var JobsDataStore; var JobsColumnModel; var JobListingEditorGrid; var JobListingWindow; var JobProxy; var myfilters = { }; var myparams = { }; var mylimit = 15; var ClusterImageArgs = { }; var filterfields = [ "jid", "queue", "name", "owner" ]; Ext.namespace('Ext.ux'); Ext.ux.PageSizePlugin = function() {, { store: new{ fields: ['text', 'value'], data: [['10', 10], ['15', 15], ['20', 20], ['30', 30], ['50', 50], ['100', 100], ['max', 'max' ]] }), mode: 'local', displayField: 'text', valueField: 'value', editable: false, allowBlank: false, triggerAction: 'all', width: 40 }); }; Ext.extend(Ext.ux.PageSizePlugin, Ext.form.ComboBox, { init: function(paging) { paging.on('render', this.onInitView, this); }, onInitView: function(paging) { paging.add('-', this, 'jobs per page' ); this.setValue(paging.pageSize); this.on('select', this.onPageSizeChanged, paging); }, onPageSizeChanged: function(combo) { if ( combo.getValue() == 'max' ) mylimit = JobsDataStore.getTotalCount(); else mylimit = parseInt(combo.getValue()); this.pageSize = mylimit; this.doLoad(0); } }); Ext.namespace( 'Ext' ); function makeArrayURL( somearr ) { filter_url = ''; filter_sep = ''; for( filtername in somearr ) { filter_url = filter_url + filter_sep + filtername + '=' + somearr[filtername]; filter_sep = '&'; } return filter_url; } function isset( somevar ) { try { if( eval( somevar ) ) { } } catch( err ) { return false; } return true; } function inMyArray( arr, someval ) { for( arval in arr ) { if( arval == someval ) { return true; } } return false; } function inMyArrayValues( arr, someval ) { for( arkey in arr ) { if( arr[arkey] == someval ) { return true; } } return false; } function inMyArrayKeys( arr, someval ) { for( arkey in arr ) { if( arkey == someval ) { return true; } } return false; } function joinMyArray( arr1, arr2 ) { for( arkey in arr2 ) { arr1[arkey] = arr2[arkey]; } return arr1; } function ClusterImageSelectHost( somehost ) { if( !inMyArrayKeys( myfilters, 'host' ) ) { myfilters['host'] = somehost; } else { delete myfilters['host']; delete myparams['host']; } reloadClusterImage(); reloadJobStore(); return false; } function reloadJobStore() { // Respect any other parameters that may have been set outside filters // myparams = joinMyArray( myparams, myfilters ); // Can't be sure if there are enough pages for new filter: reset to page 1 // myparams = joinMyArray( myparams, { start: 0, limit: mylimit } ); JobsDataStore.reload( { params: myparams } ); } function addListener(element, type, expression, bubbling) { bubbling = bubbling || false; if(window.addEventListener) { // Standard element.addEventListener(type, expression, bubbling); return true; } else if(window.attachEvent) { // IE element.attachEvent('on' + type, expression); return true; } else return false; } var ImageLoader = function( id, url ) { this.url = url; this.image = document.getElementById( id ); this.loadEvent = null; }; ImageLoader.prototype = { load:function() { var url = this.url; var image = this.image; var loadEvent = this.loadEvent; addListener( this.image, 'load', function(e) { if( loadEvent != null ) { loadEvent( url, image ); } }, false); this.image.src = this.url; }, getImage: function() { return this.image; } }; function achorJobListing() { JobListingWindow.anchorTo( "ClusterImageWindow", "tr-br", [ 0, 10 ] ); } function setClusterImagePosition() { ci_x = (window.innerWidth - ClusterImageWindow.getSize()['width'] - 20); ClusterImageWindow.setPosition( ci_x, 10 ); } function reloadClusterImage() { ClusterImageArgs['view'] = 'big-clusterimage'; filt_url = makeArrayURL( myfilters ); imag_url = makeArrayURL( ClusterImageArgs ); img_url = './image.php?' + filt_url + '&' + imag_url; var newClusterImage = new ImageLoader( 'clusterimage', img_url ); newClusterImage.loadEvent = function( url, image ) { ClusterImageWindow.getBottomToolbar().clearStatus( { useDefaults:true } ); setTimeout( "resizeClusterImage()", 250 ); setTimeout( "setClusterImagePosition()", 500 ); setTimeout( "achorJobListing()", 1000 ); } ClusterImageWindow.getBottomToolbar().showBusy(); newClusterImage.load(); } function resizeClusterImage() { var ci_height = document.getElementById( "clusterimage" ).height + ClusterImageWindow.getFrameHeight(); var ci_width = document.getElementById( "clusterimage" ).width + ClusterImageWindow.getFrameWidth(); ClusterImageWindow.setSize( ci_width, ci_height ); } Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, { num: function(val, field) { if (val) { var strValidChars = "0123456789"; var blnResult = true; if (val.length == 0) return false; // test strString consists of valid characters listed above for (i = 0; i < val.length && blnResult == true; i++) { strChar = val.charAt(i); if (strValidChars.indexOf(strChar) == -1) { blnResult = false; } } return blnResult; } }, numText: 'Must be numeric' }); function initJobGrid() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); function jobCellClick(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) { var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); // Get the Record var fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(columnIndex); var data = record.get(fieldName); var view = grid.getView(); var cell = view.getCell( rowIndex, columnIndex ); if( fieldName == 'owner' || fieldName == 'jid' || fieldName == 'status' || fieldName == 'queue' ) { if( inMyArrayKeys( myfilters, fieldName ) ) { 'filterenabled' ); 'filter' ); // Remove this filter // delete myfilters[fieldName]; delete myparams[fieldName]; reloadJobStore(); reloadClusterImage(); } else { 'filter' ); 'filterenabled' ); // Set filter for selected column to selected cell value // myfilters[fieldName] = data; reloadJobStore(); reloadClusterImage(); } } } function jobCellRender( value, metadata, record, rowindex, colindex, store ) { var fieldName = JobsColumnModel.getColumnById( colindex ).dataIndex; if( fieldName == 'owner' || fieldName == 'jid' || fieldName == 'status' || fieldName == 'queue' ) { if( myfilters[fieldName] != null ) { metadata.css = 'filterenabled'; } else { metadata.css = 'filter'; } } return value; } JobProxy = new{ url: 'jobstore.php', method: 'POST' }); var SearchField; JobsDataStore = new{ id: 'JobsDataStore', proxy: JobProxy, baseParams: { task: "LISTING" }, reader: new{ root: 'results', totalProperty: 'total', id: 'id' },[ {name: 'jid', type: 'int', mapping: 'jid'}, {name: 'status', type: 'string', mapping: 'status'}, {name: 'owner', type: 'string', mapping: 'owner'}, {name: 'queue', type: 'string', mapping: 'queue'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string', mapping: 'name'}, {name: 'requested_time', type: 'string', mapping: 'requested_time'}, {name: 'requested_memory', type: 'string', mapping: 'requested_memory'}, {name: 'ppn', type: 'int', mapping: 'ppn'}, {name: 'nodect', type: 'int', mapping: 'nodect'}, {name: 'nodes', type: 'string', mapping: 'nodes'}, {name: 'queued_timestamp', type: 'string', mapping: 'queued_timestamp'}, {name: 'start_timestamp', type: 'string', mapping: 'start_timestamp'}, {name: 'runningtime', type: 'string', mapping: 'runningtime'} ]), sortInfo: { field: 'jid', direction: "DESC" }, remoteSort: true, listeners: { 'load': { scope: this, fn: function() { if( SearchField ) { search_value = SearchField.getEl().dom.value; if( search_value != '' ) { myfilters['query'] = search_value; } reloadClusterImage(); if( search_value != '' ) { delete myfilters['query']; } } } } } }); var CheckJobs = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(); JobsColumnModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel( [ CheckJobs, { header: '#', tooltip: 'Job id', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'jid', width: 50, hidden: false, renderer: jobCellRender },{ header: 'S', tooltip: 'Job status', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'status', width: 20, hidden: false, renderer: jobCellRender },{ header: 'User', tooltip: 'Owner of job', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'owner', width: 60, hidden: false, renderer: jobCellRender },{ header: 'Queue', tooltip: 'In which queue does this job reside', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'queue', width: 60, hidden: false, renderer: jobCellRender },{ header: 'Name', tooltip: 'Name of job', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'name', width: 100, hidden: false },{ header: 'Requested Time', tooltip: 'Amount of requested time (wallclock)', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'requested_time', width: 100, hidden: false },{ header: 'Requested Memory', tooltip: 'Amount of requested memory', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'requested_memory', width: 100, hidden: true },{ header: 'P', tooltip: 'Number of processors per node (PPN)', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'ppn', width: 25, hidden: false },{ header: 'N', tooltip: 'Number of nodes (hosts)', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'nodect', width: 25, hidden: false },{ header: 'Nodes', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'nodes', width: 100, hidden: true },{ header: 'Queued', tooltip: 'At what time did this job enter the queue', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'queued_timestamp', width: 120, hidden: false },{ header: 'Started', tooltip: 'At what time did this job enter the running status', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'start_timestamp', width: 120, hidden: false },{ header: 'Runningtime', tooltip: 'How long has this job been in the running status', readOnly: true, dataIndex: 'runningtime', width: 140, hidden: false }] ); JobsColumnModel.defaultSortable= true; var win; SearchField = new{ store: JobsDataStore, params: {start: 0, limit: mylimit}, width: 200 }); JobListingEditorGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ id: 'JobListingEditorGrid', store: JobsDataStore, cm: JobsColumnModel, enableColLock:false, clicksToEdit:1, loadMask: true, selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:false}), stripeRows: true, sm: CheckJobs, bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize: 15, store: JobsDataStore, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: 'Displaying jobs {0} - {1} out of {2} jobs total found.', emptyMsg: 'No jobs found to display', plugins: [new Ext.ux.PageSizePlugin()] }), tbar: [ SearchField, new Ext.Button({ text: 'Show nodes', tooltip: 'Show nodes for selected jobs', iconCls: 'option', listeners: { 'click': { scope: this, fn: function() { if(!win){ win = new Ext.Window({ width : 500, height : 300, closeAction :'hide', }); } this ); alert( CheckJobs.getSelections() ); } } } }) ] }); ClusterImageWindow = new Ext.Window({ id: 'ClusterImageWindow', title: 'Nodes', closable: true, collapsible: true, animCollapse: true, width: 1, height: 1, y: 15, plain: true, shadow: true, resizable: false, shadowOffset: 10, layout: 'fit', bbar: new Ext.StatusBar({ defaultText: 'Ready.', id: 'basic-statusbar', defaultIconCls: '' }) }); GraphSummaryWindow = new Ext.Window({ id: 'GraphSummaryWindow', title: 'Graph Summary', closable: true, collapsible: true, animCollapse: true, width: 300, height: 500, x: 10, y: 10, plain: true, shadow: true, resizable: true, shadowOffset: 10, layout: 'table', layoutConfig: { columns: 2 }, defaults:{border: false}, items: [{ id: 'monarchlogo', cls: 'monarch', bodyStyle: 'background: transparent', html: 'Job Monarch' //colspan: 2 },{ id: 'summarycount' },{ id: 'rjqjgraph' },{ id: 'pie', colspan: 2 }], bbar: new Ext.StatusBar({ defaultText: 'Ready.', id: 'basic-statusbar', defaultIconCls: '' }) }); JobListingWindow = new Ext.Window({ id: 'JobListingWindow', title: 'Cluster Jobs Overview', closable:true, collapsible: true, animCollapse: true, maximizable: true, y: 375, width:860, height:427, plain:true, shadow: true, shadowOffset: 10, layout: 'fit', items: JobListingEditorGrid }); JobListingEditorGrid.addListener( 'cellclick', jobCellClick ); }