$val) { if ($key == "title") $title = $val; elseif ($key == "size") list($size_x, $size_y) = explode("x", $val); else { list( $value, $color ) = explode( ",", $val ); $values[] = $value; $legend[] = $key; } } // Include pChart libs // include( "./lib/pchart/pData.class" ); include( "./lib/pchart/pChart.class" ); // Dataset definition // $DataSet = new pData; $DataSet->AddPoint( $values, "Pie slices" ); $DataSet->AddPoint( $legend, "Legend" ); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie( "Legend" ); // Initialise the graph $myChart = new pChart(380,200); $myChart->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7,7,373,193,5,240,240,240); $myChart->drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,375,195,5,230,230,230); // Font for slice percentages & legend text // $myChart->setFontProperties( "./lib/pchart/tahoma.ttf", 8 ); // Draw the pie slices and percentages text // $myChart->drawPieGraph( $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 160, 100, 110, TRUE, TRUE, 50, 20, 20 ); // Draw legend text // $myChart->drawPieLegend( 280, 15, $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 250, 250, 250 ); // Font for title: a little bigger // $myChart->setFontProperties( "./lib/pchart/tahoma.ttf", 12 ); // Draw title text // $myChart->drawTitle( 0, 5, $title, 50, 50, 50, 380, 20 ); // Draw complete graph embedded inline: output the png // $myChart->Stroke(); ?>