#!@PYTHON@ # # Author: Dennis Stam # Date : 6th of September 2012 # # Tested with Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 (should work for 3.0, 3.1, 3.2) # sara_nodes uses the module argparse ## The documenation, is shown when you type --help from __future__ import print_function HELP_DESCRIPTION = '''This program is a great example what you can achieve with the pbs_python wrapper. You can use sara_nodes to change the state of a machine to offline with a reason. Several information is stored in the nodes note attribute. Information such as; date added, date last change, the username, ticket number (handy when you wan't to reference to an issue in your tracking system) and the message.''' HELP_EPILOG = '''The format argument uses the Python string formatting. Fields that can be used are; nodename, state, date_add, date_edit, username, ticket and note. For example sara_nodes -f '%(nodename)s;%(state)s' ''' ## This variable is used to sort by basename SPLIT_SORT = r'r\d+n\d+' ## This RE pattern is used for the hostrange HOSTRANGE = r'\[([0-9az\-,]+)\]' ## Which states are allowed to show in the print_overview ALLOWED_STATES = set(['down', 'offline', 'unknown']) import pbs import PBSQuery import re import sys import time import getpass import types ## Use the cli arguments to change the values ARGS_QUIET = False ARGS_VERBOSE = False ARGS_DRYRUN = False ## Import argparse here, as I need the print function try: import argparse except ImportError: print('Cannot find argparse module', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) #### ## BEGIN functions for hostrange parsing def l_range(start, end): '''The equivalent for the range function, but then with letters, uses the ord function''' start = ord(start) end = ord(end) rlist = list() ## A ord number must be between 96 (a == 97) and 122 (z == 122) if start < 96 or start > 122 and end < 96 or end > 122: raise Exception('You can only use letters a to z') ## If start is greater then end, then the range is invalid elif start > end: raise Exception('The letters must be in alphabetical order') ## Just revert the ord number to the char for letter in range(start, end + 1): rlist.append(chr(letter)) return rlist def return_range(string): '''This function will return the possible values for the given ranges''' ## First check if the first char is valid if string.startswith(',') or string.startswith('-'): raise Exception('Given pattern is invalid, you can\'t use , and - at the beginning') numbers_chars = list() equal_width_length = 0 ## First splitup the sections (divided by ,) for section in string.split(','): ## Within a section you can have a range, max two values chars = section.split('-') if len(chars) == 2: ## When range is a digit, simply use the range function if chars[0].isdigit() and chars[1].isdigit(): ## Owke, check for equal_width_length if chars[0][0] == '0' or chars[1][0] == '0': if len(chars[0]) >= len(chars[1]): equal_width_length = len(chars[0]) else: equal_width_length = len(chars[1]) ## Don't forget the +1 numbers_chars += range(int(chars[0]), int(chars[1])+1) ## If one of the two is a digit, raise an exception elif chars[0].isdigit() or chars[1].isdigit(): raise Exception('I can\'t combine integers with letters, change your range please') ## Else use the l_range else: numbers_chars += l_range(chars[0], chars[1]) else: ## If the value of the section is a integer value, check if it has a 0 if section.isdigit() and section[0] == '0': if len(section) > equal_width_length: equal_width_length = len(section) numbers_chars.append(section) ## if the equal_width length is greater then 0, rebuild the list ## 01, 02, 03, ... 10 if equal_width_length > 0: tmp_list = list() for number_char in numbers_chars: if type(number_char) is types.IntType or number_char.isdigit(): tmp_list.append('%0*d' % ( equal_width_length, int(number_char))) else: tmp_list.append(number_char) numbers_chars = tmp_list return numbers_chars def product(*args, **kwargs): '''Taken from the python docs, does the same as itertools.product, but this also works for py2.5''' pools = map(tuple, args) * kwargs.get('repeat', 1) result = [[]] for pool in pools: result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool] for prod in result: yield tuple(prod) def parse_args(args): rlist = list() for arg in args: parts = re.findall(HOSTRANGE, arg) if parts: ## create a formatter string, sub the matched patternn with %s string_format = re.sub(HOSTRANGE, '%s', arg) ranges = list() ## detect the ranges in the parts for part in parts: ranges.append(return_range(part)) ## produce the hostnames for combination in product(*ranges): rlist.append(string_format % combination) else: rlist.append(arg) return rlist def get_nodes(jobs): p = PBSQuery.PBSQuery() nodes = list() for job in jobs: exec_hosts = p.getjob(job, ['exec_host']) if not exec_hosts or 'exec_host' not in exec_hosts: continue for exec_host in exec_hosts['exec_host'][0].split('+'): hostname = exec_host.split('/')[0] if hostname not in nodes: nodes.append(hostname) return nodes ## END functions for hostrange parsing #### #### ## BEGIN functions for printing def _generate_index(string): '''Is used to generate a index, this way we can also sort nummeric values in a string''' return [ int(y) if y.isdigit() else y for y in re.split(r'(\d+)', string) ] def print_get_nodes(hosts=None): '''This function retrieves the information from your batch environment''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_get_nodes input:%s' % str(hosts), file=sys.stderr) ## there are 2 possible filters, by hostname, or by state pbsq = PBSQuery.PBSQuery() split_1 = dict() split_2 = dict() if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_get_nodes fetching node information', file=sys.stderr) ## We ask from the batch all nodes, and with the properties state and note for host, properties in pbsq.getnodes(['state', 'note']).items(): do_host = None ## Check if the current host matches our criterium (given with the arguments ## or has the allowed state) if hosts and host in hosts: do_host = host elif not hosts: ## Do a intersection on both set's, if there is a match, then the host is allowed if bool(ALLOWED_STATES.intersection(set(properties.state))): do_host = host ## when we have a do_host (means matches our criterium) then sort ## them by basename if do_host: if SPLIT_SORT and re.findall(SPLIT_SORT, do_host): split_1[host] = properties else: split_2[host] = properties if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_get_nodes returning values', file=sys.stderr) return split_1, split_2 def print_process_dict(dictin): '''This function processes the data from the batch system and make it for all hosts the same layout''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_process_dict input:%s' % str(dictin), file=sys.stderr) lineprint = list() if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_process_dict processing data', file=sys.stderr) ## Generate a list containing a dictionary, so we can use the stringformatting functionality ## of Python, fieldnames are: nodename, date_edit, date_add, username, ticket, note ## Replaced real_sort with sorted, this means from 50 lines of code to 3 for host in sorted(dictin.keys(), key=_generate_index): add_dict = dict() add_dict['nodename'] = host ## Glue the state list with a , add_dict['state'] = ", ".join(dictin[host]['state'] if dictin[host].has_key('state') else []) ## Check if the given host has a note note = dictin[host]['note'] if dictin[host].has_key('note') else [] if len(note) > 3: add_dict['date_add'] = note[0] add_dict['date_edit'] = note[1] add_dict['username'] = note[2] if note[3].isdigit(): add_dict['ticket'] = note[3] add_dict['note'] = ",".join(note[4:]) else: add_dict['ticket'] = "" add_dict['note'] = ",".join(note[3:]) ## Create an extra date field, combined for date_edit and date_add if add_dict['date_add'] and add_dict['date_edit']: add_dict['date'] = '%s, %s' % (add_dict['date_add'], add_dict['date_edit']) elif add_dict['date_add']: add_dict['date'] = add_dict['date_add'] else: add_dict['date'] = None elif len(note) == 1: ## There is a note but not set by admin add_dict['date'] = add_dict['date_add'] = add_dict['date_edit'] = add_dict['username'] = add_dict['ticket'] = '' add_dict['note'] = ",".join(note) else: ## If there is no note, just set the variables with a empty string add_dict['date'] = add_dict['date_add'] = add_dict['date_edit'] = add_dict['username'] = add_dict['ticket'] = add_dict['note'] = '' lineprint.append(add_dict) if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_process_dict returning values', file=sys.stderr) return lineprint def print_create_list(values): tmp_list = list() for pair in values: tmp_list.append('%-*s' % tuple(pair)) return tmp_list def print_overview_normal(hosts=None): '''Print the default overview''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:print_overview_normal input:%s' % str(hosts), file=sys.stderr) ## Determine some default values for the column width w_nodename = 8 w_state = 5 w_date = w_username = w_ticket = w_note = w_date_add = w_date_edit = 0 ## Get the data, make it one list, the rest first then the matched matched, rest = print_get_nodes(hosts) print_list = print_process_dict(rest) print_list.extend(print_process_dict(matched)) ## Detect the max width for the columns for line in print_list: if line['nodename'] and len(line['nodename']) > w_nodename: w_nodename = len(line['nodename']) if line['state'] and len(line['state']) > w_state: w_state = len(line['state']) if line['date'] and len(line['date']) > w_date: w_date = len(line['date']) if line['date_add'] and len(line['date_add']) > w_date_add: w_date_add = len(line['date_add']) if line['date_edit'] and len(line['date_edit']) > w_date_edit: w_date_edit = len(line['date_edit']) if line['username'] and len(line['username']) > w_username: w_username = len(line['username']) if line['ticket'] and len(line['ticket']) > w_ticket: w_ticket = len(line['ticket'].strip()) if line['note'] and len(line['note']) > w_note: w_note = len(line['note']) ## The length of the full note w_notefull = w_date + w_username + w_ticket + w_note if not ARGS_QUIET: show_fields = [ [w_nodename, 'Nodename'], [w_state, 'State'], ] if w_date > 0: show_fields.append([w_date_add,'Added']) show_fields.append([w_date_edit,'Modified']) show_fields.append([w_username,'User']) if w_ticket > 0: if w_ticket < 6: w_ticket = 6 show_fields.append([w_ticket,'Ticket']) if w_date > 0 or w_note > 0: show_fields.append([w_note,'Note']) print(' %s' % ' | '.join(print_create_list(show_fields))) print('+'.join([ '-' * (show_field[0]+2) for show_field in show_fields ])) ## Show the information to the user for line in print_list: show_line_fields = [ [w_nodename, line['nodename']], [w_state, line['state']], ] if w_date > 0: show_line_fields.append([w_date_add,line['date_add']]) show_line_fields.append([w_date_edit,line['date_edit']]) show_line_fields.append([w_username,line['username']]) if line['ticket'].strip(): show_line_fields.append([w_ticket,'#' + line['ticket']]) elif w_ticket > 0: show_line_fields.append([w_ticket,'']) if w_date > 0 or w_note > 0: show_line_fields.append([w_note,line['note']]) print(' %s' % ' | '.join(print_create_list(show_line_fields))) def print_overview_format(hosts=None, format=None): '''Print the information in a certain format, when you want to use it in a different program''' matched, rest = print_get_nodes(hosts) print_list = print_process_dict(rest) print_list.extend(print_process_dict(matched)) for line in print_list: print(format % line) ## END functions for printing #### class SaraNodes(object): '''This class is used to communicate with the batch server''' ticket = None def _get_current_notes(self, nodes): '''A function to retrieve the current message''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_get_current_notes input:%s' % str(nodes), file=sys.stderr) pbsq = PBSQuery.PBSQuery() rdict = dict() ## We are only intereseted in the note for node, properties in pbsq.getnodes(['note']).items(): if node in nodes and properties.has_key('note'): rdict[node] = properties['note'] return rdict def _get_curdate(self): '''Returns the current time''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_get_curdate', file=sys.stderr) return time.strftime('%d-%m %H:%M', time.localtime()) def _get_uid(self, prev_uid=None): '''Get the username''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_get_uid input:%s' % prev_uid, file=sys.stderr) cur_uid = getpass.getuser() if prev_uid and cur_uid == 'root': return prev_uid return cur_uid def _get_ticket(self, prev_ticket=None): '''Check if we already have a ticket number''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_get_ticket input:%s' % prev_ticket, file=sys.stderr) cur_ticket = '%s' % self.ticket if prev_ticket and cur_ticket == prev_ticket: return prev_ticket elif self.ticket: return cur_ticket elif self.ticket in ['c','clear','N',]: return '' elif prev_ticket: return prev_ticket return '' def _generate_note(self, nodes=None, note=None, append=True): '''Generates the node in a specific format''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_generate_note input:%s,%s,%s' % (str(nodes), note, str(append)), file=sys.stderr) ## First step, is to get the current info of a host cur_data = self._get_current_notes(nodes) rdict = dict() for node in nodes: date_add = date_edit = username = ticket = nnote = None if node in cur_data.keys(): date_add = cur_data[node][0] date_edit = self._get_curdate() username = self._get_uid(cur_data[node][2]) ticket = self._get_ticket(cur_data[node][3]) nnote = ",".join(cur_data[node][4:]) else: date_add = date_edit = self._get_curdate() username = self._get_uid() ticket = self._get_ticket() nnote = None if nnote and append and note: nnote = '%s, %s' % (nnote, note) elif note: nnote = note rdict[node] = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (date_add, date_edit, username, ticket, nnote) return rdict def do_offline(self, nodes, note): '''Change the state of node(s) to offline with a specific note''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:do_offline input:%s,%s' % (str(nodes), note), file=sys.stderr) attributes = pbs.new_attropl(2) attributes[0].name = pbs.ATTR_NODE_state attributes[0].value = 'offline' attributes[0].op = pbs.SET attributes[1].name = pbs.ATTR_NODE_note attributes[1].op = pbs.SET batch_list = list() ## again a loop, now create the attrib dict list for node, note in self._generate_note(nodes, note).items(): attributes[1].value = note batch_list.append(tuple([node, attributes])) self._process(batch_list) def do_clear(self, nodes): '''Clear the state on a node(s) to down, also clear the note''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:do_clear input:%s' % str(nodes), file=sys.stderr) attributes = pbs.new_attropl(2) attributes[0].name = pbs.ATTR_NODE_state attributes[0].value = 'down' attributes[0].op = pbs.SET attributes[1].name = pbs.ATTR_NODE_note attributes[1].op = pbs.SET attributes[1].value = '' batch_list = list() ## again a loop, now create the attrib dict list for node in nodes: batch_list.append(tuple([node, attributes])) self._process(batch_list) def do_modify(self, nodes, note): '''Modify the note on a node, override the previous note''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:do_modify input:%s,%s' % (str(nodes), note), file=sys.stderr) attributes = pbs.new_attropl(1) attributes[0].name = pbs.ATTR_NODE_note attributes[0].op = pbs.SET batch_list = list() ## again a loop, now create the attrib dict list for node, note in self._generate_note(nodes, note, append=False).items(): attributes[0].value = note batch_list.append(tuple([node, attributes])) self._process(batch_list) def do_clear_note(self, nodes): '''Clear the note on the node(s)''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:do_clear_note input:%s' % str(nodes), file=sys.stderr) attributes = pbs.new_attropl(1) attributes[0].name = pbs.ATTR_NODE_note attributes[0].op = pbs.SET attributes[0].value = '' batch_list = list() ## again a loop, now create the attrib dict list for node in nodes: batch_list.append(tuple([node, attributes])) self._process(batch_list) def _process(self, batch_list): '''This function execute the change to the batch server''' if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_process input:%s' % str(batch_list), file=sys.stderr) ## Always get the pbs_server name, even in dry-run mode pbs_server = pbs.pbs_default() if not pbs_server: print('Could not locate a pbs server', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('class:SaraNodes func:_process pbs_server:%s' % pbs_server, file=sys.stderr) ## If dry-run is not specified create a connection if not ARGS_DRYRUN: pbs_connection = pbs.pbs_connect(pbs_server) ## Execute the changes for node in batch_list: if not ARGS_DRYRUN: pbs_connection = pbs.pbs_connect(pbs_server) rcode = pbs.pbs_manager(pbs_connection, pbs.MGR_CMD_SET, pbs.MGR_OBJ_NODE, node[0], node[1], 'NULL') if rcode > 0: errno, text = pbs.error() print('PBS error for node \'%s\': %s (%s)' % (node[0], text, errno), file=sys.stderr) else: print("pbs.pbs_manager(pbs_connection, pbs.MGR_CMD_SET, pbs.MGR_OBJ_NODE, %s, %s, 'NULL')" % (node[0], str(node[1]))) ## Close the connection with the batch system if not ARGS_DRYRUN: pbs.pbs_disconnect(pbs_connection) if __name__ == '__main__': ## The arguments of sara_nodes parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=HELP_DESCRIPTION, epilog=HELP_EPILOG, ) parser.add_argument('nodes', metavar='NODES', nargs='*', type=str) parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', action='store_true', help='use job id\'s instead of nodenames') parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', action='store_true', help='enables verbose mode') parser.add_argument('-n','--dry-run', action='store_true', help='enables dry-run mode') parser.add_argument('-q','--quiet', action='store_true', help='enables to supress all feedback') parser.add_argument('-o','--offline', metavar='NOTE', help='change state to offline with message') parser.add_argument('-m','--modify', metavar='NOTE', help='change the message of a node') parser.add_argument('-c','--clear', action='store_true', help='change the state to down') parser.add_argument('-N','--clear-note', action='store_true', help='clear the message of a node') parser.add_argument('-f','--format', metavar='FORMAT', help='change the output of sara_nodes (see footer of --help)') parser.add_argument('-t','--ticket', metavar='TICKET', type=int, help='add a ticket number to a node') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=pbs.version) ## Parse the arguments args = parser.parse_args() ## The options quiet, verbose and dry-run are processed first if args.quiet: ARGS_QUIET = True if args.verbose: ARGS_VERBOSE = True if args.dry_run: ARGS_DRYRUN = ARGS_VERBOSE = True if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ checking type of operation', file=sys.stderr) if args.nodes and args.jobs: args.nodes = get_nodes(args.nodes) elif args.nodes: args.nodes = parse_args(args.nodes) ## If offline, modify, clear, clear_note or ticket then initiate the SaraNodes class if args.offline or args.modify or args.clear or args.clear_note or args.ticket: if not args.nodes: print('You did not specify any nodes, see --help', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) sn = SaraNodes() if args.ticket: sn.ticket = args.ticket if args.offline: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call sn.do_offline', file=sys.stderr) sn.do_offline(args.nodes, args.offline) elif args.modify: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call sn.do_modify', file=sys.stderr) sn.do_modify(args.nodes, args.modify) elif args.clear: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call sn.do_clear', file=sys.stderr) sn.do_clear(args.nodes) elif args.clear_note: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call sn.do_clear_note', file=sys.stderr) sn.do_clear_note(args.nodes) elif args.ticket: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call sn.do_modify') sn.do_offline(args.nodes, '') else: if ARGS_DRYRUN: print('Dry-run is not available when we use PBSQuery', file=sys.stderr) if args.format: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call print_overview_format', file=sys.stderr) print_overview_format(args.nodes, args.format) else: if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ call print_overview_normal', file=sys.stderr) print_overview_normal(args.nodes) if ARGS_VERBOSE: print('func:__main__ exit', file=sys.stderr)