[[ShowPath]] [[PageOutline]] = Welcome to pbs_python pages = The ''pbs_python'' package is a wrappper class for the [http://www.clusterresources.com/pages/products/torque-resource-manager.php Torque C library]. With this package you now can write utilities/extensions in Python instead of C. We developed this package because we want to replace ''xpbsmon'' by an ascii version named ''pbsmon''. I have configured this system for the following tasks: * Submit problems via [report:1 ticket system] or via email to mailto:pbs_python@subtrac.sara.nl pbs_python emailing list] * Can checkout the sources via subversion: * svn co https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/svn/pbs_python/tags, for the ''stable'' sources * svn co https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/svn/pbs_python/trunk for the latest source * Everybody can add or change documentation. We can describe how to install and make use of this package * [wiki:TorqueInstallation Installation] * [wiki:TorqueUsage Usage] The generation of the wrapper code is taken care by [http://www.swig.org swig]. Only the generated source is include i For the moment people can do the following: * submit problems via [report:1 ticket system] or via email to [mailto:pbs_python@subtrac.sara.nl pbs_python email list] * download [source:tags stable releases] * view or download the [source:trunk latest release] * change or add documentation * add examples == Documentation ==