[[ShowPath]] = PBS_MANAGER = Issue a batch request to perform administration functions at a server. With this request server objects such as queues can be created and deleted, and have their attributes set and unset. {{{ result = pbs.pbs_manager(c, command, object_type, object_name, attropl, externd) }}} c:: Connection id command:: specifies the operation to be performed: * pbs.MGR_CMD_CREATE * pbs.MGR_CMD_DELETE * pbs.MGR_CMD_SET * pbs.MGR_CMD_UNSET object_type:: declares the type of object upon which the command operates: * pbs.MGR_OBJ_SERVER * pbs.MGR_OBJ_QUEUE object_name:: the name of the specific object [wiki:TorqueUsage/DataTypes/Attropl attropl]:: Contains instructions what to do on a queue or node [[BR]] extend:: The parameter, extend, is reserved for implementation defined extensions. For now ''extend="NULL"'' == Out == result:: If non-zero then an error has occured == Example == Add the property gigabit to node named ''gb-r1n1'': {{{ #!python attropl = pbs.new_attropl(1) attropl[0].name = 'properties' attropl[0].value = 'gigabit' attropl[0].op = pbs.INCR r = pbs.pbs_manager(con, pbs.MGR_CMD_SET, pbs.MGR_OBJ_NODE, 'gb-r1n1', attropl, 'NULL') }}}