getData(); session_start(); unset( $_SESSION['data'] ); $_SESSION['data'] = &$myxml_data; global $jobs, $metrics; $data_gatherer = new DataGatherer( $clustername ); $data_gatherer->parseXML( &$myxml_data ); $heartbeat = &$data_gatherer->getHeartbeat(); $jobs = &$data_gatherer->getJobs(); //$gnodes = $data_gatherer->getNodes(); $cpus = &$data_gatherer->getCpus(); $use_fqdn = &$data_gatherer->getUsingFQDN(); // The ext grid script will send a task field which will specify what it wants to do //$task = ''; if( isset($_POST['task']) ) { $task = $_POST['task']; } if( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['task' ] ) ) { $task = $HTTP_POST_VARS['task']; } switch($task) { case "GETJOBS": getJobs(); break; case "GETNODES": getNodes(); break; case "GETMETRICS": getMetrics(); break; default: echo "{failure:true}"; break; } function printCacheHeaders() { header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header ("Pragma: no-cache"); } function getMetrics( $host=null ) { global $metrics; reset($metrics); if( !$host) { $firsthost = key($metrics); } else { $firsthost = $host; } $first_metrics = $metrics[$firsthost]; $metric_list = array(); $metric_count = 0; foreach( $first_metrics as $metricname => $metricval ) { $metric = array(); $metric['id'] = $metricname; $metric['name'] = $metricname; $metric_list[] = $metric; $metric_count = $metric_count + 1; } $results = array(); $results['names'] = $metric_list; $results['total'] = $metric_count; printCacheHeaders(); $jsonresults = JEncode( $results ); echo $jsonresults; return 0; } function quickSearchJobs( $jobs, $query ) { $searchresults = array(); foreach( $jobs as $jobid => $jobattrs ) { if( $query != null ) { if( strpos( $jobattrs['jid'], $query ) !== false ) { $searchresults[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } if( strpos( $jobattrs['owner'], $query ) !== false ) { $searchresults[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } if( strpos( $jobattrs['queue'], $query ) !== false ) { $searchresults[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } if( strpos( $jobattrs['name'], $query ) !== false ) { $searchresults[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } if( is_array( $jobattrs['nodes'] ) ) { foreach( $jobattrs['nodes'] as $jattr ) { if( strpos( $jattr, $query ) !== false ) { $searchresults[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } } } if( strpos( $jobid, $query ) !== false ) { $searchresults[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } } } return $searchresults; } function sortJobs( $jobs, $sortby, $sortorder ) { $sorted = array(); $cmp = create_function( '$a, $b', "global \$sortby, \$sortorder;". "if( \$a == \$b ) return 0;". "if (\$sortorder==\"DESC\")". "return ( \$a < \$b ) ? 1 : -1;". "else if (\$sortorder==\"ASC\")". "return ( \$a > \$b ) ? 1 : -1;" ); if( isset( $jobs ) && count( $jobs ) > 0 ) { foreach( $jobs as $jobid => $jobattrs ) { $state = $jobattrs['status']; $user = $jobattrs['owner']; $queue = $jobattrs['queue']; $name = $jobattrs['name']; $req_cpu = $jobattrs['requested_time']; $req_memory = $jobattrs['requested_memory']; $nodes = $jobattrs['nodes']; $ppn = (int) $jobattrs['ppn'] ? $jobattrs['ppn'] : 1; if( $state == 'R' ) { $cpus = count( $nodes ) * $ppn; } else { $cpus = ((int) $nodes ) * $ppn; } $queued_time = (int) $jobattrs['queued_timestamp']; $start_time = (int) $jobattrs['start_timestamp']; $runningtime = $report_time - $start_time; switch( $sortby ) { case "jid": $sorted[$jobid] = $jobid; break; case "status": $sorted[$jobid] = $state; break; case "owner": $sorted[$jobid] = $user; break; case "queue": $sorted[$jobid] = $queue; break; case "name": $sorted[$jobid] = $name; break; case "requested_time": $sorted[$jobid] = timeToEpoch( $req_cpu ); break; case "requested_memory": $sorted[$jobid] = $req_memory; break; case "ppn": $sorted[$jobid] = $ppn; break; case "nodect": if( $state == 'Q' ) { $sorted[$jobid] = $nodes; } else { $sorted[$jobid] = count( $nodes ); } break; case "cpus": $sorted[$jobid] = $cpus; break; case "queued_timestamp": $sorted[$jobid] = $queued_time; break; case "start_timestamp": $sorted[$jobid] = $start_time; break; case "runningtime": $sorted[$jobid] = $runningtime; break; case "nodes": if( $state == 'R' ) { $sorted[$jobid] = $nodes[0]; } else { $sorted[$jobid] = $nodes; } default: break; } } } if( $sortorder == "ASC" ) { asort( $sorted ); } else if( $sortorder == "DESC" ) { arsort( $sorted ); } return $sorted; } function filterJobs( $jobs ) { global $jid, $owner, $queue, $status, $host, $use_fqdn; $filtered_jobs = array(); if( isset( $jobs ) && count( $jobs ) > 0 ) { foreach( $jobs as $jobid => $jobattrs ) { $state = $jobattrs['status']; $user = $jobattrs['owner']; $jqueue = $jobattrs['queue']; $name = $jobattrs['name']; $req_cpu = $jobattrs['requested_time']; $req_memory = $jobattrs['requested_memory']; if( $state == 'R' ) { $nodes = count( $jobattrs['nodes'] ); $mynodehosts = array(); foreach( $jobattrs['nodes'] as $mynode ) { //if( $use_fqdn == 1) //{ // $mynode = $mynode.".".$jobattrs['domain']; //} $mynodehosts[] = $mynode; } $jobattrs['nodes'] = $mynodehosts; } else { $nodes = $jobattrs['nodes']; } $ppn = (int) $jobattrs['ppn'] ? $jobattrs['ppn'] : 1; $cpus = $nodes * $ppn; $queued_time = (int) $jobattrs['queued_timestamp']; $start_time = (int) $jobattrs['start_timestamp']; $runningtime = $report_time - $start_time; $domain = $jobattrs['domain']; $domain_len = 0 - strlen( $domain ); $keepjob = true; if( $jid ) { if( $jobid != $jid ) { $keepjob = false; } } else if( $host ) { if( $state == 'R' ) { $jnodes = $jobattrs['nodes']; $keepjob = false; foreach( $jnodes as $jnode) { if( $jnode == $host ) { $keepjob = true; } } } else { $keepjob = false; } } if( $owner ) { if( $user != $owner ) { $keepjob = false; } } if( $queue ) { if( $jqueue != $queue ) { $keepjob = false; } } if( $status ) { if( $state != $status ) { $keepjob = false; } } if( $keepjob ) { $filtered_jobs[$jobid] = $jobattrs; } } } return $filtered_jobs; } function getNodes() { global $jobs, $jobids, $clustername, $metrics, $jid, $metricname; global $always_timestamp, $always_constant; $display_nodes = array(); printCacheHeaders(); if( !$jobids && !$jid ) { // RB: todo replace with 0 result rows // printf("no jobid(s)\n"); return 1; } foreach( $jobs[$jid]['nodes'] as $jobnode ) { if( !in_array( $jobnode, $display_nodes) ) { $display_nodes[] = $jobnode; } } $node_results = array(); $result_count = count( $display_nodes ); foreach( $display_nodes as $host ) { $nr = array(); $cpus = $metrics[$host]['cpu_num']['VAL']; //print_r( $jobs[$jid] ); if ( !$cpus ) { $cpus = 1; } $load_one = $metrics[$host]['load_one']['VAL']; $load = ((float) $load_one) / $cpus; $load_color = load_color($load); // RB: something broken here with JR / JS // //$job_runtime = intval( $jobs[$jid]['reported'] ) - intval( $jobs[$jid]['start_timestamp'] ); $job_runtime = date( 'u' ) - intval( $jobs[$jid]['start_timestamp'] ); $job_window = intval( $job_runtime ) * 1.2; $jobrange = -$job_window; $jobstart = $jobs[$jid]['start_timestamp']; $nr['jid'] = $jid; $hostar = array( $host ); list($min,$max) = find_limits( $hostar, $metricname ); $host_url = rawurlencode( $host ); $cluster_url = rawurlencode( $clustername ); $textval = ""; $val = $metrics[$host][$metricname]; // RB: haven't used this yet: link to Ganglia's host overview // maybe later to popup? // //$host_link = "\"../../?c=$cluster_url&h=$host_url&r=job&jr=$jobrange&js=$jobstart\""; if ( $val["TYPE"] == "timestamp" || $always_timestamp[$metricname] ) { $textval = date( "r", $val["VAL"] ); } elseif ( $val["TYPE"] == "string" || $val["SLOPE"] == "zero" || $always_constant[$metricname] ) { $textval = $val["VAL"] . " " . $val["UNITS"]; } else { $graphargs = ($reports[$metricname]) ? "g=$metricname&" : "m=$metricname&"; $graphargs .= "c=$cluster_url&h=$host_url&l=$load_color&v=".$val['VAL']."&r=job&jr=$jobrange&js=$jobstart"; if( $max > 0 ) { $graphargs .= "&x=$max&n=$min"; } } $nr['ga'] = $graphargs; $node_results[] = $nr; } $jsonresults = JEncode( $node_results ); echo '{"total":"'. $result_count .'","results":'. $jsonresults .'}'; } function getJobs() { global $jobs, $hearbeat, $pstart, $pend; global $sortfield, $sortorder, $query, $host; global $jid, $owner, $queue, $status; $job_count = count( $jobs ); printCacheHeaders(); if( $job_count == 0 ) { echo '({"total":"0", "results":""})'; return 0; } $jobresults = array(); $cur_job = 0; $sorted_jobs = sortJobs( $jobs, $sortfield, $sortorder ); if( $query ) { $jobs = quickSearchJobs( $jobs, $query ); } if( $jid || $owner || $queue || $status || $host ) { $jobs = filterJobs( $jobs ); } $result_count = count( $jobs ); foreach( $sorted_jobs as $jobid => $jobattrs ) { //if( $jobattrs['reported'] != $heartbeat ) //{ // continue; //} if( ! array_key_exists( $jobid, $jobs ) ) { continue; } $jr = array(); $jr['jid'] = strval( $jobid ); $jr['status'] = $jobs[$jobid]['status']; $jr['owner'] = $jobs[$jobid]['owner']; $jr['queue'] = $jobs[$jobid]['queue']; $jr['name'] = $jobs[$jobid]['name']; $jr['requested_time'] = makeTime( timeToEpoch( $jobs[$jobid]['requested_time'] ) ); if( $jr['status'] == 'R' ) { $nodes = count( $jobs[$jobid]['nodes'] ); } else { $nodes = (int) $jobs[$jobid]['nodes']; } $jr['ppn'] = strval( $jobs[$jobid]['ppn'] ? $jobs[$jobid]['ppn'] : 1 ); $jr['nodect'] = strval( $nodes ); if( $jr['status'] == 'R' ) { $jr['nodes'] = implode( ",", $jobs[$jobid]['nodes'] ); } else { $jr['nodes'] = ""; } $jr['queued_timestamp'] = makeDate( $jobs[$jobid]['queued_timestamp'] ); $jr['start_timestamp'] = ($jobs[$jobid]['start_timestamp'] ? makeDate( $jobs[$jobid]['start_timestamp'] ) : ""); if( $jr['status'] == 'R' ) { $runningtime = (int) $jobs[$jobid]['reported'] - (int) $jobs[$jobid]['start_timestamp']; $jr['runningtime'] = makeTime( $runningtime ); } else { $jr['runningtime'] = ""; } if( ( $cur_job < $pstart ) || ( ($cur_job - $pstart) >= $pend ) ) { $cur_job = $cur_job + 1; continue; } else { $cur_job = $cur_job + 1; } $jobresults[] = $jr; } $jsonresults = JEncode( $jobresults ); echo '{"total":"'. $result_count .'","results":'. $jsonresults .'}'; return 0; } // Encodes a SQL array into a JSON formated string: so that Javascript may understand it // function JEncode( $arr ) { if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, "5.2", "<" ) ) { require_once( "./JSON.php" ); //if php<5.2 need JSON class $json = new Services_JSON(); //instantiate new json object $data = $json->encode( $arr ); //encode the data in json format } else { $data = json_encode( $arr ); //encode the data in json format } return $data; } ?>