#! /usr/bin/env python # # pbsmon WJ104 # # Hint: set ts=4 # import os import sys import string import pbs NODES_PER_RACK = 19 N_RACKS = 15 pbs_ND_single = 'job (single)' PBS_STATES = { pbs.ND_free : '_', pbs.ND_down : 'X', pbs.ND_offline : '.', pbs.ND_reserve : 'R', pbs.ND_job_exclusive : 'J', pbs.ND_job_sharing : 'S', pbs.ND_busy : '*', pbs.ND_state_unknown : '?', pbs.ND_timeshared : 'T', pbs.ND_cluster : 'C', pbs_ND_single : 'j' } def pbsmon(): global NODES_PER_RACK, N_RACKS, PBS_STATES if len(sys.argv) > 1: pbs_server = sys.argv[1] else: pbs_server = pbs.pbs_default() if not pbs_server: print 'No default pbs server, usage: %s [server]' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) con = pbs.pbs_connect(pbs_server) if con < 0: errno, text = pbs.error() print errno, text sys.exit(1) # get the state of the nodes attrl = pbs.new_attrl(2) attrl[0].name = 'state' attrl[1].name = 'jobs' nodes = pbs.pbs_statnode(con, '', attrl, 'NULL') node_dict = {} count_states = {} for key in PBS_STATES.keys(): count_states[key] = 0 for node in nodes: node_attr = node.attribs temp = string.split(node_attr[0].value, ',') state = temp[0] state_char = PBS_STATES[state] count_states[state] = count_states[state] + 1 if state == pbs.ND_free: if len(node_attr) > 1: # print 'TD: %s' % node.name, node_attr[1] state_char = PBS_STATES[pbs_ND_single] count_states[pbs.ND_free] = count_states[pbs.ND_free] - 1 count_states[pbs_ND_single] = count_states[pbs_ND_single] + 1 # print 'TD: %s %s' % (node.name, state_char) node_dict[node.name] = state_char legend = PBS_STATES.keys() legend.sort() # print nodes with gb-r%dn%d naming scheme print ' ', for rack in xrange(1, N_RACKS+1): print '%2d' % rack, print for node_nr in xrange(1, NODES_PER_RACK+1): print '%2d' % node_nr, for rack in xrange(1, N_RACKS+1): node_name = 'gb-r%dn%d' % (rack, node_nr) if node_dict.has_key(node_name): print ' %s' % node_dict[node_name], del node_dict[node_name] else: print ' ', if node_nr-1 < len(legend): state = legend[node_nr-1] print ' %s %-13s : %d' % (PBS_STATES[state], state, count_states[state]) else: print print # any other nodes? arr = node_dict.keys() if arr: arr.sort() for node in arr: print '%s %s' % (node, node_dict[node]) print # n = 0 # for state in legend: # print '%s %-13s : %-3d ' % (PBS_STATES[state], state, count_states[state]), # n = n + 1 # if n > 1: # n = 0 # print if __name__ == '__main__': pbsmon() # EOB