var JobsDataStore; var JobsColumnModel; var JobListingEditorGrid; var JobListingWindow; var JobProxy; //Ext.onReady( initJobGrid() ); function initJobGrid() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); JobProxy = new{ url: 'jobstore.php', method: 'POST' }); JobsDataStore = new{ id: 'JobsDataStore', proxy: JobProxy, baseParams:{task: "LISTING"}, // this parameter is passed for any HTTP request reader: new{ root: 'results', totalProperty: 'total', id: 'id' },[ {name: 'jid', type: 'int', mapping: 'jid'}, {name: 'status', type: 'string', mapping: 'status'}, {name: 'owner', type: 'string', mapping: 'owner'}, {name: 'queue', type: 'string', mapping: 'queue'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string', mapping: 'name'}, {name: 'requested_time', type: 'string', mapping: 'requested_time'}, //{name: 'requested_memory', type: 'string', mapping: 'requested_memory'}, {name: 'ppn', type: 'int', mapping: 'ppn'}, {name: 'nodect', type: 'int', mapping: 'nodect'}, {name: 'nodes', type: 'string', mapping: 'nodes'}, {name: 'queued_timestamp', type: 'string', mapping: 'queued_timestamp'}, {name: 'start_timestamp', type: 'string', mapping: 'start_timestamp'}, {name: 'runningtime', type: 'string', mapping: 'runningtime'} ]), sortInfo: {field: 'jid', direction: "ASC"}, remoteSort: true }); JobsColumnModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel( [{ header: '#', tooltip: 'Job id', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'jid', width: 50, hidden: false },{ header: 'S', tooltip: 'Job status', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'status', width: 20, hidden: false },{ header: 'User', tooltip: 'Owner of job', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'owner', width: 60, hidden: false },{ header: 'Queue', tooltip: 'In which queue does this job reside', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'queue', width: 60, hidden: false },{ header: 'Name', tooltip: 'Name of job', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'name', width: 100, hidden: false },{ header: 'Requested Time', tooltip: 'Amount of requested time (wallclock)', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'requested_time', width: 100, hidden: false },{ header: 'Requested Memory', tooltip: 'Amount of requested memory', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'requested_memory', width: 100, hidden: true },{ header: 'P', tooltip: 'Number of processors per node (PPN)', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'ppn', width: 25, hidden: false },{ header: 'N', tooltip: 'Number of nodes (hosts)', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'nodect', width: 25, hidden: false },{ header: 'Nodes', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'nodes', width: 100, hidden: true },{ header: 'Queued', tooltip: 'At what time did this job enter the queue', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'queued_timestamp', width: 140, hidden: false },{ header: 'Started', tooltip: 'At what time did this job enter the running status', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'start_timestamp', width: 140, hidden: false },{ header: 'Runningtime', tooltip: 'How long has this job been in the running status', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'runningtime', width: 140, hidden: false }] ); JobsColumnModel.defaultSortable= true; JobListingEditorGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ id: 'JobListingEditorGrid', store: JobsDataStore, cm: JobsColumnModel, enableColLock:false, clicksToEdit:1, selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:false}), bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize: 30, store: JobsDataStore, displayInfo: true }) }); JobListingWindow = new Ext.Window({ id: 'JobListingWindow', title: 'Cluster Jobs Overview', closable:true, width:900, height:500, plain:true, layout: 'fit', items: JobListingEditorGrid }); }