[[ShowPath]] = PBS_HOLDJOB = Issue a batch request to place a hold upon a job. {{{ result = pbs.pbs_holdjob(c, job_id, hold_type, extend) }}} = In = c:: Connection id job_id:: Identifies which job is to be deleted, it is specified in the form: sequence_number.server hold_type:: The parameter, hold_type, contains the type of hold to be applied. The possible values are (default is 'u'): 1. "u" : Available to the owner of the job, the batch operator and the batch administrator. 1. "o" : Available to the batch operator and the batch administrator. 1. "s" : Available only to the batch administrator. extend:: The parameter, extend, is reserved for implementation defined extensions. For now extend="NULL" == Out == result:: If non-zero then an error has occured.