Here follow some basic installations instructions. To activate the 'pxeconfigd' daemon the following actions are required: 1) edit '/etc/services', eg: pxeconfigd 10000/tcp # pxe config daemon 2) edit '/etc/inetd.conf', eg pxeconfigd stream tcp nowait root.sys /usr/sbin/tcpd \ /usr/sara/sbin/pxeconfigd NOTE: the pxeconfigd can only be started from inetd!!! 3) kill -1 `pidof inetd` (Linux) 4) You can test it by: telnet localhost pxeconfigd (or port number) output: Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. ip =, hex = 7F000001 file = /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/7F000001 Connection closed by foreign host. In syslog a line will be added if the removal is succesful: Feb 20 09:32:40 test pxeconfigd: /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/7F000001 4) As you can see '/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/' is the default directory. If you placed the config files some where else you can add the '-d/--directory' option, eg: pxeconfigd stream tcp nowait root.sys /usr/sbin/tcpd \ /usr/sara/sbin/pxeconfigd -d /// If the daemon works and you want to install/reinstall a node a link must be placed in the '/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg' directory. This can be done with the 'pxeconfig' utility. This utility will ask some question and make the links for you. The utility require the following setup: 1) All the pxe configuration files must start with preamble 'default.' In this distribution two examples are included. Pxeconfig lets the user decide witch 'default.' config file to use. 2) If default is a link to for example default.harddisk. Then default.harddisk is not included in the list where the user can choose from. 3) You can give command line switch to specifiy where the pxe config files reside: pxeconfig -d /// The last utility is 'hexls'. This utility will display the hex pxe config file with the corresponding ip-addres. To activate this on a client you must add the this line to the 'master' script of the node. It will remove the pxe config file for the node on the bootserver. I personally place the line just before the network interface will be brought down: # Remove the file from the pxelinux.cfg directory. # So the client will boot from disk # telnet $IMAGESERVER 10000 Commens or Suggestions mail them to: Bas van der Vlies for more info about SARA