Custom Query (332 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 332)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#130 fixed ticket owner, version and milestone for new ticket bas steve


great tool, thanks! Would it be possible to add functionality to parse the header for owner,version and milestone information of the new ticket.

For example a header (subject-line) may look like: Ticketname?owner=steve&version=0.1&milestone=1

Would be a great feature i think ;-)

#131 fixed AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'collapse_rfc2231_value' bas otto@…


i tried to install email2trac. But while trying

email2trac < mail.txt 
TD: new_ticket
user_dict[summary] =
user_dict[reporter] =
user_dict[owner] =
user_dict[description] =
user_dict[type] = defect
user_dict[status] =
user_dict[priority] = major
user_dict[milestone] =
user_dict[component] = test
user_dict[version] = 2.00
user_dict[keywords] =
user_dict[cc] =
TD: Message part: Content-Type: text/plain
TD:               Inline body part
TD: saving email to /tmp/tmpLj7jjn.email2trac

i got the following message in syslog an no ticked has been created:

Apr  6 17:25:52 web2 email2trac: Traceback (most recent call last):
Apr  6 17:25:52 web2 email2trac:   File "/usr/local/bin/email2trac", line 1564, in ?     tktparser.parse(sys.stdin)
Apr  6 17:25:52 web2 email2trac:   File "/usr/local/bin/email2trac", line 981, in parse     self.new_ticket(m, spam_msg)
Apr  6 17:25:52 web2 email2trac:   File "/usr/local/bin/email2trac", line 799, in new_ticket     message_parts = self.get_message_parts(msg)
Apr  6 17:25:52 web2 email2trac:   File "/usr/local/bin/email2trac", line 1136, in get_message_parts     format = email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(part.get_param('Format', 'fixed')).lower()
Apr  6 17:25:52 web2 email2trac: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'collapse_rfc2231_value'

/tmp/tmp2pskyA.email2trac shows the same content as the mail.

some idea on it?

#132 fixed Just keep the latest replied message in email to the description of ticket bas dsu@…

There can be many replied message (replied by some members of email loop) in email, when I send this email to Trac, all the replied message will be in description of ticket. How can I just keep the latest replied message in email to the description of new / updated ticket ? By the way, when I send email to submit Trac ticket, there seems redundant attachment named "untitled-part.html" in created ticket, how can it be removed ?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.