Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 101)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 fixed web interface of jobmonarch and joblist somebody alexis.michon@…


Is it possible to integrate in the next release the possibility to see the jobs by pack of a configurable number like 25, 50, 100, 200 ? in jobmonarch (we have a lots of jobs archived) and in joblist (we have a lots of jobs running/queued). Something like a tableau and in the first page we can see the first 200 jobs, in the second page 200 to 400 and so on. I'm not sur if i'm clear. Like google do with these results.

#66 invalid pChart dependency is mentioned nowhere somebody felix@…

As far as I can see r527 introduced a dependency to pChart, but this does not seem to be mentioned in Installation or Requirements documents...

#71 fixed job array support somebody ramonb

Thanks to Stijn De Weirdt from University Gent for discovering this:

Add support for Torque job arrays to Job Monarch.

A job array is currently displayed as only 1 job and causes massive memory usage by jobmond

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