{2} Active Tickets by Version (19 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#16 incremental/diff based job reporting general enhancement ramonb new 04/20/07
#166 update configuration wiki general task ramonb assigned 05/15/13
#14 universal database handling jobarchived enhancement ramonb new 03/30/07

1.1 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#284 THis New Ticket general 1.1 defect somebody new 04/04/18
#173 archiving multiple clusters malfunction jobarchived 1.1 defect ramonb assigned 07/31/13
#41 option to display GECOS field instead of username jobmond 1.1 enhancement sil new 10/16/07
#168 graph start/end times don't reset between single result archive searches web 1.1 defect ramonb assigned 05/18/13
#63 report/detect number of nodes in batch web 1.1 enhancement sil new 08/09/08

1.1.1 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#280 patch for bind_hostname general 1.1.1 defect somebody new 08/24/15
#282 Cannot find python module general 1.1.1 defect somebody new 07/07/17
#285 Python module incompatible general 1.1.1 defect somebody new 02/04/21
#286 Python module incompatible general 1.1.1 defect somebody new 06/24/21

1.1.2 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#283 I have successfully monitored the usage of PBS but in slurm not able to get the jobarchive working. Do we need a different database to dump. general 1.1.2 defect somebody new 07/26/17
#177 jobmond crash jobmond 1.1.2 defect ramonb reopened 01/20/14

trunk (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#4 multiple batch system support: multiple jobmond's in 1 Ganglia cluster can give blank output general trunk enhancement ramonb new 12/21/06
#174 backport 1.1 performance improvements to 2.0 general trunk enhancement ramonb assigned 08/27/13
#281 global name 'cfgcluster' is not defined jobarchived trunk defect ramonb assigned 08/25/15
#47 use AJAX enabled webcode web trunk enhancement ramonb assigned 02/27/08
#61 add summary graphs in cluster overview for selected jobs web trunk enhancement ramonb assigned 07/09/08
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