[[ShowPath]] = PBS_STATQUE = Get queue information from batch system: {{{ queues = pbs.pbs_statque(c, id, attrl, extend) }}} == In == c:: Connection id id:: queue_name or a empty string. If queue_name is specified, the status of the queue named queue_name at the server will be returned. If the id is an empty string, the status of all queues at the server will be returned. [wiki:TorqueUsage/DataTypes/Atrrl attrl]:: If attrl list is given, then only the attributes in the list are returned by the server. Otherwise all the attributes of a queue are returned. All paramaters then specify ''attrl = "NULL"'' extend:: The parameter, extend, is reserved for implementation defined extensions. For now ''extend="NULL"'' == Out == [wiki:TorqueUsage/DataTypes/Batch_status queues]:: Queue info