
Version 1 (modified by bas, 18 years ago) (diff)



Issue a batch request to move a job to a new destination. The job is removed from the present queue and instantiated in a new queue.

result = pbs.pbs_movejob(c, job_id, destination, extend)



Connection id.


Identifies which job is to be moved; it is specified in the form: sequence_number.server


Specifies the new destination for the job. It is specified as: [queue][@server]. If destination='NULL', the destination will be the default queue at the current server. If destination specifies a queue but not a server, the destination will be the named queue at the current server. If destination specifies a server but not a queue, the destination will be the default queue at the named server. If destination specifies both a queue and a server, the destination is that queue at that server.


The parameter, extend, is reserved for implementation defined extensions. For now extend="NULL"


If non-zero an error has occured