[[ShowPath]] [[PageOutline]] = Building Instructions = Here some instructions to build SALI from source. To checkout the source: * svn https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/sali/svn/trunk sali_trunk Our building environment is: * Debian squeeze (amd64) * SLES 11 (IBM PowerPC) See [wiki:SaliUsedPrograms here] an overview of the software packages used by Sali. == Debian == * `cd sali_trunk` * Now install the require debian packages: {{{ ./tools/debian_packages.sh }}} * `./configure` * The following command will fetch. patch, configure and build the packages. The packages will be fetch from ''ftp.sara.nl''. It will take some time to finish this process: {{{ make build }}} * Now build a tarball. This can be easily copied to your installation host {{{ make tarball }}} * On our debian amd64 environment and SALI version 1.5.0. The following tarball is being produced: {{{ sali-x86_64-1.5.0.tar.gz }}} == SLES == Same as Debian build. Only you have to execute the following command to install the required packages: {{{ tools/sles_packages.sh }}} == Creating a bootable CD/DVD/usb == During these steps we assume you have unpacked the sali-x86_64-1.5.7.tar.gz in /tmp. So we have all SALI files under /tmp/sali-1.5.7. === Generate the iso hybrid file === {{{ cd /tmp/sali-1.5.7 ./bootdisk/sali_create_bootdisk CREATING A SALI ISO IMAGE I: -input-charset not specified, using iso-8859-1 (detected in locale settings) Using ISOLI000.SVN;1 for /tmp/sali-1.5.7/bootdisk/isolinux/.svn/text-base/isolinux.cfg.svn-base (isolinux.bin.svn-base) Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation 34.11% done, estimate finish Fri Feb 1 16:13:42 2013 68.09% done, estimate finish Fri Feb 1 16:13:42 2013 Total translation table size: 2048 Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0 Total directory bytes: 22528 Path table size(bytes): 170 Max brk space used 1a000 14689 extents written (28 MB) CONVERTING IMAGE TO HYBRID IMAGE done ISO IMAGE HAS BEEN STORED TO /tmp/sali-1.5.7/sali-x86_64--hybrid.iso }}} The created iso can be burned by your favorite software to a cd. Or you can use the dd utility to make a bootable USB disk {{{ dd if=/tmp/sali-1.5.7/sali-x86_64--hybrid.iso of=/tmp/sdb bs=8192k }}} Assuming your USB disk is not mounted and is available at /dev/sdb === Add custom boot entries to the cd === Adjust the file isolinux/isolinux.cfg to your needs to start installation via rsync or bittorrent. Some examples herebelow to generate a custom bootable SALI cd/dvd/usb. If you open the isolinux/isolinux.cfg you can add your custom entries between the comment lines 'BEGIN HERE' and 'END HERE' As an example we choose for the image amd64_squeeze_lisa Installation via rsync: {{{ label install_lisa_squeeze menu label Install LISA squeeze via rsync kernel /kernel/kernel append /images/initrd.img PROTOCOL=rsync GRUB2=yes SCRIPTNAME=amd64_squeeze_lisa VERBOSE_LEVEL=2 rw }}} Installation via bittorrent {{{ label install_lisa_squeeze_torrent menu label Install LISA squeeze via bittorrent kernel /kernel/kernel append /images/initrd.img PROTOCOL=bittorrent GRUB2=yes SCRIPTNAME=amd64_squeeze_lisa VERBOSE_LEVEL=2 rw }}} NOTE 1:: If you dont have your dhcp configured with sali-imageserver option, you must add IMAGESERVER= on the append line. NOTE 2:: If the name of the image is different from the scriptname add variable IMAGENAME= to the append line Finally run the command sali_create_bootdisk from the bootdisk directory.