "; $series .="LINE2:'cpu_num${def_nr}'#${cpu_num_color}${cpu_str} "; $series .="LINE2:'proc_run${def_nr}'#${proc_run_color}${run_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else if ($graph == "network_report") { $style = "Network"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $extras = "--base 1024"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label 'Bytes/sec'"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $in_str = ":'In'"; $out_str = ":'Out'"; } else { $in_str = ""; $out_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'bytes_in${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/bytes_in.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'bytes_out${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/bytes_out.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."LINE2:'bytes_in${def_nr}'#${mem_cached_color}${in_str} " ."LINE2:'bytes_out${def_nr}'#${mem_used_color}${out_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else if ($graph == "packet_report") { $style = "Packets"; $lower_limit = "--lower-limit 0 --rigid"; $extras = "--base 1024"; $vertical_label = "--vertical-label 'Packets/sec'"; $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $in_str = ":'In'"; $out_str = ":'Out'"; } else { $in_str = ""; $out_str = ""; } $series .= "DEF:'bytes_in${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/pkts_in.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."DEF:'bytes_out${def_nr}'='${rrd_dir}/pkts_out.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE " ."LINE2:'bytes_in${def_nr}'#${mem_cached_color}${in_str} " ."LINE2:'bytes_out${def_nr}'#${mem_used_color}${out_str} "; $def_nr++; } } else { /* Custom graph */ $style = ""; $subtitle = $metricname; if ($context == "host") { if ($size == "small") $prefix = $metricname; else $prefix = $hostname; $value = $value>1000 ? number_format($value) : number_format($value, 2); } //if ($range=="job") { // $hrs = intval( -$jobrange / 3600 ); // $subtitle = "$prefix last ${hrs}h (now $value)"; //} else // $subtitle = "$prefix last $range (now $value)"; if (is_numeric($max)) $upper_limit = "--upper-limit '$max' "; if (is_numeric($min)) $lower_limit ="--lower-limit '$min' "; if ($vlabel) $vertical_label = "--vertical-label '$vlabel'"; else { if ($upper_limit or $lower_limit) { $max = $max>1000 ? number_format($max) : number_format($max, 2); $min = $min>0 ? number_format($min,2) : $min; $vertical_label ="--vertical-label '$min - $max' "; } } $def_nr = 0; foreach( $rrd_dirs as $rrd_dir ) { if( $def_nr == 0 ) { $title_str = ":'${subtitle}'"; } else { $title_str = ""; } $rrd_file = "$rrd_dir/$metricname.rrd"; $series .= "DEF:'sum${def_nr}'='$rrd_file':'sum':AVERAGE " ."AREA:'sum${def_nr}'#${default_metric_color}${title_str} "; $def_nr++; } } if( $series != '' ) { if ($job_start) $series .= "VRULE:${job_start}#${jobstart_color} "; if ($job_stop) $series .= "VRULE:${job_stop}#${jobstart_color} "; } } //$title = "$hostname $style $metricname"; $title = "$hostname"; //# Set the graph title. //if($context == "meta") { // $title = "$self $meta_designator $style last $range"; //} else if ($context == "grid") { // $title = "$grid $meta_designator $style last $range"; //} else if ($context == "cluster") { // $title = "$clustername $style last $range"; //} else { // if ($size == "small") { // # Value for this graph define a background color. // if (!$load_color) $load_color = "ffffff"; // $background = "--color BACK#'$load_color'"; // $title = $hostname; // } else { // if ($style) // $title = "$hostname $style last $range"; // else // $title = $metricname; // } //} # # Generate the rrdtool graph command. # $command = RRDTOOL . " graph - --start $period_start --end $period_stop ". "--width $width --height $height $upper_limit $lower_limit ". "--title '$title' $vertical_label $extras $background ". $series; $debug=0; # Did we generate a command? Run it. if($command) { /*Make sure the image is not cached*/ header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 if ($debug) { header ("Content-type: text/html"); print "$command\n\n\n\n\n"; } else { header ("Content-type: image/gif"); passthru($command); } } ?>