# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). # Version 1.3.40 # # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify # the SWIG interface file instead. # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes. from sys import version_info if version_info >= (2,6,0): def swig_import_helper(): from os.path import dirname import imp fp = None try: fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_pbs', [dirname(__file__)]) except ImportError: import _pbs return _pbs if fp is not None: try: _mod = imp.load_module('_pbs', fp, pathname, description) finally: fp.close() return _mod _pbs = swig_import_helper() del swig_import_helper else: import _pbs del version_info try: _swig_property = property except NameError: pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'. def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1): if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value) if (name == "this"): if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject': self.__dict__[name] = value return method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None) if method: return method(self,value) if (not static) or hasattr(self,name): self.__dict__[name] = value else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self) def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value): return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0) def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name): if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own() method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None) if method: return method(self) raise AttributeError(name) def _swig_repr(self): try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__() except: strthis = "" return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,) try: _object = object _newclass = 1 except AttributeError: class _object : pass _newclass = 0 def new_attrl(*args): return _pbs.new_attrl(*args) new_attrl = _pbs.new_attrl def new_attropl(*args): return _pbs.new_attropl(*args) new_attropl = _pbs.new_attropl def new_batch_status(): return _pbs.new_batch_status() new_batch_status = _pbs.new_batch_status def get_error(): return _pbs.get_error() get_error = _pbs.get_error ATTR_a = _pbs.ATTR_a ATTR_c = _pbs.ATTR_c ATTR_e = _pbs.ATTR_e ATTR_f = _pbs.ATTR_f ATTR_g = _pbs.ATTR_g ATTR_h = _pbs.ATTR_h ATTR_j = _pbs.ATTR_j ATTR_k = _pbs.ATTR_k ATTR_l = _pbs.ATTR_l ATTR_m = _pbs.ATTR_m ATTR_o = _pbs.ATTR_o ATTR_p = _pbs.ATTR_p ATTR_q = _pbs.ATTR_q ATTR_r = _pbs.ATTR_r ATTR_t = _pbs.ATTR_t ATTR_array_id = _pbs.ATTR_array_id ATTR_u = _pbs.ATTR_u ATTR_v = _pbs.ATTR_v ATTR_A = _pbs.ATTR_A ATTR_M = _pbs.ATTR_M ATTR_N = _pbs.ATTR_N ATTR_S = _pbs.ATTR_S ATTR_depend = _pbs.ATTR_depend ATTR_inter = _pbs.ATTR_inter ATTR_stagein = _pbs.ATTR_stagein ATTR_stageout = _pbs.ATTR_stageout ATTR_jobtype = _pbs.ATTR_jobtype ATTR_ctime = _pbs.ATTR_ctime ATTR_exechost = _pbs.ATTR_exechost ATTR_mtime = _pbs.ATTR_mtime ATTR_qtime = _pbs.ATTR_qtime ATTR_session = _pbs.ATTR_session ATTR_euser = _pbs.ATTR_euser ATTR_egroup = _pbs.ATTR_egroup ATTR_hashname = _pbs.ATTR_hashname ATTR_hopcount = _pbs.ATTR_hopcount ATTR_security = _pbs.ATTR_security ATTR_sched_hint = _pbs.ATTR_sched_hint ATTR_substate = _pbs.ATTR_substate ATTR_name = _pbs.ATTR_name ATTR_owner = _pbs.ATTR_owner ATTR_used = _pbs.ATTR_used ATTR_state = _pbs.ATTR_state ATTR_queue = _pbs.ATTR_queue ATTR_server = _pbs.ATTR_server ATTR_maxrun = _pbs.ATTR_maxrun ATTR_maxreport = _pbs.ATTR_maxreport ATTR_total = _pbs.ATTR_total ATTR_comment = _pbs.ATTR_comment ATTR_cookie = _pbs.ATTR_cookie ATTR_qrank = _pbs.ATTR_qrank ATTR_altid = _pbs.ATTR_altid ATTR_etime = _pbs.ATTR_etime ATTR_exitstat = _pbs.ATTR_exitstat ATTR_forwardx11 = _pbs.ATTR_forwardx11 ATTR_submit_args = _pbs.ATTR_submit_args ATTR_tokens = _pbs.ATTR_tokens ATTR_netcounter = _pbs.ATTR_netcounter ATTR_umask = _pbs.ATTR_umask ATTR_start_time = _pbs.ATTR_start_time ATTR_start_count = _pbs.ATTR_start_count ATTR_checkpoint_dir = _pbs.ATTR_checkpoint_dir ATTR_checkpoint_name = _pbs.ATTR_checkpoint_name ATTR_checkpoint_time = _pbs.ATTR_checkpoint_time ATTR_checkpoint_restart_status = _pbs.ATTR_checkpoint_restart_status ATTR_restart_name = _pbs.ATTR_restart_name ATTR_comp_time = _pbs.ATTR_comp_time ATTR_reported = _pbs.ATTR_reported ATTR_intcmd = _pbs.ATTR_intcmd ATTR_aclgren = _pbs.ATTR_aclgren ATTR_aclgroup = _pbs.ATTR_aclgroup ATTR_aclhten = _pbs.ATTR_aclhten ATTR_aclhost = _pbs.ATTR_aclhost ATTR_acluren = _pbs.ATTR_acluren ATTR_acluser = _pbs.ATTR_acluser ATTR_altrouter = _pbs.ATTR_altrouter ATTR_checkpoint_min = _pbs.ATTR_checkpoint_min ATTR_enable = _pbs.ATTR_enable ATTR_fromroute = _pbs.ATTR_fromroute ATTR_hostlist = _pbs.ATTR_hostlist ATTR_killdelay = _pbs.ATTR_killdelay ATTR_maxgrprun = _pbs.ATTR_maxgrprun ATTR_maxque = _pbs.ATTR_maxque ATTR_maxuserque = _pbs.ATTR_maxuserque ATTR_maxuserrun = _pbs.ATTR_maxuserrun ATTR_qtype = _pbs.ATTR_qtype ATTR_rescassn = _pbs.ATTR_rescassn ATTR_rescdflt = _pbs.ATTR_rescdflt ATTR_rescmax = _pbs.ATTR_rescmax ATTR_rescmin = _pbs.ATTR_rescmin ATTR_rerunnable = _pbs.ATTR_rerunnable ATTR_rndzretry = _pbs.ATTR_rndzretry ATTR_routedest = _pbs.ATTR_routedest ATTR_routeheld = _pbs.ATTR_routeheld ATTR_routewait = _pbs.ATTR_routewait ATTR_routeretry = _pbs.ATTR_routeretry ATTR_routelife = _pbs.ATTR_routelife ATTR_rsvexpdt = _pbs.ATTR_rsvexpdt ATTR_rsvsync = _pbs.ATTR_rsvsync ATTR_start = _pbs.ATTR_start ATTR_count = _pbs.ATTR_count ATTR_number = _pbs.ATTR_number ATTR_acllogic = _pbs.ATTR_acllogic ATTR_aclgrpslpy = _pbs.ATTR_aclgrpslpy ATTR_keepcompleted = _pbs.ATTR_keepcompleted ATTR_disallowedtypes = _pbs.ATTR_disallowedtypes ATTR_is_transit = _pbs.ATTR_is_transit ATTR_aclroot = _pbs.ATTR_aclroot ATTR_managers = _pbs.ATTR_managers ATTR_dfltque = _pbs.ATTR_dfltque ATTR_dispsvrsuffix = _pbs.ATTR_dispsvrsuffix ATTR_jobsuffixalias = _pbs.ATTR_jobsuffixalias ATTR_defnode = _pbs.ATTR_defnode ATTR_locsvrs = _pbs.ATTR_locsvrs ATTR_logevents = _pbs.ATTR_logevents ATTR_logfile = _pbs.ATTR_logfile ATTR_loglevel = _pbs.ATTR_loglevel ATTR_mailfrom = _pbs.ATTR_mailfrom ATTR_nodepack = _pbs.ATTR_nodepack ATTR_nodesuffix = _pbs.ATTR_nodesuffix ATTR_operators = _pbs.ATTR_operators ATTR_queryother = _pbs.ATTR_queryother ATTR_resccost = _pbs.ATTR_resccost ATTR_rescavail = _pbs.ATTR_rescavail ATTR_schedit = _pbs.ATTR_schedit ATTR_scheduling = _pbs.ATTR_scheduling ATTR_status = _pbs.ATTR_status ATTR_syscost = _pbs.ATTR_syscost ATTR_pingrate = _pbs.ATTR_pingrate ATTR_ndchkrate = _pbs.ATTR_ndchkrate ATTR_tcptimeout = _pbs.ATTR_tcptimeout ATTR_jobstatrate = _pbs.ATTR_jobstatrate ATTR_polljobs = _pbs.ATTR_polljobs ATTR_downonerror = _pbs.ATTR_downonerror ATTR_disableserveridcheck = _pbs.ATTR_disableserveridcheck ATTR_jobnanny = _pbs.ATTR_jobnanny ATTR_ownerpurge = _pbs.ATTR_ownerpurge ATTR_qcqlimits = _pbs.ATTR_qcqlimits ATTR_momjobsync = _pbs.ATTR_momjobsync ATTR_maildomain = _pbs.ATTR_maildomain ATTR_pbsversion = _pbs.ATTR_pbsversion ATTR_submithosts = _pbs.ATTR_submithosts ATTR_allownodesubmit = _pbs.ATTR_allownodesubmit ATTR_allowproxyuser = _pbs.ATTR_allowproxyuser ATTR_autonodenp = _pbs.ATTR_autonodenp ATTR_servername = _pbs.ATTR_servername ATTR_logfilemaxsize = _pbs.ATTR_logfilemaxsize ATTR_logfilerolldepth = _pbs.ATTR_logfilerolldepth ATTR_logkeepdays = _pbs.ATTR_logkeepdays ATTR_nextjobnum = _pbs.ATTR_nextjobnum ATTR_extraresc = _pbs.ATTR_extraresc ATTR_schedversion = _pbs.ATTR_schedversion ATTR_acctkeepdays = _pbs.ATTR_acctkeepdays ATTR_lockfile = _pbs.ATTR_lockfile ATTR_credentiallifetime = _pbs.ATTR_credentiallifetime ATTR_jobmustreport = _pbs.ATTR_jobmustreport ATTR_LockfileUpdateTime = _pbs.ATTR_LockfileUpdateTime ATTR_LockfileCheckTime = _pbs.ATTR_LockfileCheckTime ATTR_npdefault = _pbs.ATTR_npdefault ATTR_jobstarttimeout = _pbs.ATTR_jobstarttimeout ATTR_NODE_state = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_state ATTR_NODE_np = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_np ATTR_NODE_properties = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_properties ATTR_NODE_ntype = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_ntype ATTR_NODE_jobs = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_jobs ATTR_NODE_status = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_status ATTR_NODE_note = _pbs.ATTR_NODE_note ATTR_mailsubjectfmt = _pbs.ATTR_mailsubjectfmt ATTR_mailbodyfmt = _pbs.ATTR_mailbodyfmt CHECKPOINT_UNSPECIFIED = _pbs.CHECKPOINT_UNSPECIFIED NO_HOLD = _pbs.NO_HOLD NO_JOIN = _pbs.NO_JOIN NO_KEEP = _pbs.NO_KEEP MAIL_AT_ABORT = _pbs.MAIL_AT_ABORT DELDELAY = _pbs.DELDELAY DELPURGE = _pbs.DELPURGE PURGECOMP = _pbs.PURGECOMP EXECQUEONLY = _pbs.EXECQUEONLY RERUNFORCE = _pbs.RERUNFORCE USER_HOLD = _pbs.USER_HOLD OTHER_HOLD = _pbs.OTHER_HOLD SYSTEM_HOLD = _pbs.SYSTEM_HOLD ND_free = _pbs.ND_free ND_offline = _pbs.ND_offline ND_down = _pbs.ND_down ND_reserve = _pbs.ND_reserve ND_job_exclusive = _pbs.ND_job_exclusive ND_job_sharing = _pbs.ND_job_sharing ND_busy = _pbs.ND_busy ND_state_unknown = _pbs.ND_state_unknown ND_timeshared = _pbs.ND_timeshared ND_cluster = _pbs.ND_cluster Q_DT_batch = _pbs.Q_DT_batch Q_DT_interactive = _pbs.Q_DT_interactive Q_DT_rerunable = _pbs.Q_DT_rerunable Q_DT_nonrerunable = _pbs.Q_DT_nonrerunable Q_DT_fault_tolerant = _pbs.Q_DT_fault_tolerant Q_DT_fault_intolerant = _pbs.Q_DT_fault_intolerant Q_DT_job_array = _pbs.Q_DT_job_array MAX_ENCODE_BFR = _pbs.MAX_ENCODE_BFR MGR_CMD_CREATE = _pbs.MGR_CMD_CREATE MGR_CMD_DELETE = _pbs.MGR_CMD_DELETE MGR_CMD_SET = _pbs.MGR_CMD_SET MGR_CMD_UNSET = _pbs.MGR_CMD_UNSET MGR_CMD_LIST = _pbs.MGR_CMD_LIST MGR_CMD_PRINT = _pbs.MGR_CMD_PRINT MGR_CMD_ACTIVE = _pbs.MGR_CMD_ACTIVE MGR_OBJ_NONE = _pbs.MGR_OBJ_NONE MGR_OBJ_SERVER = _pbs.MGR_OBJ_SERVER MGR_OBJ_QUEUE = _pbs.MGR_OBJ_QUEUE MGR_OBJ_JOB = _pbs.MGR_OBJ_JOB MGR_OBJ_NODE = _pbs.MGR_OBJ_NODE MSG_OUT = _pbs.MSG_OUT MSG_ERR = _pbs.MSG_ERR SHUT_SIG = _pbs.SHUT_SIG SHUT_IMMEDIATE = _pbs.SHUT_IMMEDIATE SHUT_DELAY = _pbs.SHUT_DELAY SHUT_QUICK = _pbs.SHUT_QUICK SIG_RESUME = _pbs.SIG_RESUME SIG_SUSPEND = _pbs.SIG_SUSPEND PBS_MAXHOSTNAME = _pbs.PBS_MAXHOSTNAME MAXPATHLEN = _pbs.MAXPATHLEN MAXNAMLEN = _pbs.MAXNAMLEN MAX_NOTE = _pbs.MAX_NOTE MAX_NOTE_STR = _pbs.MAX_NOTE_STR PBS_MAXUSER = _pbs.PBS_MAXUSER PBS_MAXGRPN = _pbs.PBS_MAXGRPN PBS_MAXQUEUENAME = _pbs.PBS_MAXQUEUENAME PBS_MAXSERVERNAME = _pbs.PBS_MAXSERVERNAME PBS_MAXJOBARRAYLEN = _pbs.PBS_MAXJOBARRAYLEN PBS_MAXSEQNUM = _pbs.PBS_MAXSEQNUM PBS_MAXPORTNUM = _pbs.PBS_MAXPORTNUM PBS_MAXJOBARRAY = _pbs.PBS_MAXJOBARRAY PBS_MAXSVRJOBID = _pbs.PBS_MAXSVRJOBID PBS_MAXCLTJOBID = _pbs.PBS_MAXCLTJOBID PBS_MAXDEST = _pbs.PBS_MAXDEST PBS_MAXROUTEDEST = _pbs.PBS_MAXROUTEDEST PBS_USE_IFF = _pbs.PBS_USE_IFF PBS_INTERACTIVE = _pbs.PBS_INTERACTIVE PBS_TERM_BUF_SZ = _pbs.PBS_TERM_BUF_SZ PBS_TERM_CCA = _pbs.PBS_TERM_CCA PBS_QS_VERSION_BASE = _pbs.PBS_QS_VERSION_BASE PBS_QS_VERSION_INT = _pbs.PBS_QS_VERSION_INT PBS_QS_VERSION = _pbs.PBS_QS_VERSION PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_NAME = _pbs.PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_NAME PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT = _pbs.PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_NAME_DIS = _pbs.PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_NAME_DIS PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT_DIS = _pbs.PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT_DIS PBS_MOM_SERVICE_NAME = _pbs.PBS_MOM_SERVICE_NAME PBS_MOM_SERVICE_PORT = _pbs.PBS_MOM_SERVICE_PORT PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME = _pbs.PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT = _pbs.PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_NAME = _pbs.PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_NAME PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_PORT = _pbs.PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_PORT CHECKPOINTHOLD = _pbs.CHECKPOINTHOLD CHECKPOINTCONT = _pbs.CHECKPOINTCONT MOM_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_DIR = _pbs.MOM_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_DIR SET = _pbs.SET UNSET = _pbs.UNSET INCR = _pbs.INCR DECR = _pbs.DECR EQ = _pbs.EQ NE = _pbs.NE GE = _pbs.GE GT = _pbs.GT LE = _pbs.LE LT = _pbs.LT DFLT = _pbs.DFLT MERGE = _pbs.MERGE class attrl(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, attrl, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, attrl, name) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["next"] = _pbs.attrl_next_set __swig_getmethods__["next"] = _pbs.attrl_next_get if _newclass:next = _swig_property(_pbs.attrl_next_get, _pbs.attrl_next_set) __swig_setmethods__["name"] = _pbs.attrl_name_set __swig_getmethods__["name"] = _pbs.attrl_name_get if _newclass:name = _swig_property(_pbs.attrl_name_get, _pbs.attrl_name_set) __swig_setmethods__["resource"] = _pbs.attrl_resource_set __swig_getmethods__["resource"] = _pbs.attrl_resource_get if _newclass:resource = _swig_property(_pbs.attrl_resource_get, _pbs.attrl_resource_set) __swig_setmethods__["value"] = _pbs.attrl_value_set __swig_getmethods__["value"] = _pbs.attrl_value_get if _newclass:value = _swig_property(_pbs.attrl_value_get, _pbs.attrl_value_set) __swig_setmethods__["op"] = _pbs.attrl_op_set __swig_getmethods__["op"] = _pbs.attrl_op_get if _newclass:op = _swig_property(_pbs.attrl_op_get, _pbs.attrl_op_set) def __str__(self): return _pbs.attrl___str__(self) __swig_destroy__ = _pbs.delete_attrl __del__ = lambda self : None; attrl_swigregister = _pbs.attrl_swigregister attrl_swigregister(attrl) class attropl(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, attropl, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, attropl, name) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["next"] = _pbs.attropl_next_set __swig_getmethods__["next"] = _pbs.attropl_next_get if _newclass:next = _swig_property(_pbs.attropl_next_get, _pbs.attropl_next_set) __swig_setmethods__["name"] = _pbs.attropl_name_set __swig_getmethods__["name"] = _pbs.attropl_name_get if _newclass:name = _swig_property(_pbs.attropl_name_get, _pbs.attropl_name_set) __swig_setmethods__["resource"] = _pbs.attropl_resource_set __swig_getmethods__["resource"] = _pbs.attropl_resource_get if _newclass:resource = _swig_property(_pbs.attropl_resource_get, _pbs.attropl_resource_set) __swig_setmethods__["value"] = _pbs.attropl_value_set __swig_getmethods__["value"] = _pbs.attropl_value_get if _newclass:value = _swig_property(_pbs.attropl_value_get, _pbs.attropl_value_set) __swig_setmethods__["op"] = _pbs.attropl_op_set __swig_getmethods__["op"] = _pbs.attropl_op_get if _newclass:op = _swig_property(_pbs.attropl_op_get, _pbs.attropl_op_set) def __str__(self): return _pbs.attropl___str__(self) __swig_destroy__ = _pbs.delete_attropl __del__ = lambda self : None; attropl_swigregister = _pbs.attropl_swigregister attropl_swigregister(attropl) class batch_status(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, batch_status, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, batch_status, name) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["next"] = _pbs.batch_status_next_set __swig_getmethods__["next"] = _pbs.batch_status_next_get if _newclass:next = _swig_property(_pbs.batch_status_next_get, _pbs.batch_status_next_set) __swig_setmethods__["name"] = _pbs.batch_status_name_set __swig_getmethods__["name"] = _pbs.batch_status_name_get if _newclass:name = _swig_property(_pbs.batch_status_name_get, _pbs.batch_status_name_set) __swig_setmethods__["attribs"] = _pbs.batch_status_attribs_set __swig_getmethods__["attribs"] = _pbs.batch_status_attribs_get if _newclass:attribs = _swig_property(_pbs.batch_status_attribs_get, _pbs.batch_status_attribs_set) __swig_setmethods__["text"] = _pbs.batch_status_text_set __swig_getmethods__["text"] = _pbs.batch_status_text_get if _newclass:text = _swig_property(_pbs.batch_status_text_get, _pbs.batch_status_text_set) batch_status_swigregister = _pbs.batch_status_swigregister batch_status_swigregister(batch_status) def avail(*args): return _pbs.avail(*args) avail = _pbs.avail def pbs_asyrunjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_asyrunjob(*args) pbs_asyrunjob = _pbs.pbs_asyrunjob def pbs_alterjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_alterjob(*args) pbs_alterjob = _pbs.pbs_alterjob def pbs_connect(*args): return _pbs.pbs_connect(*args) pbs_connect = _pbs.pbs_connect def pbs_query_max_connections(): return _pbs.pbs_query_max_connections() pbs_query_max_connections = _pbs.pbs_query_max_connections def pbs_default(): return _pbs.pbs_default() pbs_default = _pbs.pbs_default def pbs_deljob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_deljob(*args) pbs_deljob = _pbs.pbs_deljob def pbs_disconnect(*args): return _pbs.pbs_disconnect(*args) pbs_disconnect = _pbs.pbs_disconnect def pbs_geterrmsg(*args): return _pbs.pbs_geterrmsg(*args) pbs_geterrmsg = _pbs.pbs_geterrmsg def pbs_holdjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_holdjob(*args) pbs_holdjob = _pbs.pbs_holdjob def pbs_locjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_locjob(*args) pbs_locjob = _pbs.pbs_locjob def pbs_manager(*args): return _pbs.pbs_manager(*args) pbs_manager = _pbs.pbs_manager def pbs_movejob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_movejob(*args) pbs_movejob = _pbs.pbs_movejob def pbs_msgjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_msgjob(*args) pbs_msgjob = _pbs.pbs_msgjob def pbs_orderjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_orderjob(*args) pbs_orderjob = _pbs.pbs_orderjob def pbs_rescquery(*args): return _pbs.pbs_rescquery(*args) pbs_rescquery = _pbs.pbs_rescquery def pbs_rescreserve(*args): return _pbs.pbs_rescreserve(*args) pbs_rescreserve = _pbs.pbs_rescreserve def pbs_rescrelease(*args): return _pbs.pbs_rescrelease(*args) pbs_rescrelease = _pbs.pbs_rescrelease def pbs_rerunjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_rerunjob(*args) pbs_rerunjob = _pbs.pbs_rerunjob def pbs_rlsjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_rlsjob(*args) pbs_rlsjob = _pbs.pbs_rlsjob def pbs_runjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_runjob(*args) pbs_runjob = _pbs.pbs_runjob def pbs_selectjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_selectjob(*args) pbs_selectjob = _pbs.pbs_selectjob def pbs_sigjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_sigjob(*args) pbs_sigjob = _pbs.pbs_sigjob def pbs_statfree(*args): return _pbs.pbs_statfree(*args) pbs_statfree = _pbs.pbs_statfree def pbs_statjob(*args): return _pbs.pbs_statjob(*args) pbs_statjob = _pbs.pbs_statjob def pbs_selstat(*args): return _pbs.pbs_selstat(*args) pbs_selstat = _pbs.pbs_selstat def pbs_statque(*args): return _pbs.pbs_statque(*args) pbs_statque = _pbs.pbs_statque def pbs_statserver(*args): return _pbs.pbs_statserver(*args) pbs_statserver = _pbs.pbs_statserver def pbs_statnode(*args): return _pbs.pbs_statnode(*args) pbs_statnode = _pbs.pbs_statnode def pbs_submit(*args): return _pbs.pbs_submit(*args) pbs_submit = _pbs.pbs_submit def pbs_terminate(*args): return _pbs.pbs_terminate(*args) pbs_terminate = _pbs.pbs_terminate def totpool(*args): return _pbs.totpool(*args) totpool = _pbs.totpool def usepool(*args): return _pbs.usepool(*args) usepool = _pbs.usepool def openrm(*args): return _pbs.openrm(*args) openrm = _pbs.openrm def closerm(*args): return _pbs.closerm(*args) closerm = _pbs.closerm def downrm(*args): return _pbs.downrm(*args) downrm = _pbs.downrm def configrm(*args): return _pbs.configrm(*args) configrm = _pbs.configrm def addreq(*args): return _pbs.addreq(*args) addreq = _pbs.addreq def allreq(*args): return _pbs.allreq(*args) allreq = _pbs.allreq def getreq(*args): return _pbs.getreq(*args) getreq = _pbs.getreq def flushreq(): return _pbs.flushreq() flushreq = _pbs.flushreq def activereq(): return _pbs.activereq() activereq = _pbs.activereq def fullresp(*args): return _pbs.fullresp(*args) fullresp = _pbs.fullresp LOG_BUF_SIZE = _pbs.LOG_BUF_SIZE LOG_EMERG = _pbs.LOG_EMERG LOG_ALERT = _pbs.LOG_ALERT LOG_CRIT = _pbs.LOG_CRIT LOG_ERR = _pbs.LOG_ERR LOG_WARNING = _pbs.LOG_WARNING LOG_NOTICE = _pbs.LOG_NOTICE LOG_INFO = _pbs.LOG_INFO LOG_DEBUG = _pbs.LOG_DEBUG def log_close(*args): return _pbs.log_close(*args) log_close = _pbs.log_close def log_err(*args): return _pbs.log_err(*args) log_err = _pbs.log_err def log_event(*args): return _pbs.log_event(*args) log_event = _pbs.log_event def log_open(*args): return _pbs.log_open(*args) log_open = _pbs.log_open def log_record(*args): return _pbs.log_record(*args) log_record = _pbs.log_record def log_roll(*args): return _pbs.log_roll(*args) log_roll = _pbs.log_roll def log_size(): return _pbs.log_size() log_size = _pbs.log_size def chk_file_sec(*args): return _pbs.chk_file_sec(*args) chk_file_sec = _pbs.chk_file_sec def setup_env(*args): return _pbs.setup_env(*args) setup_env = _pbs.setup_env PBSEVENT_ERROR = _pbs.PBSEVENT_ERROR PBSEVENT_SYSTEM = _pbs.PBSEVENT_SYSTEM PBSEVENT_ADMIN = _pbs.PBSEVENT_ADMIN PBSEVENT_JOB = _pbs.PBSEVENT_JOB PBSEVENT_JOB_USAGE = _pbs.PBSEVENT_JOB_USAGE PBSEVENT_SECURITY = _pbs.PBSEVENT_SECURITY PBSEVENT_SCHED = _pbs.PBSEVENT_SCHED PBSEVENT_DEBUG = _pbs.PBSEVENT_DEBUG PBSEVENT_DEBUG2 = _pbs.PBSEVENT_DEBUG2 PBSEVENT_FORCE = _pbs.PBSEVENT_FORCE PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER PBS_EVENTCLASS_QUEUE = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_QUEUE PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB PBS_EVENTCLASS_REQUEST = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_REQUEST PBS_EVENTCLASS_FILE = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_FILE PBS_EVENTCLASS_ACCT = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_ACCT PBS_EVENTCLASS_NODE = _pbs.PBS_EVENTCLASS_NODE PBSEVENT_MASK = _pbs.PBSEVENT_MASK MAX_PATH_LEN = _pbs.MAX_PATH_LEN SECS_PER_DAY = _pbs.SECS_PER_DAY TRUE = _pbs.TRUE FALSE = _pbs.FALSE # PBS python interface # Author: Bas van der Vlies # Date : 27 Feb 2002 # Desc. : This is python wrapper class for getting the resource # mom values. # # CVS info # $Id: resmom.py,v 1.6 2002/10/21 14:14:47 sscpbas Exp $ # $Date: 2002/10/21 14:14:47 $ # $Revision: 1.6 $ # import string import types # Default linux resources to get from the mom # default_linux_res = [ "availmem", # available memory size in KB "ideal_load", # static ideal_load value "loadave", # the current load average "max_load", # static max_load value "ncpus", # number of cpus "physmem", # physical memory size in KB "resi", # resident memory size for a pid or session in KB "totmem", # total memory size in KB "walltime", # wall clock time for a pid ] # Default irix6 resources to get from the mom # default_irix6_res = [ "availmem", # available memory size in KB "loadave", # the current load average "ncpus", # number of cpus "physmem", # physical memory size in KB "resi", # resident memory size for a pid or session in KB "walltime", # wall clock time for a pid "quota", # quota information (sizes in KB) ] default_mom_res = [ "arch", # the architecture of the machine "uname", # the architecture of the machine "cput", # cpu time for a pid or session "idletime", # seconds of idle time "mem", # memory size for a pid or session in KB "sessions", # list of sessions in the system "pids", # list of pids in a session "nsessions", # number of sessions in the system "nusers", # number of users in the system "size", # size of a file or filesystem "host", # Name of host on which job should be run "nodes", # Number and/or type of nodes to be reserved for exclusive use by the job "other", # Allows a user to specify site specific information "software", # Allows a user to specify software required by the job ] def check_resp(dict, str): """ Check the daemon response. If we have no permission to query the values then we got a 'None' response. Else if we supplied a keyword that does not exits we get a '?' response """ if not str: return ## Value can contain the '=' char :-( # l = string.split(str, '=') key = string.strip(l[0]) if len(l) > 2: val = string.strip( '='.join(l[1:]) ) else: val = string.strip(l[1]) key = string.strip(key) val = string.strip(val) # Did we got a valid response # if not val[0] == '?': dict[key] = val def use_default_keywords(id, d): """ Get the default values from the mom daemon """ for res in default_mom_res: addreq(id, res) resp = getreq(id) check_resp(d, resp) # Do not proceed if we have an empty dictionary # if not d: return if d['arch' ] == 'linux': for res in default_linux_res: addreq(id, res) resp = getreq(id) check_resp(d, resp) def use_user_keywords(id, d, l): for res in l: if type(res) is types.StringType: addreq(id, res) resp = getreq(id) check_resp(d, resp) else: raise TypeError, 'Expected a string got %s :%s' %(type(res), res) def get_mom_values(id, list = None): """ This function will query the mom with a default resmon keywords and 'arch' depended keywords. Supported archs are: linux irix6 User can also supply their own list of keywords as second parameter. arguments: id : connection number with mom daemon on a node list : optional parameter. If supplied then use this. A list of mom keywords. """ d = {} if not list: use_default_keywords(id, d) else: use_user_keywords(id, d , list) return d version_info = ( 4, 4, 0 ) version = 'SARA pbs_python version 4.4.0' # A useful dict with error codes to text # # SVN Info: # $Id: errors.py 429 2005-11-04 13:59:06Z bas $ # errors_txt = { 0 : 'no error', 15001 : 'Unknown Job Identifier', 15002 : 'Undefined Attribute', 15003 : 'attempt to set READ ONLY attribute', 15004 : 'Invalid request', 15005 : 'Unknown batch request', 15006 : 'Too many submit retries', 15007 : 'No permission', 15008 : 'access from host not allowed', 15009 : 'job already exists', 15010 : 'system error occurred', 15011 : 'internal server error occurred', 15012 : 'parent job of dependent in rte que', 15013 : 'unknown signal name', 15014 : 'bad attribute value', 15015 : 'Cannot modify attrib in run state', 15016 : 'request invalid for job state', 15018 : 'Unknown queue name', 15019 : 'Invalid Credential in request', 15020 : 'Expired Credential in request', 15021 : 'Queue not enabled', 15022 : 'No access permission for queue', 15023 : 'Bad user - no password entry', 15024 : 'Max hop count exceeded', 15025 : 'Queue already exists', 15026 : 'incompatable queue attribute type', 15027 : 'Queue Busy (not empty)', 15028 : 'Queue name too long', 15029 : 'Feature', 15030 : 'Cannot enable queue,needs add def', 15031 : 'Protocol (ASN.1) error', 15032 : 'Bad attribute list structure', 15033 : 'No free connections', 15034 : 'No server to connect to', 15035 : 'Unknown resource', 15036 : 'Job exceeds Queue resource limits', 15037 : 'No Default Queue Defined', 15038 : 'Job Not Rerunnable', 15039 : 'Route rejected by all destinations', 15040 : 'Time in Route Queue Expired', 15041 : 'Request to MOM failed', 15042 : '(qsub) cannot access script file', 15043 : 'Stage In of files failed', 15044 : 'Resources temporarily unavailable', 15045 : 'Bad Group specified', 15046 : 'Max number of jobs in queue', 15047 : 'Checkpoint Busy, may be retries', 15048 : 'Limit exceeds allowable', 15049 : 'Bad Account attribute value', 15050 : 'Job already in exit state', 15051 : 'Job files not copied', 15052 : 'unknown job id after clean init', 15053 : 'No Master in Sync Set', 15054 : 'Invalid dependency', 15055 : 'Duplicate entry in List', 15056 : 'Bad DIS based Request Protocol', 15057 : 'cannot execute there', 15058 : 'sister rejected', 15059 : 'sister could not communicate', 15060 : 'req rejected -server shutting down', 15061 : 'not all tasks could checkpoint', 15062 : 'Named node is not in the list', 15063 : 'node-attribute not recognized', 15064 : 'Server has no node list', 15065 : 'Node name is too big', 15066 : 'Node name already exists', 15067 : 'Bad node-attribute value', 15068 : 'State values are mutually exclusive', 15069 : 'Error(s) during global modification of nodes', 15070 : 'could not contact Mom', 15071 : 'no time-shared nodes', 15201 : 'resource unknown', 15202 : 'parameter could not be used', 15203 : 'a parameter needed did not exist', 15204 : "something specified didn't exist", 15205 : 'a system error occured', 15206 : 'only part of reservation made' } def error(): """ Check if there is an error, if so fetch the error message string. It says more then a number! """ e = get_error() if errors_txt.has_key(e): return (e, errors_txt[e]) else: return (e, "Could not find a text for this error, uhhh") cvar = _pbs.cvar