#! /usr/bin/env python # # This version of pbsmon is base on the new_rack_pbsmon.py # # Authors: # Bas van der Vlies # Dennis Stam # # SVN Info: # $Id: new_rack_pbsmon.py 294 2013-05-16 06:56:59Z dennis $ # $URL$ # """ specifying hostnames: To specify a range use the [] to indicate a range, a couple of examples: The first five nodes of rack 16 - gb-r16n[1-5] The first five nodes and node 12 and 18 of rack 16 to 20 - gb-r[16-20]n[1-5,12,18] The first five nodes de in rack 16 with padding enabled - gb-r[16]n[01-5] The ranges ([]) are not only limited to numbers, letters can also be used. """ import sys import re import re import types import pbs from PBSQuery import PBSQuery from PBSQuery import PBSError # Remark: When both are True, extended view is being printed PRINT_TABLE = True PRINT_EXTENDED = False # Which nodes must be skipped EXCLUDE_NODES = [ 'login' ] # Some global OPTS OPT_SKIP_EMPTY_RACKS = True OPT_SERVERNAME = None ## Begin: TABLE view opts # A node has the following syntax gb-r10n10 # r10 is rack name -> skip one char --> gives us rack number = 10 # n10 is node name -> skip one char --> gives us node number = 10 # Then we have to set these variables to determine automatically the # number of nodes and racks # NODE_EXPR = "r(?P[0-9]+)n(?P[0-9]+)" START_RACK = 1 ## End: TABLE view opts ## Begin: EXTENDED view opts LENGTH_NODE = 0 LENGTH_STATE = 0 EXTENDED_PATTERNS = { 'header' : ' %-*s | %-*s | %s', 'row': ' %-*s | %-*s | %s', 'line': ' %s', 'line_char': '-', } ## End: EXTENDED view opts pbs_ND_single = 'job (single)' pbs_ND_total = 'total' pbs_ND_free_serial = 'free serial' pbs_ND_free_parallel = 'free parallel' PBS_STATES = { pbs.ND_free : '_', pbs.ND_down : 'X', pbs.ND_offline : '.', pbs.ND_reserve : 'R', pbs.ND_job_exclusive : 'J', pbs.ND_job_sharing : 'S', pbs.ND_busy : '*', pbs.ND_state_unknown : '?', pbs.ND_timeshared : 'T', pbs.ND_cluster : 'C', pbs_ND_single : 'j', pbs_ND_free_serial : '_', pbs_ND_free_parallel : '_', pbs_ND_total : ' ' } #### ## Rewriting the print function, so it will work with all versions of Python def _print(*args, **kwargs): '''A wrapper function to make the functionality for the print function the same for Python2.4 and higher''' ## First try if we are running in Python3 and higher try: Print = eval('print') Print(*args, **kwargs) except SyntaxError: ## Then Python2.6 and Python2.7 try: D = dict() exec('from __future__ import print_function\np=print', D) D['p'](*args, **kwargs) del D ## Finally Python2.5 or lower except SyntaxError: del D fout = kwargs.get('file', sys.stdout) write = fout.write if args: write(str(args[0])) sep = kwargs.get('sep', ' ') for arg in args[1:]: write(sep) write(str(a)) write(kwargs.get('end', '\n')) ## Import argparse here, as I need the _print function try: import argparse except ImportError: _print('Cannot find argparse module', file=sys.stderror) sys.exit(1) #### ## BEGIN functions for hostrange parsing def l_range(start, end): '''The equivalent for the range function, but then with letters, uses the ord function''' start = ord(start) end = ord(end) rlist = list() ## A ord number must be between 96 (a == 97) and 122 (z == 122) if start < 96 or start > 122 and end < 96 or end > 122: raise Exception('You can only use letters a to z') ## If start is greater then end, then the range is invalid elif start > end: raise Exception('The first letter must be smaller then the second one') ## Just revert the ord number to the char for letter in range(start, end + 1): rlist.append(chr(letter)) return rlist def return_range(string): '''This function will return the possible values for the given ranges''' ## First check if the first char is valid if string.startswith(',') or string.startswith('-'): raise Exception('Given pattern is invalid, you can\'t use , and - at the beginning') numbers_chars = list() equal_width_length = 0 ## First splitup the sections (divided by ,) for section in string.split(','): ## Within a section you can have a range, max two values chars = section.split('-') if len(chars) == 2: ## When range is a digit, simply use the range function if chars[0].isdigit() and chars[1].isdigit(): ## Owke, check for equal_width_length if chars[0][0] == '0' or chars[1][0] == '0': if len(chars[0]) >= len(chars[1]): equal_width_length = len(chars[0]) else: equal_width_length = len(chars[1]) ## Don't forget the +1 numbers_chars += range(int(chars[0]), int(chars[1])+1) ## If one of the two is a digit, raise an exceptio elif chars[0].isdigit() or chars[1].isdigit(): raise Exception('I can\'t combine integers with letters, change your range please') ## Else use the l_range else: numbers_chars += l_range(chars[0], chars[1]) else: ## If the value of the section is a integer value, check if it has a 0 if section.isdigit() and section[0] == '0': if len(section) > equal_width_length: equal_width_length = len(section) numbers_chars.append(section) ## if the equal_width length is greater then 0, rebuild the list ## 01, 02, 03, ... 10 if equal_width_length > 0: tmp_list = list() for number_char in numbers_chars: if type(number_char) is types.IntType or number_char.isdigit(): tmp_list.append('%0*d' % ( equal_width_length, int(number_char))) else: tmp_list.append(number_char) numbers_chars = tmp_list return numbers_chars def product(*args, **kwargs): '''Taken from the python docs, does the same as itertools.product, but this also works for py2.5''' pools = map(tuple, args) * kwargs.get('repeat', 1) result = [[]] for pool in pools: result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool] for prod in result: yield tuple(prod) def parse_args(args): rlist = list() for arg in args: parts = re.findall(HOSTRANGE, arg) if parts: ## create a formatter string, sub the matched patternn with %s string_format = re.sub(HOSTRANGE, '%s', arg) ranges = list() ## detect the ranges in the parts for part in parts: ranges.append(return_range(part)) ## produce the hostnames for combination in product(*ranges): rlist.append(string_format % combination) else: rlist.append(arg) return rlist ## END functions for hostrange parsing #### def sanitize_jobs( jobs ): ljobs = list() for job in jobs: ljobs.extend( re.findall( r'[0-9]+\/([0-9]+)\.*.', job ) ) return list( set( ljobs ) ) def parse_nodename( nodename ): global NODE_EXPR parts = re.search( r'%s' % NODE_EXPR, nodename, re.VERBOSE ) try: racknr = parts.group( 'racknr' ) except Exception: racknr = 0 try: nodenr = parts.group( 'nodenr' ) except Exception: nodenr = 0 return int( racknr ), int( nodenr ) def get_nodes( racknode=False, hosts=None ): global LENGTH_NODE global LENGTH_STATE global OPT_SERVERNAME nodes_dict = dict() try: if not OPT_SERVERNAME: p = PBSQuery() else: p = PBSQuery( OPT_SERVERNAME ) except PBSError, reason: _print('Error: %s' % reason) sys.exit( -1 ) p.new_data_structure() attr = [ 'state', 'jobs', 'properties' ] try: nodes = p.getnodes( attr ) except PBSError, reason: _print('Error: %s' % reason) sys.exit( -1 ) number_of_racks = 0 nodes_per_rack = 0 hosts_list = list() for node, attr in nodes.items(): if node in EXCLUDE_NODES: continue if hosts and node not in hosts: continue if pbs.ND_down in attr.state: state = pbs.ND_down else: state = attr.state[ 0 ] state_char = PBS_STATES[ state ] if attr.is_free() and attr.has_job(): state = pbs.ND_busy state_char = PBS_STATES[ pbs_ND_single ] if not nodes_dict.has_key( node ): nodes_dict[ node ] = dict() # Setting the longest lenght if len( node ) > LENGTH_NODE: LENGTH_NODE = len( node ) if len( state ) > LENGTH_STATE: LENGTH_STATE = len( state ) if racknode: racknr, nodenr = parse_nodename( node ) if racknr > number_of_racks: number_of_racks = racknr if nodenr > nodes_per_rack: nodes_per_rack = nodenr if not nodes_dict.has_key( racknr ): nodes_dict[ racknr ] = dict() if not nodes_dict[ racknr ].has_key( nodenr ): nodes_dict[ racknr ][ nodenr ] = dict() nodes_dict[ racknr ][ nodenr ][ 'state_char' ] = state_char nodes_dict[ racknr ][ nodenr ][ 'state' ] = state if attr.has_key( 'jobs' ): nodes_dict[ racknr ][ nodenr ][ 'jobs' ] = sanitize_jobs( attr.jobs ) else: nodes_dict[ racknr ][ nodenr ][ 'jobs' ] = [] else: hosts_list.append( node ) nodes_dict[ node ][ 'state_char' ] = state_char nodes_dict[ node ][ 'state' ] = state if attr.has_key( 'jobs' ): nodes_dict[ node ][ 'jobs' ] = sanitize_jobs( attr.jobs ) else: nodes_dict[ node ][ 'jobs' ] = [] if not racknode: return nodes_dict, hosts_list return nodes_dict, number_of_racks, nodes_per_rack def _generate_index( str ): index = [] def _append( fragment, alist=index ): if fragment.isdigit(): fragment = int( fragment ) alist.append( fragment ) prev_isdigit = str[0].isdigit() current_fragment = '' for char in str: curr_isdigit = char.isdigit() if curr_isdigit == prev_isdigit: current_fragment += char else: _append( current_fragment ) current_fragment = char prev_isdigit = curr_isdigit _append( current_fragment ) return tuple( index ) def real_sort( inlist ): indices = map(_generate_index, inlist ) decorated = zip( indices, inlist ) decorated.sort() return [ item for index, item in decorated ] def print_table(): global START_RACK global OPT_SKIP_EMPTY_RACKS nodes, racknr, nodenr = get_nodes( True ) ## Code herebelow has been taken from the new_rack_pbsmon.py save_column = None _print() _print(' ', end=' ') for rack in xrange( START_RACK, racknr + 1 ): if not ( rack % 10 ): char = '%d' % ( rack / 10 ) save_column = char else: char = ' ' if OPT_SKIP_EMPTY_RACKS: if nodes.has_key( rack ): if save_column: char = save_column save_column = None _print(char, end=' ') else: _print(char, end=' ') _print() _print(' ', end=' ') for rack in xrange( START_RACK, racknr + 1 ): char = rack % 10 if OPT_SKIP_EMPTY_RACKS: if nodes.has_key( rack ): _print(char, end=' ') else: _print(char, end=' ') _print() for node in xrange( 1, nodenr + 1 ): _print('%2d' % node, end=' ') for rack in xrange( START_RACK, racknr + 1 ): if OPT_SKIP_EMPTY_RACKS: if not nodes.has_key( rack ): continue try: _print(nodes[ rack ][ node ][ 'state_char' ], end=' ') except KeyError: _print(' ', end=' ') _print() _print() def print_table_summary(): global PBS_STATES global OPT_SERVERNAME try: if not OPT_SERVERNAME: p = PBSQuery() else: p = PBSQuery( OPT_SERVERNAME ) except PBSError, reason: _print('error: %s' % reason) sys.exit(-1) # get the state of the nodes attr = [ 'state', 'jobs', 'properties' ] try: nodes = p.getnodes(attr) except PBSError, reason: _print('error: %s' % reason) sys.exit(-1) node_dict = {} count_states = {} for key in PBS_STATES.keys(): count_states[key] = 0 for nodename, node in nodes.items(): # Skip login nodes in status display # if not nodename.find('login'): continue state = node['state'][ 0 ] state_char = PBS_STATES[state] count_states[state] += 1 count_states[pbs_ND_total] += 1 if node.is_free(): # can happen for single CPU jobs if node.has_job(): # _print('TD: %s' % nodename, node) state_char = PBS_STATES[pbs_ND_single] count_states[pbs.ND_free] -= 1 count_states[pbs_ND_single] += 1 else: if 'infiniband' in node['properties']: count_states[pbs_ND_free_parallel] += 1 elif 'ifiniband' in node['properties']: count_states[pbs_ND_free_serial] += 1 #else: # count_states[pbs_ND_free_serial] += 1 # print_('TD: %s %s' % (nodename, state_char)) dummy = nodename.split('-') if len( dummy ) > 1: node_dict[dummy[1]] = state_char else: node_dict[dummy[0]] = state_char legend = PBS_STATES.keys() legend.sort() n = 0 for state in legend: _print(' %s %-13s : %-5d' % (PBS_STATES[state], state, count_states[state]), end=' ') n = n + 1 if not (n & 1): _print() def print_extended( hosts=None ): global LENGTH_NODE global LENGTH_STATE global EXTENDED_PATTERNS nodes, ihosts = get_nodes( hosts=hosts ) row_header = EXTENDED_PATTERNS[ 'header' ] % ( ( LENGTH_NODE + 2 ), 'Node', ( LENGTH_STATE + 2 ), 'State', 'Jobs' ) LENGTH_ROW = len( row_header ) rows_str = list() ihosts = real_sort( ihosts ) for node in ihosts: attr = nodes[ node ] row_str = EXTENDED_PATTERNS[ 'row' ] % ( ( LENGTH_NODE + 2 ), node, ( LENGTH_STATE + 2 ), attr[ 'state' ], ','.join( attr[ 'jobs' ] ) ) if len( row_str ) > LENGTH_ROW: LENGTH_ROW = len( row_str ) rows_str.append( row_str ) _print() _print(row_header) _print(EXTENDED_PATTERNS[ 'line' ] % ( EXTENDED_PATTERNS[ 'line_char' ] * LENGTH_ROW )) _print('\n'.join( rows_str )) _print() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=__doc__, ) parser.add_argument('nodes', metavar='NODES', nargs='*', type=str) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--table", dest="table", action="store_true", help="Show an table", default=PRINT_TABLE ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--list", dest="extended", action="store_true", help="Show node rows with state and jobinfo", default=PRINT_EXTENDED ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--summary", dest="summary", action="store_true", help="Display a short summary", default=False ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", dest="summary", action="store_true", help="Display a short summary" ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--wide", dest="wide", action="store_true", help="Wide display for node status ( only when -t is used )" ) parser.add_argument( "-S", "--servername", dest="servername", help="Change the default servername", default=None ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.nodes: args.nodes = parse_args(args.nodes) if args.servername: OPT_SERVERNAME = args.servername if args.wide: OPT_SKIP_EMPTY_RACKS = False if args.nodes: args.extended = True if args.extended and PRINT_TABLE: args.table = False if args.table and PRINT_EXTENDED: args.extended = False if args.extended: print_extended( args.nodes ) elif args.table: print_table() else: _print('Something is wrong, bye!', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit( -1 ) if args.summary: print_table_summary()